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Comment Re:The logic is obvious (Score 2, Insightful) 554

Now lets start holding politicians to the same standard, zero forgetfulness, zero lapses of memory, zero forgotten promises, 5 years jail for every offences, oh yeah, because it does affect national security.

You could get elected if you went into politics with that agenda, before not implementing it with no consequences! :p

Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Unusual physics engine game ported to Linux (blogspot.com)

christian.einfeldt writes: "Halloween has come early for Linux-loving gamers in the form of the scary Penumbra game trilogy, which has just recently been ported natively to GNU-Linux by the manufacturer, Frictional Games. The Penumbra games, named Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem, respectively, are first person survival horror and physics puzzle games which challenge the player to survive in a mine in Greenland which has been taken over by a monstrous infection/demon/cthulhu-esque thing. The graphics, sounds, and plot are all admirable in a scary sort of way. The protagonist is an ordinary human with no particular powers at all, who fumbles around in the dark mine fighting zombified dogs or fleeing from infected humans. But the game is remarkable for its physics engine — rather than just bump and acquire, the player must use the mouse to physically turn knobs and open doors; and the player can grab and throw pretty much anything in the environment. The physics engine drives objects to fly and fall exactly as one would expect. The porting of a game with such a deft physics engine natively to Linux might be one of the most noteworthy events for GNU-Linux gamers since the 'World of Goo' Linux port."

Comment Re:When was the last LAN party you went to? (Score 2, Insightful) 244

I frequent a netcafe where a bunch of my pals go and we very often play games like Counterstrike, Left4Dead on the LAN. I also remember having lots of fun playing C&C:Generals with a single one of my friends over LAN. Nothing beats hurling insults across the room to people you've just shot/been shot by, and the level of fun is huge. Of course now you could setup an online passworded game to only allow your friends to join, but that'll start to eat bandwidth really quickly...

Comment Re:Jaunty (Score 4, Funny) 620

There should be a way to tag individual posts as NSFW, not because of unsuitable content, but more because I look like a moron when I burst out laughing at comments like these in the middle of the office.
Role Playing (Games)

A Look At the Final Fantasy XIII Demo, Early Analysis 103

A demo for the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIII was released in Japan this week, and people have had a chance to try it out and report back. In fact, video footage of the demo in its entirety was streamed and then posted on YouTube shortly after finding its way into customers' hands. Eurogamer got a chance to give the demo a test-drive, and they had this to say: "The characters are likeable — Lightning for her mysteriousness, the members of NORA for their banter and camaraderie — the setting is compelling, and the whole thing is as sumptuous visually as you'd expect of a next-generation Square-Enix title. The plot's the only thing that I couldn't get a definite feel for from the demo, beyond the basic set-up of an oppressive regime, a resistance fighting against it and a character with mysterious powers brought to aid them in a twist of fate. But forty minutes with Final Fantasy XIII have left me with nothing but anticipation for what else it has in store."

Ubuntu 9.04 RC Released 239

Mohamed Zaian writes "The Ubuntu team has released the release candidate for Ubuntu 9.04; 'The Ubuntu team is happy to bring you the latest and greatest software the Open Source community has to offer. This is their latest result, the Ubuntu 9.04 release candidate, which brings a host of excellent new features.' The various other Ubuntu-derived distributions, like Kubuntu, have also had their RCs released."
PC Games (Games)

Submission + - Soldat 1.5.0 Released!

FliesLikeABrick writes: "Soldat 1.5.0 has officially been released by the independent game development group TransHuman Design. Soldat is a fast-paced 2D side-scrolling shooter that everyone should play at least once, though it is highly addictive and has an amazing international following that really has shaped the game into what it is today. This new version includes loads of bug fixes, lobby chat, updated maps, new effects and more! While as of right now it is not open-source or cross-platform, it has growing support through Wine. TransHuman Design's future games are planned to be completely cross-platform. This is the first version of Soldat to be publicly beta-tested. Find bugs/need help/got comments/questions? Head to the forums"

Comment Re:Let me be the first critic (Score 5, Insightful) 1127

I think what he was saying is that he uses Windows XP cos it works, and people are constantly telling him to switch to linux even though it's obviously not viable with his setup. Open-source users are going to have to learn to adopt a live and let live mentality, linux is not the holy grail, it works brilliant in some cases, and not at all in others, same with any other bit of software.

Comment Re:Why not develop android for current gen phones? (Score 1) 204

(eg. the millions of us who are forced to use Windows Mobile)...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody is being forced to do anything. I use a Windows Mobile based phone out of choice. I'd gladly switch to an Android phone, but I understand nobody is going to make any money out of releasing an OS for a 5 year old phone, so I'll gladly buy a new one.

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