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Comment Maybe the wrong perspective (Score 1) 168

Maybe Im lookin at this wrong, but it seems that you are dealing with a closed system with a leak in that there is only X amount of organic material and Y amount of energy being continually expended by at minimum the people existing (breathing, radiating heat, expending energey..etc) so it seems to be a matter of scale problem at that how long you want this thing to go would eventually be determined by how big X is.

Comment Pavlov..Interesting... (Score 4, Interesting) 125

A while back I realized that the most social sites are actually Pavlovian driven drool buckets where you get a "treat" for every like, or comment or whatever.. so this little device is somewhat like putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room and letting them fight it out..

Comment Take The High Road (Score 1) 892

It is not about the employer, it is about who you are. Take the high road, give the notice, and if they do the escort, then so be it. It is not about tit for tat, it is about being a decent person in spite of asswipe management, a company that would just as soon outsource you as look at you and the other million reasons why sticking it to them may seem right. Its not. Unless you care to be an asswipe too, in which case, it doesnt really matter now does it?

Comment Noob Mint Vote (Score 1) 627

I decided to go LInux a few months ago, and actually went Mint from a post I was reading here on /. Although I had only tried LInux a few times in the past, with mixed hardware issues, Mint installed flawlessly, found all my laptop hardware, and has been pretty much all I wanted in an OS. Mint comes in various flavors.. I started with Cinnamon and moved over to KDE. While I realize it is heavier, it really brings the whole experience to a new and polished level. Very happy noob in Mint.

Comment Oh The Irony... (Score 5, Insightful) 505

The most ironic and insidious part of this whole mess is.. They got us to pay for the surveillance network above our taxes. They got us to pay for the cable lines, they got us to pay for the websites, they got us to pay for Windows, they got us to pay for iPhones and Android phones, they got us to practically beg for all of it and take our build our own cages.

Comment The Problem With GMO (Score 1) 358

The problem with GMO is not the science of it, not the benefit of it, it is that GMO is driven by short term profit, plain and simple. If a company can splice in a beneficial trait for short term profit, they will do it. No questions.

The problem arises in not requiring or possibly even being able to conceive the mid or long term consequences.

An example is a story I read a few years ago... basically an ecosystem had collapsed because of the elimination of wolves. The strange part was that the system was collapsing because of the rivers running dry. An excerpt from Here
The chain of effects went roughly like this: No wolves meant that many more elk crowded onto inviting river and stream banks. A growing population of fat elk, in no danger of being turned into prey, gnawed down willow and aspen seedlings before they could mature. As the willows declined, so did beavers, which used the trees for food and building material. When beavers build dams and make ponds, they create wetland habitats for countless bugs, amphibians, fish, birds and plants, as well as slowing the flow of water and distributing it over broad areas. The consequences of their decline rippled across the land.

The point being, we are introducing unexpected consequences to a system that has come to balance over millions of years.

Its not the Oranges today we should worry about.. its the new breed of resultant pine trees in 20 years that kill all the butterflies and cause the grass on the plains to stop growing... wild example.. but did you really think exterminating wolves would make the rivers run dry?

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