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Comment Re:Well 5 dollars for a gun (Score 2) 157

That is the problem I have with micro transactions in games, there is NOTHING micro about it. You can play for free... you just will die a lot unable to kill others because your gun does half the damage. If your lucky.

BS, play the game, the paid weapons do not offer a distinct advantage over the free ones except the rocket launcher for the flying vehicles in which case you have to give up extra after burner to fit them. This game is very balanced to the point where even though I have money i'm not going to bother buying weapons because they don't offer an advantage.

Comment Re:nVidia (Score 0) 158

So one incident created due to the fact that no one is allowed to use lead anymore for environmental reasons. People keep milking this and sure it WAS a problem but compared to the amount of issues with AMD cards in terms of both hardware and software it's nothing.

Comment Re:Dropping DRM is a step in the right direction (Score 1) 397

This doesn't really fit with what i've read in this thread so far.

So a few of them get together and make a copy of your game. It's got the same gameplay elements that they liked in your game, but uses different art and a new engine.

So then it's not "my" game then. If you've made a knockoff that's still a completely different game because you've put a lot of effort into making it. If you look at the efforts of something like OpenMW in which they're trying to make an open sourced version of Morrowind with the same art assets, it's taken them years to complete and they're no where near done yet. This is the exact opposite of copying a game and pirating it which takes minutes without DRM or a few days with it.

Comment Re:Dropping DRM is a step in the right direction (Score 1) 397

I can think of a couple ways it can deprive a game developer directly and these are all well documented:

- If a pirated version is released that crashes, the game can get terrible reviews for crashing all the time
- Pirates that phone, email and tweet for support wasting developers time with non-paying "customers"

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Business is a good game -- lots of competition and minimum of rules. You keep score with money. -- Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari
