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Comment Re:About $2K savings per month (Score 1) 562

Local New Zealand bank account; government guaranteed and a choice of conservative, profitable (mostly Australian owned) banks that all sailed through the Financial melt-down without any major concerns.

Six month to 1 year investment is about 5% return. US dollar returns might change, but probably not a lot.

Easy when you know how.

But you would think a business like Google, EBay or whoever might be able to turn $1 investment in their business into a 5% return. If not, why the hell would be people be risking investment into these businesses at all?


Visual Studio 2010 Forces Tab Indenting 390

An anonymous reader writes "For years, Microsoft has allowed Visual Studio users to define arbitrary tab widths, often to the dismay of those viewing the resultant code in other editors. With VS 2010, it appears that they have taken the next step of forcing tab width to be the same as the indent size in code. Two-space tabs anyone?"

Colliding Particles Can Make Black Holes After All 269

cremeglace writes with this excerpt from ScienceNOW: "You've heard the controversy. Particle physicists predict the world's new highest-energy atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland, might create tiny black holes, which they say would be a fantastic discovery. Some doomsayers fear those black holes might gobble up the Earth — physicists say that's impossible — and have petitioned the United Nations to stop the $5.5 billion LHC. Curiously, though, nobody had ever shown that the prevailing theory of gravity, Einstein's theory of general relativity, actually predicts that a black hole can be made this way. Now a computer model shows conclusively for the first time that a particle collision really can make a black hole." That said, they estimate the required energy for creating a black hole this way to be roughly "a quintillion times higher than the LHC's maximum"; though if one of the theories requiring compact extra dimensions is true, the energy could be lower.

Own Your Own Fighter Jet 222

gimmebeer writes "The Russian Sukhoi SU-27 has a top speed of Mach 1.8 (more than 1,300 mph) and has a thrust to weight ratio greater than 1 to 1. That means it can accelerate while climbing straight up. It was designed to fight against the best the US had to offer, and now it can be yours for the price of a mediocre used business jet."

Comment Re:All web statistics are lies (Score 1) 225


Mozilla push out updates every day to millions of installs. They know how many FF instances fire up and ask if there are any updates,so can count them pretty accurately. In-fact they probably undercount as they will miss people not going for updates.

Not to mention the third party evidence; numbers of people hitting major public sites that have a user agent identifying FF version; I doubt that any of these will be cloaked IE versions ;-)

You can look at browser stats online; my Google stats show that browsers hitting my (tech) site about 50+% are running FF, 30% IE and the rest Chrome/Safari etc. YMMV.

Comment Re:Well, I guess it's business as usual... (Score 1) 225

You suggest that MS don't know how many users?

I suspect that they know how many pretty well, as they must audit CAL usage on enough sites to get a sample. Or do MS not care if people buy one CAL and use it for 10000 users? I know that when a company I was with applied for MS site license, they provided lots of information to MS, including running automated tools that combed the network.

This is assuming that SharePoint does not phone home of course... If it was my product, I certain would add this in to the validation routine.

Comment Re:About Time... (Score 1) 175

You forgot: two screens, twice the size, twice the cost and twice the power consumption of an iPhone/iPod Touch, (the screen is a key component in these devices for power and cost). I guessing that when people buy e-book readers, size, cost and power consumption are all important. And screen size does not seem critical - my daughter reads most of her online books on a current generation iPod, so any future Apple device that is bigger would probably be 'enough'.

Microsoft at this point has to support Office on the iPhone (like they do with OSX) as that device is quickly becoming a bigger market than Microsoft Mobile. Otherwise, people will turn to competing products.

Some of us remember Steve Ballmer laughing at the Apple iPhone, or MS claiming the Zune (and before that 'Plays for Sure') would take on Apple iPods, so any time somebody thinks that a new bit of Microsoft Vapourware is going to give "Apple a tough time competing with this thing", then I would take it with a big grain of salt.

Besides.. you think Nintendo might give this thing some competition as well should they wish.

Comment Re:Too stupid to buy a copy of X-Plane eh? (Score 1) 232

Fucking retarded?

Depends. Is the X-plane source code open?

If not, then maybe they wanted their own source so they could interface with their own hardware, aircraft models or other combat simulators?

I'm not saying that X-plane could not achieve exactly what they what, but generally a whole lot of research goes into seeing what is available COTS before deciding to roll there own. And often there is good reason; such as they have an integrated total combat simulation that incorporates drones, AWACS, ground-based units, naval units etc and they need a flight sim that allows pilots to exercise within a total environment.

Does X-Plane do that off the shelf?

