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Comment Re:It does make homebrew *possible*. (Score 2, Interesting) 322

Because people who jailbreak iPhones are clearly doing it to pirate software, whereas that would never happen on the PS3.

No. Myself, and many of my iPhone-using friends have jailbroken their phones. All of my friends that have done so, have done it to use their iPhones on networks other than AT&T, and to run open-source apps they download from Cydia and other services. There is no pirating involved. Based on word of mouth, and the fact that Cydia and other services are so popular and have so much development activity, it looks like most other people who jailbreak their iPhones are *also* doing it for these purposes. I don't even know how you actually pirate software from the App Store.

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 1) 703

Maybe you're not in the loop on this certainly seems like you aren't, given your confusion. Nerds love The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, leastwise all the nerds I work with, are friends with, and that I'm connected to across the wide internet. Maybe the nerds you hang out with aren't into these shows, but I would be surprised to hear that.

Comment Re:Where are my files? (Score 1) 390

When I use a media player, I don't like it when my files get copied around my computer. I'll take care of the file management, you just take care of playing them, okay?

This is the same problem with iPhoto. What kind of software hides the fact that it's decided to take over file management? Whose idea was this?

Checking the "I'll handle file management, thanks" box is too much work?

Comment Re:I've got enough social problems... (Score 3, Insightful) 248

The LAST thing on my list of "stuff I really care about" is what people who walk into my house think of how I look when using 3D glasses. If this is something you're really that worked up about, I would suggest that your priorities are a little off. It's your own house, do what you want. Stop caring so much about what other people think.

Comment Re:A false choice, of course... (Score 1) 2044

It's been my observation that people bash FOX NEWS not because they oppose that channel's ideology (far-right conservatism), but because that channel resorts to extreme distortion and obfuscation to A) get their point across, B) make their viewpoint seem better and the progressive's seem worse, and C) reinforce the disinformation that many far-right conservatives (based on random Tea Party members being interviewed, just to name one source) buy into and believe to be true. (sorry about the giant sentence) I'm posting a link that has some of the interviews I mentioned...yes I realize that this link is biased, but the footage is almost entirely Tea Partiers showing how little they know about what's going on. So check it out, at least.

Comment Re:No. No one remembers (Score 1) 181

Is there anything they [Google] can't fail at?

The summary lists Knol. Recently I watched Wave flounder. You're being disingenuous to claim that all Google touches is gold. Their advertising revenues support a lot of their endeavors similar to how Microsoft operating system stranglehold allowed them to elbow their way into hardware and gaming. Impressive? Yes. King Midas? No. Infallible? No.

He's asking if there's anything Google succeeds at, and you're giving examples of things they've failed at. Did he mean to ask what he asked, or was he trying to ask "Is there anything Google fails at?" If he meant to ask exactly what he said, then your answer is completely wrong. The things you list are all failures, not successes.

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