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Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

First, I claim that the quotes you provided are not anti-capitalist. If you agree, don't reply to this point, and we'll be done with it.

I've made perfectly clear that I don't agree and that further discussion of this point is useless. We can't talk about trees when you insist that oaks have teeth and walk around at night. I told you days ago to feel free to believe what you want. You can no longer claim ignorance. But who cares?

Second, I claim that capitalism is more successful than other economic systems at accomplishing some of Christianity's most important goals such as being kind to the poor, due to its historical success at elevating the poor out of poverty and raising standards of living.

And as long as you are free to define capitalism as any system that has been successful, I guess you're right. But in the real world, capitalism sucks at being kind to the poor so it gets tempered with some socialist pieces to help. Or a lot of socialist pieces, like your example of Denmark.

Third, I claim that because of that positive claim and the lack of claims AGAINST capitalism being compatible with Christianity, capitalism IS compatible with traditional Christianity and one does not have to choose between being a "good Christian" and a "good capitalist." In other words, the typical Christian duties like being kind to the poor can be fulfilled by an individual living in a capitalist society without violating the few principles of capitalism that direct personal behavior.

Yet another moving target. Absolutely, an individual living in a capitalist society can follow typical Christian duties. That is not the same as Jesus being a capitalist.

That being said, there is an important semantic difference between "would" and "did". "Would" is present tense, conditional. It describes a hypothetical situation taking place in the present. "Did" is past tense, indicative. It describes what someone, well, DID in the past....I warn you though that semantics are important and if you continue to slip up about stuff like did vs would which have very different meanings, I will continue to point out your errors. Read more carefully.

This section is a great example at just what a mammoth waste of time this has been. You are an idiot and I'm done hoping that you have some capability for rational discourse.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

Yes! I never said he was a capitalist, or that anything in the Bible would support capitalism. => So yeah.. What Would Jesus Do? Impose communist bullshit and make half the world starve... or embrace capitalism

If the nits that you wish to pick are that you said he WOULD embrace capitalism rather than he IS a capitalist, then you're arguing semantics that don't exist. This whole discussion has become pointless.

In that first post, you in fact DID claim that his support for an economic system existed and was supported by text in the Bible.

No, I didn't. This is a lie. Or perhaps I'm assuming too much and you are simply failing at logical reasoning. You seem to think that my argument against your position is an explicit advancement of what you see as your negative position. Therefore, if I'm arguing against your claim that Jesus would embrace capitalism, I'm obviously saying that Jesus was a communist or at least made clear his support for some other economic system. This is a fallacy.

You did not name the economic system in your claim, though the implication was that he was anti-capitalist

Ahh, and here we are again. If I say I don't believe in the Christian God nor their religious dogma, does that automatically make me an atheist? Does it make me a Muslim? Can you use my statement to show I support any particular religion? Of course not. I claimed that Jesus's words, as reflected in the Christian Bible, do not show him as a capitalist. Simple. The first half of your latest post is wasted; you're trying to build a strawman.

When called on it, you attempted to produce quotes that support your claim, but they did not. Your quotes did not speak to ANY economic system and did not answer my question of Jesus's theoretical modern support of capitalism vs communism in the slightest.

Because the only way to know which economic system Jesus would be more likely to support is if he explicitly expounded upon the pros and cons of the various options? And if that is your position, how the hell did you decide that he would embrace capitalism? In your simplistic view, capitalism is good and communism is bad; Jesus was a good guy; therefore, Jesus would embrace capitalism and shun communism. End of story.

You are the one who took the conversation to the actual text of the Bible and what Jesus supposedly said about capitalism...

So yeah.. What Would Jesus Do? Impose communist bullshit and make half the world starve... or embrace capitalism.. You're claiming those aren't your words? Or, do you mean that I challenged your comment so that makes me responsible for the conversation? Interesting view either way.

