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Comment Re:check out the college?? (Score 1) 335

for fun you can write a program to find minimum spanning trees to get to class faster....or you could just party all summer bro! The thing is, if you don't party enough before you are old you won't be as well rounded as someone who just codes all day. Also, other experiences in life give you insights to problems that need solving. Enrich you life.

Comment Re:Not wave (Score 0) 314

It was an ill defined mish mosh.

I think the problem with Wave was that it did too many things in the same place. You have to deconstruct the features of email to then put them back together. Not just make some silly collaborative bulletin board. Email is hired for various features: messaging, sharing files, storing files, advertisement, etc. All these happen in the same place in a not-so-pretty format. When taken apart you can see that Wave should have tried to meet these features if replacing email was the desire.

A lot of people have been hiring Facebook messaging to replace the messaging in email. This shows that distilling the features works. For example, I use Google+ and Facebook messaging for direct communications with friends and Dropbox for file sharing and storage. The problem I think is that these features are too separate. And messaging on a social network is out of context for work or business.

ok end rambling.

Comment Re:As long as... (Score 1) 314

Well, in the way that Wave was centralized it would be nice if there was a package like that where you host it on your own servers. So secure data would stay in the company system. And in the event of an audit, the company would have an easier time hiding evidence of illegal activity, instead of going after the employee inbox. I think that is a feature Google can never provide!

Really I feel like the problems with email are that people use it for too many things at the same time. Sending messages, sending html formatted mailers, sending files, storing files, etc. If those were separated out into separate tools, even if they were in the same package, would be best. Though, this is for a more Intranet style setup.

Email is nice because it is ubiquitous. You can send emails to everyone from anywhere. The clients that read emails could be better designed to make emails less ugly as hell though. Because of this I can understand why so many people communicate through Facebook. It distills the messaging portion of email in to clean easy to view messages.

I dunno, there are still a lot of aspects to think about.

Comment Re:Meet the Internet (Score 1) 224

telling the industry to adapt or die is futile. They don't give two shits about what we think they should do. The part you say about the Internet as not "view only" is pretty interesting though. Or at least puts into words something I had in my mind. The reason the industry does not seem to be getting it is because of fundamental misunderstandings of the very nature of the Internet not just being two-way but N-way connections.

Comment Re:A week? (Score 1) 1004

When the production quality of Internet based entertainment reaches a certain threshold then, and only then, will the entrenched corporations react. Real competition causes change. The film/tv business relies on it's monopoly of distribution and content to enforce it's will. The Internet is the place that this can change. New shows and media on the net are actually starting to show promise but it is nowhere near what it needs to be.

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