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Comment Re:Microsoft and what? (Score 1) 133

I'm a Sr dev / team lead at a .com that uses PHP predominately.

Let me tell you something about PHP developers that I've learned, myself included.

The good ones are Software Developers who just happen to know PHP. Without exception, of our 30 developers, the ones that know just PHP are Jr-Level and have much to learn.

The rest of us, there's no joy in PHP. It's a kludge of a language. The garbage collector is horrendous. The external libraries are more buggy and slower than their counterparts in python or ruby. (see: memcache).

My point is that, of all the truly good PHP developers on my team, my Team Lead colleagues, and the good devs on their teams, would much rather be programming in another language. Not necessarily .Net, but another language.

I guess my moral here is that picking off PHP developers probably isn't as hard as you're suggesting.

Comment Re:Not nothing. (Score 1) 322

That is the only long-term solution to this problem.

And you're right in your last paragraph. IIRC, the entire value of all world stock markets is ~100tn. Real estate is 80tn. The idea we have 1qn in CDS contracts is absurd on its face.

Of course, the real problem with all derivatives (including CDS contracts) is that we don't really know what they're worth.

It's not the known-unknowns that kill us when trying to unwind these contracts. It's the unknown-unknowns.

The real tragedy I think is that the idea behind CDS--distributing risk across the globe--makes sense.

If I'm insuring houses in Florida it makes sense to do a CDS with an Insurance company in Japan. If I get hit by a hurricane, they're probably not going to be affected, so let's spread the risk. Likewise a natural disaster of their own.

The problem came down to unregulation and, natch, greed.

I've now heard this being called "The Great Unwind" by a few different publications. Looking back, I think that name might stick. It really is the best 3-word description I've heard of this crisis to date.

Comment Re:Not nothing. (Score 4, Insightful) 322

There's a quadrillion dollars in Derivatives. (That's not a hyperbole).

Many large banks hold over a trillion dollars in Credit Default Swaps.

All CDS contracts have a universal default provision.

As much as it pains us all, these banks really are too big to fail. That needs to be fixed. We simply cannot have corporations that are so essential that we taxpayers must "insure" them. But that's tomorrow's fight. Today we just need to survive.

Comment Re:Just don't (Score 0) 229

For CSRF to work the attacker has to be able to inject his own content into your site that a victim can then come by and download.

Quite a few ways to do this, but if you take the precautions mentioned above, you'll be safe.

Tho, I would add one more IMPORTANT bullet point: Install the Suhosin Hardened PHP Patch.

And for fool-proof input sanitization, use filter_input() (and the other Filter functions PHP introduced at 5.something)

Comment Re:Good Joke (Score 2, Insightful) 857

Come on, folks. The two most important things from this article are:

- By Republicans.

Do you have any idea how many bills are introduced that never make it to the floor, let alone the President's desk?

And it's introduced by Republicans. Do you really think Democratic leadership will let anything introduced by Republicans hit the floor?

Comment Re:Yes, but not soon. (Score 3, Informative) 344

Suggesting that you could replace a MS-SQL server with SQLite basically forces anybody in the know to ignore every other point you make.

MySQL is good, unless you need a highly performent query analyzer.

Postgres is good, unless you need actual replication features.

SQLite is good, if your datastore is less than 1GB.

Oracle is no-doubt a valid replacement and improvement upon SQL Server. And I use MySQL more than any other DB. But you need to hire Percona to get the same performance out of MySQL that you get from SQL Server out of the box.

Comment Re:take a tour at OWASP site (Score 1) 195

I'm not advocating against prepared statements. But honestly, that's a proof of concept that is highly unlikely to find itself out of the lab anytime soon.

The issue would only happen if the user was advanced enough to want to change the Character Set IN SCRIPT and still not fully understand the effects on that on m_r_e_s().

I wouldn't go around telling people that using m_r_e_s() is not satisfactory and safe. Qualify it! "It's not safe IF you set the charset in the script."

A little like saying your car isn't safe if you crash it into a brick wall.

Comment Re:Check Security (Score 1) 82

Well, if you want to get technical, nobody changes the order of anything. They just deduct PENDING SUM from CURRENT BALANCE to reach AVAILABLE BALANCE.

To use your example:

Current Balance: $50
Pending Sum: $0
Available Balance: $50

Current: $50
Pending: -$40
Available: $10

Current: $50
Pending: -$90
Available: -$40

Monday Start of Biz:

Post 1st $10 transaction: Move $10 from Pending to Posted, Subtract $10 from Current Balance. Is Available balance negative? Post Overdraft Fee.

Post 2nd $10 transaction: Move $10 from Pending to Posted, Subtract $10 from Current Balance. Is Available balance negative? Post Overdraft Fee.


The RealWTF is simply that overdraft fees are charged if your Available balance is negative, not your Current balance.

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