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Comment There are technical solutions... (Score 3, Insightful) 1388

The first is bullet IDs -- you pack the propellant with very small ID tagged glitter. Bullet fires, glitter covers the ground. Crime scene people carry equipment to find and trace the ID numbers. This has been proof-of-concepted years ago.

The second is tracking for ammo sales. You buy ammo? It gets logged, every damn bullet.

The third is liability for your ammo. If you own ammo, you are liable for the results. Regular gun owners get an ammo safe, which is cheap and sensible precaution in any case. If you're a trafficker? You now have a problem.

Important to note: ammo has a shelf life of a few years. Within a decade, culpability for gun crimes could be much more transparent.

Comment Re:Great Deal (Score 1) 308

Context matters. Having lived in a mountain town, we went to our 2-screen cinema all the time. I saw some truly unlikely movies, because there weren't that many other options to get out of the house in the evening. Now that I'm in a city, I see a movie maybe once a year.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 5, Insightful) 82

Actually, it doesn't. That's a powerful incentive to start companies and build products, even if the results get incorporated (or not) into a dreadnaught like Google after four years. Venture funding banks on this, and the freely flowing spigot of VC money built most of the stuff I currently use.

Comment I don't see the story. (Score 2) 218

GitHub allows creators to determine what license to publish under. The license is disclosed to downloaders. Some of it is under an open license. Some of it isn't.

"Is this code using a license compatible to my project?" is a pretty normal thing to ask before dropping something into your work.

Personally, I like having access to look at source on closed projects - projects I wouldn't otherwise have access to. You can learn stuff even if you don't copy/paste working code.

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