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Comment RAWR!!! (Score 1) 201

"The largest wildlife census of its kind conducted in Chernobyl has revealed that mammals are declining in the exclusion zone surrounding the nuclear power plant."

Phew, that's a relief. With all that radiation, I was expecting something more like this to be happening to the mammals: http://www.snowspotmedia.com/blog/2010/04/06/Yao_Guai_by_Cyberpunk1989.jpg

Comment Re:Slightly wrong approach (Score 1) 8

They just need to advertise it as the hip new hangout spot for goths!

Cemeteries make great hangout spots for more than just goths. For my friends and I in high school, the favorite spot to meet and talk and spar (we were all kind of martial arts nuts) was the local cemetery, and none of us were or are goths. The graveyard just provided a nice quiet place to have fun without worrying about bumping into little children or elderly folks like we would in the park. The grounds were better and more pleasantly kept than in the park, as well. We made sure not to disturb graves or markers, especially while sparring (we reserved that for open areas where anyone was yet to be planted), and so local authorities and the groundskeeper never had a problem with us being there.

When home from college, some of us still meet there and chat, though we don't spar quite as much anymore.

Grave markers can make for interesting reading, too.

Comment Re:Flag planting as proof of ownership or visitati (Score 1) 151

Flag planting by proxy? Will the robot then walk over to the U.S. flag and tear it down?

Who cares if they tear one down? There would still be 5 others... unless of course the Japanese send 6 flag-tearing robots to do the job.
Oblig: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYeFcSq7Mxg

Comment Re:That's basically what we did (Score 2, Interesting) 288

We have the same system with DC++ here, including support from ResNet, though the minimum share level is 5GB. Problem now is that since the system is tolerated by the admins, to cover their own skins (understandably) file sharing has been restricted to non-copyrighted files, with violators being permanently banned from DC++. As such it's hardly used anymore except for finding things like Linux distros without cutting into internet bandwidth allotment, and sneakernet's becoming more popular again.

Comment Re:Manners (Score 1) 1142

I suppose I'm exposing my US-centric point of view regarding polite greetings

Not even US-centric, but rather region-centric within the US. If you don't mind my asking, where do you live in the US, or where did you grow up? I was raised up North and practically never heard words like 'sir' or 'ma'am' being used, and when they were it was generally taken as a patronizing insult. When I went to college in Texas I was surprised at how much phrases such as, "Yes sir/ma'am," and, "No sir/ma'am," were used. Even within the US there are notable differences as to what is considered polite between various regions. So I wouldn't call your point of view US-centric, but rather centric to whatever culture formed you.

Comment Re:Not news (Score 2, Interesting) 374

Correct me if I'm wrong (I very well may be; I'm not overly familiar with the Drake equation), but doesn't that broadcasting time apply mainly to before a civilization has the technology to broadcast? What about when they still broadcast, but in such a way that their signals don't pollute deep space? Is that taken into account?

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