And, who says they didn't start with some existing flight sim source code; maybe not X-plane, but there are others.

Comment Re:Why would I want this? (Score 1) 1089

"This is a Linux distro that can't run any non-google-SDK software"


I think you missed the whole point of the web thing.


Don't like google search and really want to you yahoo, bing/live/whatever today? Go ahead and bookmark a new URL and use it.
Don't like gmail; there are plenty of alternatives.
Don't like google apps? Go ahead and use Zoho or whatever you like.


You can run any non-google web-based software you want; including my companies analysis software that used to be restricted to Windows desktops, but now runs on all OS's thanks to our move to the web.


Hell of a lot easier to open a different URL than installing VM's or re-booting into another OS, to run some software that happens to use another API.


  In fact I really like the idea of having a basic Linux kernel (free with the hardware) that boots up ChromeOS from flash in a few seconds and allows me to quickly and securely browse, do webmail etc; a big percentage of what most people use their computers for on a regular basis. My kids for instance play flash based games & pretty much only use our Windows XP home computers as a dedicated Firefox launcher - though XP gets in the way when it takes 2 minutes to wake up & be ready to use.


At the same time, I still need the ability to boot different (VMs?) off that kernel, so when I need native software for speed/richness of UI/security, I can fire up instances of Ubuntu/Eclipse for dev work, or Windows/Photoshop etc. And if a zero day exploit takes down ChromeOS, all my work environments are safe.


For others like my parents, who never back up email, photos or buy/install software other than anti-virus crap that slows their machine to a crawl I would love to get them to run Chrome of something that gives them what they need & nothing more or less.

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 1) 1057

Is is really a "dissenting scientific opinion" if the person concerned is
      a) not a scientist
      b) the report is an opinion piece with no original research and no peer review?

Real scientists achieve consensus by arguing their case using evidence, not copying and pasting discredited crap from websites like this guy appears to have done.

Comment Re:The Administration modded this guy troll too! (Score 1) 1057

I made a post very critical of carbon emissions not long ago, think it ended up scoring (1, Troll). I was even trying to cite the numbers from other sources.

For sources, you may want to start with say Wikipedia which links to some very good sources. Don't do what Carlin does and pick some contrarian websites. Given your comments below, I suspect you have not been looking a decent sources for a start.

Now is it worth severe economic consequences to lower the temperature (and this is just a maybe, and likely using the best model for the pro-carbon-emission-controllers out there) by ONE-TWENTIETH of ONE degree? (over the course of decades)

1) Please give references if you are going to claim figures like 0.04 degrees. Severe economic responses (Kyoto doesn't seem all that severe) would give more over the long run, but if you don't believe in GW, why believe the best model would only give a 0.04 decrease?

2) There does not have to be severe economic consequences to lower the temperature; one valid response to global warming is to do nothing, or very little. On the other hand the economic consequences of doing nothing could be much higher; I personally would pay for power from coal-powered stations vs renewal energy sources than deal with drought.

I know I certainly believed most of this green crap when I was in school (not all of it is COMPLETELY crap). However the carbon dioxide aspect of it is the biggest fairy tale we seem to want to believe. Clouds and sunspots have more effect on climate than carbon dioxide ever will.

GW is not a "fairy tale". 2 minutes reading the Wikipedia article (you have done that right?) would show the weight of evidence for GW. You can argue about how much is human generated, how much affect it will have and the best responses but to dismiss it as a story is to show a critical lack of understanding right up there with flat earth brigade.

Feel free to mod me down, but at least explain where I'm wrong before doing so. Once again please note I'm only talking about carbon dioxide, and I'm not saying things like smog, or other emissions that cause acid rain are not problems.

I won't mod you down, I will spend a few minutes to answer your post, even though it reads as a troll. But will you actually take the time to read unbiased sources, or just spend your time complaining about being mod down?

To explain where you are wrong:
"Clouds and sunspots have more effect on climate than carbon dioxide ever will".

You think that climate scientists missed the big shiny thing in the sky every day? You would be wrong; huge amounts of research have gone into examining the amount of input from solar 'forcing' - and the result is simply that you are wrong. "Direct measurements of solar output since 1978 show a steady rise and fall over the 11-year sunspot cycle, but no upwards or downward trend"

And carbon dioxide; you have a point to some extent in that it is just one of the most important factors and not the sole factor.. but "A simplified summary is that about 50% of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapour, 25% due to clouds, 20% to CO2, with other gases accounting for the remainder". I personally think of it as being like a bath or basin filling with water; in the past over very long periods of time, the flow of water (heat) coming in is roughly balance by the amount of water flowing out the plug hole. But CO2 and other gases is like somebody dumping some tissues in water; but a big thing by themselves but enough to partial block the plug hole causing a overflow.

