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Comment Re:It was obviously doomed (Score 1) 130

The other issue is consistency, sometimes you can use voice in the menus, sometimes you can't, and it seems unable to understand my kids at all, which is very frustrating for them.
And one in the games there are different ways to select menu items etc. if there was a standard API of gursturs that woul make more sense. The kinnect gets much less use than I expected by the kids.

Comment Re:im certain (Score 1) 269

I like what Charlie Stross says about piracy on his ebooks. I paraphrase as I dont have the actual quote handy "I'd rather the book be pirated and read by millions rather than die unread behind a paywall"
He has also said for every book he gives away, it generate sales of that book, and all his other books many times over.

Comment Re:im certain (Score 1) 269

I download illegal copies of a lot of movies, but this month alone I have gone to the cinema to see MIB 3, the Lorax, Avengers and will go to see Prometheus next week when it comes out. For me and my Family, thats over $160 gone into the movie market, becasue that is a service I dont mind paying for. I'd also buy DRM free movies if they were sold here (or at all), but then I would have to go to the movies less. My money supply is not bottomless, but is finite. If I spend $30 on a download in iTunes, thats one less movie I will take the family to at the cinema.

Comment Re:Both sides as bad? (Score 1) 269

Exactly, under Fair Use, I am allowed to rip copies of my own DVDs for personal use. I can then store that file where ever the hell I want to. How is someone going to tell my personal use RIP from an identical copy on TPB, or on MegaUpload once the Feds get through with it. However as child porn possesion is illegal, I could be in the shit if found in my possession, where I ripped it from a DVD I won or not 8)

Comment Re:I'd like a pony while we're at it. (Score 1) 269

The only hard thing about cutting the cord is finding legal content. However, how come all the power of Hollywood can't workout how to make a buck selling a service like "TVShows" and Plex all bundled together?
How do I get a new show now? I hear some buzz on a social network about an upcoming show, so I just subscribe to it on TVShows. It appears when ready and is downloaded automatically. Plex server then indexes it and it shows up in my unwatched or recent items in Plex frontent (on my phone, on my ipad, on my mac media centre, on my widows laptop etc), which I can then watch on just about any screen I own, anywhere on the planet where I can find the bandwidth.

Because if the way the torrents work, its not a huge internaltional load, because there are so many local peers. I would pay for this service if it was legal, and I could keep using whatever players I like, not having to use a prescribed TV box, or only a certain OS or tablet, in a certain country.

Comment Re:Interesting technology (Score 5, Informative) 601

1: use encrypted peers
2: use a block list to avoid contacting known tainted peers.
3: if the torrents go down, resume downloading via usenet binary forums
4: continual attacks on the open Internet will just drive it into a new darknet.
The signal wants to be free 8)
And I 100% agree with the oatmeal. If they would sell it to me DRM free, I'd buy it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
