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Submission + - IBM Measure Force Required To Move Atoms (ibm.com)

Tjeerd writes: "IBM scientists, in collaboration with the University of Regensburg in Germany, are the first ever to measure the force it takes to move individual atoms on a surface. This fundamental measurement provides important information for designing future atomic-scale devices: computer chips, miniaturized storage devices, and more. An animation of their research can be viewed on Youtube."

Submission + - Scientists capture first 3D image of a streamer (arxivblog.com)

KentuckyFC writes: "Streamers are the whispy electronic filaments that feel their way towards the ground in the fraction of a second before a lightning strike. They are also seen in nature as sprites, giant electronic discharges that sit 100 kilometres or so above active thunderstorms. Various scientists have captured ordinary 2D pictures of streamers. But now a group in the Netherlands have created the first 3D image of a streamer allowing its structure to be fully analysed for the first time.That could be handy because streamers may be useful in various upcoming applications such as ozone generation, bio fuel processing and plasma assisted combustion (abstract on the physics arXiv)."

Submission + - Pakistan blocks YouTube for 'blasphemous' content

An anonymous reader writes: Pakistan has ordered all Internet service providers to block the YouTube website for containing "blasphemous" content and material considered offensive to Islam, officials said Sunday. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/080224/world/denmark_media_islam_pakistan_internet_youtube

An inter-ministerial committee has decided to block YouTube because it contained "blasphemous content, videos and documents," a government official told AFP

Submission + - SPAM: Animal dung and climate change

Roland Piquepaille writes: "As it is Sunday, it's time for a light story. According to a Northern Arizona University (NAU) news release, Jim Read is one of the world's foremost authorities on animal dung. In Been there, dung that, Mead says that 'although I don't think anyone is keeping track, I suspect we have the largest comparative animal dung collection in the world. If someone needs to identify dung, they send it to me.' And by analyzing the thousands of dung pieces in his collection, he has been able to detect the environmental changes that took place on the Colorado Plateau during the last 100,000 years. But read more for additional details and references."
Input Devices

Submission + - Why are remotes still a usability nightmare?

mecenday writes: My mom can run her Mac better than her entertainment system. It doesn't make any sense. Why is it that in 2008 most people are still struggling with at least three remotes? Why do I have 4 generically labeled video inputs on my TV? Ditto for the sound system... and why are they still offered to me whether or not a device is connected. Why are remote controls so overloaded with buttons when the trend in interface design is toward fewer elements?

After all these years components still can't talk to eachother. I should be able to just put a DVD in the player, the player should tell the TV it has a new disc, and the TV should ask me whether I want to play it, and if I say yes it should tell the sound system we're now pulling from the DVD player.

I know that entertainment companies have difficulty arriving at standards — Bluray v HDDVD. But we don't even see two competing standards here, and it seems like better integration would be such a killer feature. Why can't these companies come together to create standards, so I don't have to learn a whole new system every time I go to a friend's house?

Also, get off my lawn. ;)

Submission + - Prince, Village People to sue The Pirate Bay (thelocal.se)

castrox writes: YMCA to all! It appears the long since famous artists Prince and The Village people are getting ready to sue The Pirate Bay, if only they can figure out who to sue.

The Local:

Sandberg has been hired on behalf of the US musicians by British law firm Web Sheriff, which wants to claim "several million dollars" in damages in both Sweden and the United States, he said.
It's unclear how many tracks of Prince and Village People are being swapped via TPB at this moment. They are to seek damages nonetheless, of course..

Pirate Bay spokesman Peter Sunde told The Local that Giacobbi [Web Sheriff president] had "no clue" what he was doing but that he was welcome to try to sue the file sharing site.
You might remember TPB taunting Web Sheriff multiple times in their much appreciated legal threats section.


Submission + - Full Lunar Eclipse for the Americas on Wednesday (nasa.gov)

KingArthur10 writes: "It will be the last lunar eclipse until December 2010, and it should be spectacular. Shades of turquoise and red will pour over the moon's surface as the it moves into the Earth's shadow around 8:43pm EST. As NASA reports: 'Transiting the shadow's core takes about an hour. The first hints of red appear around 10 pm EST (7 pm PST), heralding a profusion of coppery hues that roll across the Moon's surface enveloping every crater, mountain and moon rock, only to fade away again after 11 pm EST (8 pm PST). No special filter or telescope is required to see this spectacular event. It is a bright and leisurely display visible from cities and countryside alike. While you're watching, be alert for another color: turquoise. Observers of several recent lunar eclipses have reported a flash of turquoise bracketing the red of totality.....The source of the turquoise is ozone.' So, all of your amateur astronomers need to get out there and take pictures. If you have amazing, share them on sites like SpaceWeather or Flickr so that our Asian, European, African, and Australian brethren can witness the sight as well."

The Wasted Life of an Anteater Expert 2

samzenpus writes "Many people reach a point in their lives when they realize what they have done doesn't really matter or at least could be done by someone else just as well if not better. This anteater expert has reached that point."

Phishing Group Caught Stealing From Other Phishers 129

An anonymous reader writes "Netcraft has written about a website offering free phishing kits with one ironic twist — they all contain backdoors to steal stolen credentials from the fraudsters that deploy them. Deliberately deceptive code inside the kits means that script kiddies are unlikely to realize that any captured credit card numbers also end up getting sent to the people who made the phishing kits. The same group was also responsible for another backdoored phishing kit used against Bank of America earlier this month."

Asteroid Missions May Replace Lunar Base Plans 237

An anonymous reader alerts us to a story about efforts to modify the United States' space exploration plans to focus on asteroid missions rather than a lunar base. Scientists, astronauts, and former NASA division directors will be meeting next month to develop an alternative to the Bush administration's Vision for Space Exploration. We have previously discussed the possibility of a manned asteroid mission. Quoting: "Numerous planetary managers told Aviation Week & Space Technology they now fear a manned Moon base and even shorter sorties to the Moon will bog down the space program for decades and inhibit, rather than facilitate, manned Mars operations--the ultimate goal of both the Bush and alternative visions. The first lunar sortie would be flown by about 2020 under the Bush plan. If alternative-vision planners have their way, the mission could instead be flown to an asteroid in about 2025."

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