Comment Re:I thought so, too... (Score 1) 322

Contrast this to a Vista x64 HP notebook I am using. Just plug in a second monitor and it also fails pretty badly. Depending on what was connected when it woke, depending on what was running (Outlook is pretty bad at remembering which monitor it is supposed to be on) it seems to be brain dead with the task of having different external monitors connected at different times.

It is going to cost me to switch to OSX on a MacBook and not sure if I can afford it, but the day to day annoyances of Vista are enough that I might just have to make the change this year.

I like Ubuntu, and I should investigate running on my machine, (perhaps when it is free from being my day-to-day machine) but all that is going to take my precious time. In the end, OSX has a reputation that it all will 'just work' smoothly, allowing me to get what I want done with minimum stress. That's what I need, not more chances to install endless variety of software.

Comment Some detail missed from the discussion (Score 1) 166

Typical slashdot discussion immediately turns to Linux, FOSS and if Linux us ready for the desktop and if it works well with Walmart printers.None of which is very relevant.

This article gives a better information:

As I read it, the state services commission - the type of government body that supervises other govt departments, has since at least 2000, rolled over government wide contracts for Microsoft every 3 years. Basically since most govt depts were running MS software, then negotiating one government wide agreement covering 10,000+ desktops got bulk discounts from MS. Makes sense.

This year (they started negotiating 2008), MS pretty much didn't bother to discount for the bulk deal; they acted like a monopoly & thought the (smallish) NZ govt would roll over and accept it anyway. Whoops.

With the recession the government was really looking at ways of saving money; and rolling out more MS software with no discount was no discount. So I suspect a lot of departments will just stick with XP/Office2003 or Vista/O2007 (the last deal covered them buying cheap MS products 2006-2009) and not buy as much MS software over the next few years, until MS have an attitude change.

The MS team negotiating this contract will be feeling a little sick right now.. which is good .

I am a New Zealand based developer, and had have sold software to the NZ govt. Previously we sold a Windows desktop app but now (2009) switched to selling a replacement product which is SaaS on a LAMP stack - which tells a story in itself. I think this deal is a good thing as a whole; instead of the department looking at using using some unholy (but cheap) combination of Excel, Access and Sharepoint, they could buy my home-grown solution... which I think is better, but I do have to compete with MS at some level; some potential clients would rather burn hundreds of hours using Excel to crunch data manually than buy our software that does it automatically.

My experience is that government departments are getting a little smarter about purchasing; they all need things like document management systems, so tend to buy Java platform independent solutions and instead of all rolling their own, tend to talk to each other more about sharing solutions. One smallish department I dealt with was proud of having pretty much no printers; every document entering the system got scanned & handled electronically until a letter had to be printed and sent; even then the department mostly replied with emails and txt messages. NZ does do e-govt reasonably well; I can do most interactions with the government online; things like setting up a limited liability company take a few minutes and few bucks online, which does not seem to be common world-wide. I can't think of any government interactions in which I have had to actually go physically to a government office.. the last time was probably 20 years ago, applying for a grant after I left university.

With the move to SaaS suddenly needing MS and assuming there is no important looks less important; which is why this news is news.

Comment Re:Denial - Not Just a River - Also Druids Canniba (Score 1) 502

You use the word 'Mana' so are obviously aware of Maori. I would have thought that Maori would have been an obvious example that there was at least some cultures at some times in which cannibalism occurred more than occasionally. The Wikipedia article is good on this: /wiki/Cannibalism as it does address the argument that cannibalism is almost certainly overstated as slander against other races. Certainly I have personally heard pakeha making racist remarks about Maori being 'primitive cannibals'. But if you look at the references cited by the Wiki article, there appears to really be tribes that did admit to engaging in cannibalism and evidence that it was relatively common. Not that it occurred that often or that humans were a quick easy alternative to chicken or pig.

Why Every Office Needs an Outsider 81

Research has shown that having an oddball team member not only gives you someone to make fun of, but also leads to better decision making. Researcher Katie Liljenquist, says having "socially distinct newcomers" on a team can help it perform at a higher level. Team tension is crucial, and shaking up the same old crowd is the way to create it. "You can imagine if you work in an office and you've got this outsider like Dwight Schrute who walks in and a lot of his ideas resonate with you. Your fellow in-group members are hearing this and thinking, 'Wait, you agree with Dwight?' That can be really uncomfortable and socially threatening," she says.

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