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Comment What is so difficult about programing? (Score 1) 299

First programing in itself is not difficult to learn. Evidenced by the massive number of self taught programmers myself included. Second given how rapid technology is accelerating programming as a useful skill could very well be obsolete is 15-20 years. Finally critical thinking, curiosity and a willingness to take risks are timeless. Teach your children well (give them values). They will be better off.

Comment To many people (Score 1) 770

To many people not enough room. Japanese society places great pressure to conform. This is mainly due to contraints placed on individuals that need to cooperate and share limited resources. It does not seem unlikely that this would manifest itself in "societal avoidance" in certain individuals that are unable to cope with the increasing demands. But it could just as like be video game addiction - they got to be doing something in those tiny rooms:)

Comment Enough with the ideas (Score 1) 78

The problem is there are too many ideas coupled with people who are incapable of implementing them. If teaching where a profitable and rewarding job there would be little problems. Class sizes need to be smaller - teachers need time to access and help kids with problems. Public schools have been saddled with the job of compensating for F'd up parents. A task which is not really education.

Comment Indie - pendent (Score 1) 187

Check me is I'm wrong Scotty but isn't "indie" short for "independent"? Can't they do what ever the hell they think is in their best interest. And why is it when studios bleed Anamation and CGI shops dry and put them into bankruptcy - that is somehow good for the industry? Fatcat and Bigwigs trying to protect their turf if you ask me.
The Military

United States Begins Flying Stealth Bombers Over South Korea 567

skade88 writes "The New York Times is reporting that the United States has started flying B-2 stealth bomber runs over South Korea as a show of force to North Korea. The bombers flew 6,500 miles to bomb a South Korean island with mock explosives. Earlier this month the U.S. Military ran mock B-52 bombing runs over the same South Korean island. The U.S. military says it shows that it can execute precision bombing runs at will with little notice needed. The U.S. also reaffirmed their commitment to protecting its allies in the region. The North Koreans have been making threats to turn South Korea into a sea of fire. North Korea has also made threats claiming they will nuke the United States' mainland."

Comment Solve a massively complicated problem in 12 hours (Score 1) 303

Solve a massively complicated problem that has eluded some of the best minds for years and involves solutions on a global scale in a meer 12 hours. Some might think that a publicity stunt to promote an airline but I think we can solve all the worlds problems this way. The problem is selecting the correct 100 or so people to dispose of this way for each problem. CEO's are just a starting point. Dictators, Bankers would be high on my list. The massively wealthy certain are causing a great deal of our problems.

Comment Re:What's With the Hate? (Score 1) 196

It is not hate, it is ignorance. Apple Fanbots think that all Apple ideas are actually original. A more correct way to think about them is that Apples implementation of certain ideas are often original and sometimes derivative of others that are far less well know. That is what large companies do, Google included. Go to Amazon and look for Android watches or Cell phone watches. They already exist and have for years in countries outside the US. If you think Google Glass is new you are mistaken. These ideas have been in an out of research labs for 40 years. Initially they are expensive. Eventually some small piece of manufacturing technology enables them to be affordable. Then all the big companies hop in and market you into believing they actually invented it. And so it goes.

Comment Re:kids are as good as the parents make them (Score 1) 226

It is the parents that are not the same. Most days my kid watches no TV at all. Most days I actually take the time to do something with him that makes him think. Most of the kids start out pretty much the same. It is the values given to them by the parents that make the difference. If their parents value education then they will probably eventually do so themselves. I send my kid to private school. It is primarily because of the parents. If there is a disruptive kid in the class you can be assured that with 20 other parents paying $20K+ that either their parent or the school eventually corrects the situation. Not so in public school. They end up in science for poets or music. Not good for the disruptive kid or the kids whose class they end up in. Sad, but this seems to be the case. Bill Gates can fault the schools all he wants but what is the reality. The top %10 of China's graduating high schoolers is larger than the entire graduating class of high schoolers each year in the US. This is a fact and no additional money for schools will change this. Companies like M$ then poach these top tier people cheaply because they do not have the same opportunities in their own countries. There is no shortage of talent being produced here. They just want and get better jobs than what M$ will offer them. Programming has turned into a commodity job in many respects.

Comment Marc Andreessen, (Score 1) 55

Marc Andreessen finally gets the recognition he deserves. The internet was built on the backs of so many that have failed to be rewarded for their efforts contributions and creations. Finally Marc is getting his due. I hope that he enjoys the money an treats himself to another Yacht or something special like a Jet. The creator of Lynx should field honored that his contributions were recognized.

Comment My Solution (Score 1) 635

I have found myself in your situation for a number of other reasons. My Solution has been to incorporate exercise into my everyday experience. 1. Under 5 floors I always use the stairs. 2. I make sure incorporate a walk to work. Park farther away or use Public Transport. (15 min each way) 3. Walk during lunch. 4. Don't use escalators. 5. Salad for lunch 3 days a week. 6. Reduce alcohol intake. 7. Fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast. 8. Avoid pure carbs for breakfast - only gets you to eat to much at lunch. 9. Eat earlier and less for dinner if you must cut back on a meal. None of these has to be done for very long each day. Abstinence, Radical Diet Changes and things that require you to consistently carve out 1 hr a day (ie going to gym) are not sustainable. Variables in work/family life usually prevent it in my case. Small changes over a long period of time work best for me. Went from pushing #200 to #175 in little under a year just doing those things. Without totally giving things I like - good food and drink.

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