...which turned out to be totally unfounded, because the quotes had nothing to do with capitalism or any other economic system, as I suspected initially.

Your responses made obvious that a letter addressed to you, from Jesus, clearly laying out his objections to capitalism, would have been waved away as insufficient. Seriously, I wasted very little time on that part of the conversation because it was clear you had no interest in reasonable discussion.

Do you know what defines socialism...I agree with you that Denmark is one of the "most socialist nations today." That is beyond dispute. Where we disagree is that Denmark is A SOCIALIST NATION.

Again, your simplistic black and white outlook makes discussion impossible. I never said that Denmark is A SOCIALIST NATION. As I've said in previous posts, there are no pure capitalist nor socialist nations - they don't exist. Every real world economy is a mix. You agree that Denmark is as close to the EVIL SOCIALISM end of the scale as any country today, yet hold them up as a capitalist success.

They tend towards socialism but are rather more capitalist than socialist. All successful countries today are basically capitalist, with a bit of socialism.

You argue that capitalism is better than socialism. Your example for capitalism is, perhaps, the most socialized nation in the world today. Your position is not supported by your example. In fact, it is directly undermined. Other, more capitalist, nations do a poorer job of providing safety nets. They produce lower standards of living while requiring their citizens to work more hours. Their citizens score lower on surveys of happiness and health. But none of that counts to you because as long as there is a touch of capitalism in the system, it still counts as capitalism. This logical disconnect makes discussion impossible.

Anything that doesn't fit your worldview is either ignored or reinterpreted appropriately. I feel like I'm talking to a cult member.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

I never said he was a capitalist.

You spent several posts trying to defend your assumed support of Jesus for capitalism. And now you suddenly claim you never said he was a capitalist? Technically, no you didn't say he was a capitalist. You said he would embrace capitalism instead of communist bullshit. I posted some quotes and said he doesn't sound like much of a capitalist. You disagreed. Now you're apparently backing away from that. That's fine.

If you're not going to say what he IS, then the discussion is free to move to what he IS NOT. And I said he is not a communist or a socialist. So? The fact that Jesus is not a communist does not exclude your "huge range of options."

Perhaps that is what you wish you said or meant to say. However, it is simple to look at the thread above and see that you actually said: What Would Jesus Do? Impose communist bullshit and make half the world starve... or embrace capitalism... I didn't make any claims to Jesus's support for any economic system, that was you, remember?

Frankly I don't know why you're hung up on Jesus and the Bible in this discussion

I'm not "hung up" on Jesus and the Bible. You took the conversation there and I disagreed with your spurious claim.

...And in the question "What Would Jesus Do?" the operative word is WOULD. Not DID. It's not "What DID Jesus Do." So the question of whether Jesus WAS a capitalist or a communist is neither here nor there. Those concepts were not well formed back then. Jesus was none of those things, which is why I said it's highly unlikely that you'll find quotes espousing any economic system.

I didn't claim he was a capitalist or communist, only that your original claim was bullshit. If you want to believe that Jesus would be the Wolf of Wall Street rather than Mother Teresa, feel free. Just realize that you have no actual support for the idea.

Modern countries with great safety nets for the poor, like say Denmark, are "more capitalist" than, say, the USSR. Therefore "more capitalist" societies can do a better job at providing safety nets. And I'm not just being tongue-in-cheek here or arguing on a technicality -- I think it's the fact that Denmark is more capitalist than the USSR that gives them the wealth to provide those safety nets. And ultimately safety nets are as much a function of wealth as government type or economic system.

Wow. Denmark is your example of a more capitalist society? Denmark has the highest total tax pressure in the world. It has the smallest private sector in Europe and supports one of the biggest public sectors. It is generally considered one of the most socialist nations today and the antithesis of what capitalists want in their world. Denmark’s people also constantly rank among the happiest in the world and they work far less hours than Americans, while enjoying excellent infrastructure, health care, and other measures of quality of life.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

If Jesus says "Sell everything and give it to the poor" that doesn't become a commandment, it just means Jesus wants you to give to the poor, and ideally give enough that it makes you uncomfortable.

You remind me of too many Christians who give a bad name to that Jesus guy. He apparently made some pretty clear statements but you're sure he didn't really mean them. Between me and you, I'm okay with you not caring what Jesus said, or not believing that the Bible accurately reflects it, or any other host of arguments. But to claim that he didn't mean what he said is a pretty weak one.

You posted some stuff from the Bible that was supposed to show Jesus endorsing communism, and I don't think it did.

Again, your simplistic black or white view makes the conversation difficult. I never said he endorsed communism. I said he wasn't a capitalist. There is a huge range of options between those two. But you've assumed that someone opposing unbridled capitalism must be a communist.

Seriously, if you don't want to have a discussion, why did you bother posting?

I enjoy a good conversation but posts like yours tend to irritate me. I say things that I normally wouldn't or come off ruder than I probably should have. The views you've shared on this thread are terribly simplistic and unrealistic. Posting stuff like

capitalism has created more wealth for the poor and meek than any other economic system. While millions starved under Communism, the more capitalist grew rich and developed social safety nets for the poor...What Would Jesus Do? Impose communist bullshit and make half the world starve... or embrace capitalism.

indicates that you have a very shallow understanding of economics, history, and religion. You've done nothing thus far to disabuse me of that notion. Perhaps they don't really represent your thoughts, but what you've posted really leaves little room for discussion. Capitalism does not exist in the real world. Neither does communism. Capitalism is a brutal system that results in most of the wealth concentrated at the top, some middle class trying to grab their piece of the pie, and a lot of really poor people at the bottom. Communist systems theoretically eliminate this huge disparity but have little incentive for growth and are inherently unworkable because they require people in charge who will take advantage. What you have in the real world is a mix of these and other economic systems in various quantities. More capitalistic societies have done poorer at providing safety nets for those that the capitalists build their wealth upon. Less capitalistic societies have done poorer at harnessing human ingenuity and sustaining growth.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

You equate selling all of your possessions, giving the money to the poor, and giving up your life to follow Jesus with selling some stuff and giving a pittance to charity? The rest of your retorts are equally ridicules and ill conceived.

"Oh gee, capitalism sounds evil, Jesus wouldn't approve, let's just be communist even though it makes everyone's lives worse."

Your fascination with capitalism vs communism and the good/evil nature of these theoretical economic systems is juvenile. I never suggested that either system is good or bad. I merely pointed out the error of your WWJD comment.

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1) 903

They do not want their health insurance plan to cover contraceptives. The pill is a contraceptive. Despite many other common usage by doctors, that still is the only on-label use for it. None of the other common usages of the pill will be covered if the religious groups are successful. It doesn't matter the reason the doctor wants to prescribe it; it will not be covered. Why do you pretend otherwise?

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 796

Matthew 19:20-22 The young man said to Him, "All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?" Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.

Luke 12:32-34 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Mark 10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

Luke 12:16-20 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

Luke 12:22-26 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Doesn't sound like much of a capitalist to me...

Comment Re:has anyone used the 'passive stylus'? (Score 1) 107

I haven't tried it myself but I read the review on Anand's site a month or so ago and they were very impressed with how it worked. NVIDIA's Tegra 4 SOC has a quad-core CPU plus a low-powered fifth core invisible to the OS. Apparently NVIDIA is using some proprietary algorithms on this "stealth core" to handle the stylus processing.

Comment Re:evolutionary development. (Score 1) 107

I'm guessing you didn't bother to read anything about the product before posting? I consider hitting a $200 price point with nice hardware very worthy of mention. Also of interest is the high quality stylus support implemented without the need for specialized hardware and the first Android tablet from NVIDIA and their manufacturing model of providing reference models for their partners to brand and sell.

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