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Comment Re:The human factor (Score 1) 618

Similar to this, my dad thought he was being smart by buying an $85 power cable with a keyed 'on-off' switch in it. The failing, however, was that we were very much a computer operating household and had dozens of regular power cables lying about. I switched a regular one in, left it there when I was done for my brother to use. Sometimes the keyed power cable would be back in place, and we'd just swap it out again. It was rather insultingly naive, and eventually it was thrown over the fence out back.

Comment Re:Yes I Do Want (Score 1) 213

Funnily enough theres a literature example of that. Persons with nanotechnologic eye implants in The Diamond Age are frequently hacked to show spam and advertisements at all waking hours, even when trying to sleep. Its cited as the biggest reason they aren't very popular.

I suppose contact lenses with much the same function wouldn't be so hard to be rid of in such a case though.

Comment Re:May I be the first one to say (Score 1) 262

Sticks and Stones man. If these words could kill it'd be another issue. Explicatives and slang have now become casual english.

It still takes the same amount of care and discretion as applying salt to food; everyone has their own tastes. California could try to ban salt, even with true health concerns, but that won't stop anyone from cooking with it.

Comment Security of the inept. (Score 1) 512

Security has become enough of a concern for Final Fantasy XI players that browser recommendations and plugin advice abounds on almost every site and forum anymore. Years of playtime lost to a compromised account can go for months before being restored by Square-Enix.

Security became enough of a concern that one enigmatic third-party developer has banned IE6 users from his site for their own protection (IE6 accesses redirect to that page), because even his own site has been hijacked, exploited, and injected with iFrames and scripts to steal credentials and push keylogging and hijacking methods.

I think the standard response to users of IE6 not being able to access pages when the security of their own browser is more important to them than they know is 'Tough Shit'.

Comment Re:Still gonna suck. (Score 1) 589

By your mention of 'unfilmable' I could pose that Watchmen was considered unfilmable on the same virtues of complexity and such. The Watchmen movie gets the same treatment now as the 1984 Dune movie; the visuals are perfect, but the acting and script fail to convey the entirety of the source material.

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