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Comment Re:Passwords (Score 1) 438

If I had the magic bullet I would have fired it long ago buddy.

I do know that we expend a considerable amount of resources effectively getting one half of the population to guard the other - managers in the workplace, police officers in the streets, prison guards etc. So there's a loss of productivity there.

We also live in small nuclear families and miss out on many economies of scale that could be possible if we lived in larger groups. Heating, food, transportation costs, bandwidth, basically everything that's important.

Comment Re:Computer that happens to be a phone (Score 1) 438

It's called 'Problem - Reaction - Solution';

" You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a "patsy," as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people—"This can't go on; what are THEY going to do about it?"

This allows THEM to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created—new legislation which advances their agenda of centralisation of global power or the erosion of more basic freedoms. "

-- David Icke

Comment Re:Computer that happens to be a phone (Score 1) 438

As a slashdot member I find that last comment somewhat offensive. I have been harrassed by police for the type of clothes I'm wearing and the type of car I'm driving.

As a cannabis user I live under the daily (but distant) threat of being pulled over and drug tested and failing if I've smoked in the last few weeks.

The police are most definitely not out to protect my interests. In fact most of the relations I have had with police are due to disagreements between what non-violent acts should be considered illegal. Until the current generation of lawmakers dies out and are replaced by rational, critical thinking people I think the police will have a hard time cultivating a good public image. Unfortunately for them, and for me, the next generation of crusty old bastards are well on their way to becoming that.

Comment Re:Stop the war on drugs (Score 2) 250

Dave, basically all of the negative behaviours you associate with drug users are consequences of prohibition rather than drug use itself.

Your friend is going to prison because she broke a law that only exists to enable the prohibition of drugs. She probably did it to pay for her habit, and the only reason the drugs cost more than a can of coke is because the prices are controlled by black market forces.

I'm guessing she is also feeling pretty isolated after everyone in her life that thinks like you has written her off because the thing she likes to do happens to be illegal at this time in your country. You sir, are a bad friend.

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