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Comment How I pick (Score 1) 898

My process is fairly simple What I do, is I pick a price point that I want to spend then I look at Lenovo, dell, hp, and a few of the big box stores and get the machine with the best specs I can at that price.

I used to be biased towards Thinkpads but I am not happy with the build quality or longevity of my most recent, a w500. The only thing they (in my opinion) still have going for them is they are easy to disassemble and repair or upgrade. Although parts from Lenovo are ghastly expensive.

Submission + - SPAM: File organization software

vladilinsky writes: I work for a small wielding company doing cad/engineering work. We have to deal with a a tremendous amount of files for many different projects. Currently all of our data is stored in paper form. The obvious problem with this is it takes forever to find anything and papers get lost.
Luckily they have an older computer that I am turning into a NAS box. All the clients will be windows XP and the NAS server will be Linux. The problem with this is the workers will still have to search through a multitude of files and folders for their data. In addition to that everybody may have different ideas on where project files should go. So is there any software (preferably but not limited to open source) that automates storage and retrieval of files, or any suggestions on a better way to deal with the torrent of data? My google search did not yield much.

Thanks Vlad

Comment An observation (Score 1) 656

What I find interesting, is when I read through the comments on Slashdot a year ago there was virtually no argument that global warming was happening and was man made. Even on sites like fark the majority of people were under the "human caused global warming" banner. Yet now there seams to be a resurgence in the "its not caused by us" camp. What has changed?

/don tinfoil hat

I have noticed a lot of marketing aimed at denying global warming. Is it possible that the marketing is working?

/remove tinfoil hat

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