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Comment Muslums just can't get along with their neighbors (Score 1, Informative) 951

Palestine and Israel. Modern day Syria and Jordan are occupying over 70% of 'Palestine'. Yet, the Muslums rain down hatred on the smaller Israel and proclaim how everything is the fault of the Jew. The Palestines rain down rockets and mortors with the intent to inflict massive civilian death, while Israel uses tactical weapons to minimize civilian death. Israel telephones targets, sends out flyers and detonates 'Sound Bombs' to warn civilians that a military target situated in a populated area is about to be hit. Hamas then forces women and children into these buildings, then parades the bodies around when the cameras come by. Heck, they've been caught robbing graveyards of 3 day old children, so they could have a body to parade around. Then they claim the moral high ground. When was the last time a Jewish suicide bomber attacked a school bus, pizzeria, hospital or marketplace?

Muslum insurgency in the Philipines has Muslims killing anyone who opposed being subject to Sharia law. Do you think they give a rip about Palestine and Israel?

India and Pakistan - the Muslums have been declaring war on the Hindu inhabitants of India for nearly a hundred years. Do you think they give a rip about Palestine and Israel?

How about the Chechen Rebels in Russia, attacking a high school? Do you think they give a rip about Palestine and Israel?

How about the Taliban in Afghanistan? Do you think they give a rip about Palestine and Israel?

I could go on, but I think you get the point.

Comment I actually use this service ... (Score 5, Informative) 190

So many comments, so many people who have not tried this feature.

When the XBox 360 update came out, I was one of the first to download it. After the download, I saw the Netflix feature and decided to try the free 30 day offer. I opened my account on my PC, selected a host of movies to stream (Heros seasons 1-3, The Office seasons 1-4, Logans Run, Kelly's Heroes, ect.) and finished the setup with my XBox.

There is some buffering done, I don't know how much is buffered whether it's 3 seconds or 10 minutes - don't know. I do know that my cable ISP had my limit set at 4 Mbps, so almost every time I would watch 2 minutes, then be alerted that my cable speed had 'slowed' so the download was changing to support my lower cable speed. Usually, this wasn't really visually obvious (I have a 120" HD 1080p projector) - the picture quality was what one would expect on an over-the-air antenna. Not great, but certainly watchable.

I later upgraded to a 6 Mbps internet package, and the picture improvement did improve. Sometimes I'd say that it was comparable to a DVD, other times more like a good VHS tape. All in all, viewable by any person who doesn't want to whine about non-Blu-Ray quality.

On my screen, the picture was perfectly acceptable. I wouldn't keep Netflix around if it weren't for the streaming video. I get UNLIMITED streaming with the lowest package they offer (~$8/month). The movie selection on streaming is extensive enough that when there isn't anything to watch on my Dish - I keep myself perfectly content watching something from the 10,000 movie selection. The contents do change every couple of months - so there is always a variety of stuff to stream.

Is it better than owning the DVD? yes and no. No, the quality isn't always as good as a DVD. But, yes in that a great deal of what I watch are movies I wouldn't be interested in buying and storing. Some movies are watched simply because they are 'classics' and you need not own them. Like "Logan's Run", "Clockwork Orange", the original "Omega Man" - for me, watching them once every 'x' years is often enough.

Comment Re:DVDs (Score 3, Insightful) 190

I use this service, and I love it.

I subscribe to the cheapest program they have, I get 1 DVD at a time - which with several Redbox units nearby, is really not that big of a deal.

However, I can que up 50 or so movies from my account that I 'might' want to watch on my XBox. Like, seasons 1-4 of The Office. I watch each episode when I want, no rental, no return, no hassles. The quality was about the same as watching a VHS tape player when I had 4 Mbps internet service, and improved remarkabaly when I upgraded to 6Mbsp cable.

Is it blue ray? Nope. Is it as good as DVD? Depends - some yes, most no. Typically, it's about the same quality as over the air programming - but it's a listing of what I care to watch, when I care to watch it.

If it weren't for this feature, I'd drop Netflix. Streaming movies is so much more convenient than adding movies to my already obscene collection. Some movies you may want to watch 1 or 2x and are not worth buying - this fits this niche perfectly.

Comment Re:Mass mailing (Score 1) 516

It seems the only person calling the MSU policy 'unconstitutional' is you. This us usually a matter determined by the courts, so it appears you are being a bit presumptuous.

Courts have already determined that Universities are responsible for the internet traffic that flows across their networks, whether the University approves, or disapproves of the content. (You may analyze as many RIAA cases as you deem necessary)

When you own a system, granting others use to that system is a courtesy. When you are cautioned that you are abusing a system (maintained, owned and operated by another party) and you insist on continuing to abuse the system; one should expect consequences.

This is akin to grabbing a microphone at the Student Commons and demanding that you be allowed to exercise your 'Free Speech' for as long as you care to talk. This is a case where one person has decided that her personal rights trump the rights of everyone else around her.

If you send out emails to ~300 people, after being told to cease and desist, yet continue to abuse the system, MSU has a choice. Either MSU enforces their policies on each infraction, or abandons control of the email system that they own.

You have the right to talk, but you do not have the right to demand that everyone else listen.

Comment So, who is the victim of this 'crime'? (Score 4, Insightful) 612

So, if I don't clearly make my stick-figure adult sized, is this kiddie porn?

When a goverment makes laws that can not be enforced, people lose respect for not only the law, but the goverment itself.

This means that any figure, that some judge deems is drawn to represent a person under the age of 21, must be considered juvinile. Therefore, if this drawing is doing something that may be construed as 'adult' in nature, the drawing is now up to the judge's intrepretation as to the age and content of the drawing.

And people are supposed to sagely nod their heads and say "ye wise man, thou knowest my inner-most thoughts and thy punishment is just".

As a note to myself, henceforth all my stick figures will sport mustaches (yes, both male and female stick figures). The beard on the females will indicate that they are post-menopause - just to be safe.

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