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Comment Re:Not backed by a government... (Score 2) 400

About not being backed by anything. Money is never backed on anything, it is based on only on two things: scarcity and its demand. Period. When the dollar was backed to gold, gold itself was backed on what? The current dollar is backed on promises and debts, which is like building houses on a floating log on a lake, and yet it still holds value because the clueless people give them value.

All the currency system has always been a house of cards, and those who were truly aware of it (bankers) always manipulated it for their benefit ("money multipliers" should ring a bell if you passed economy 101).
The bitcoin brought something truly innovative that the history of human kind never ever experienced before, it is getting rid of the bullshit and truly giving the power back to the people.

You are wrong by saying that it is not backed on anything, it is backed on math and in trusted cryptography. By the way, don't use the word Ponzi if you don't understand what a ponzi scheme is all about, it is not a synonym for con or fraud, it is a very specific type of fraud.

PlayStation (Games)

Sony Blames 'External Intrusion' For Lengthy PSN Outage 321

Several readers have noted that outages on Sony's PlayStation Network have prevented online play for the past few days. The company has now blamed an 'external intrusion' for the trouble, saying they took down the network to "conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward." Some suspect an attack by Anonymous, who declared war on Sony earlier this month, but Anonymous has disavowed knowledge of such an attack. Meanwhile, others are asking whether Sony should compensate users for the inability to play PS3 multiplayer modes, and even single-player modes on a few downloadable games.

Comment Re:my personal theory (Score 1) 481

We should be aware of being too anthropocentric.
I have a personal theory that tries to prove that advanced civilizations can not be hostile (or to be more prudent, it is very improbable), I might finish the essay one day but my arguments are quite strong. But the thing is, I wonder what could I do with it once I finish it.

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