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Comment Re:I see a lot of fatties in those photos and vide (Score 1) 465

those bush fires are started to clear the jungle/forest and create new farmland. And the reason they do that is... overpopulation. So yes, it wouldn't be an issue if the population is low.

Awfully accommodating of the lightning gods to clear farmland... since almost all of them are started by lightning.

Comment Re:Human made (Score 2) 465

Well, look around you, watch what humans do... can you blame them for not liking this particular species?

Yeah, I don't like what those Greenpeace activist humans did to one of the 1,007 UNESCO wold heritage sites, the same way I'd hate them for demolishing other UNESCO world heritage sites, like the Statue of Liberty, Yosemite, The Pyramids in Egypt, Ankor Wat in Cambodia, the Great Wall in China, or the Acropolis in Greece.

Or are you saying that those sites are deserving of being defaced by Greenpeace activist humans as well?

You do realize that Greenpeace activist humans are members of the set of all humans, right?

Comment Re:mistakes were made (Score 2) 465

Responsible nuclear power is fantastic, unfortunately I don't see many examples of it in the real world. Lowest bidder nuclear power, yeah, we're doing great at that.

It's wouldn't have to be that way if they didn't have to (because of anti-nuclear nutjobs) refile an environmental impact statement reexamining the who project every time they change pipe fitting vendors.

Comment To be entirely fair... (Score 1) 465

for which the Greenpeace response -- as strong an apology as possible, while accepting that mere apology is insufficient -- is missing from the summary

To be entirely fair... the strongest possible apology would be to turn themselves in to the Peruvian authorities, and spend six years in a Peruvian prison, as martyrs to their cause.

Comment Re:I see a lot of fatties in those photos and vide (Score 1) 465

Or they could just kill themselves and everyone to save the planet.

Carbon emission wouldn't be an issue if the whole human population is reduced by 90%.

Actually, it'd still be an issue, since ~26% of the CO2 put into the atmosphere each year comes from the yearly brushfires in Africa.

Comment They're more like telemarketers (Score 1) 465

Greenpeace seems to have the notion that the more obnoxious and arrogant you are, the more you can get people to agree with you.

Turning off people who might otherwise agree with them. Instead, they just generate hatred.

They're more like telemarketers. You eventually cave into their demands to make them go the hell away. At least that's the theory behind obnoxious and abusive marketing.

Comment In this case, patient zero was a teacher (Score 1) 1051

In this case, patient zero was a teacher:

"Grand Traverse County Health Officer Wendy Trute said last week that a teacher fell ill with whooping cough in October. Some of the teacher's close contacts did not take the antibiotic until they started to show symptoms, which is too late to prevent the disease's spread, Trute said."

The spread of the disease was exacerbated by the fact that this was a charter school, which accepted students from across district lines, and those exposed kids then went home and exposed more kids in their neighborhoods outside the district in which the charter school was located.

Perhaps mandatory vaccinations for teachers traveling abroad, so that they don't bring the disease back with them from their trip, and give it to their students?

You can't have a patient 1 without a patient zero...

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 161

Why was VB so popular for Windows Development? Well it was designed to make Windows Apps. Other languages could do this as well, but they were often a bit more cumbersome to achieve similar tasks.

Actually, VB was popular because it lowered the bar on *who* could make Windows programs. It wasn't so much that it was better at making those programs, it was that vastly more people were capable of building working programs using it as a tool than using any other of the available tools. In terms of computer language learning curves, BASIC is still pretty hard to beat. In fact, I'd argue that no one has beat it yet.

Comment Re:Algorithms (Score 5, Interesting) 161

If I give you an algorithm, throw a dart at a page of programming languages to select one and if you cannot implement that algorithm in that language then you are nothing but a code monkey.

A computer scientist can implement any algorithm in any language.

The "D" language used in writing DTrace scripts does not have loop constructs or recursion, and is not Turing complete. While I can do some pretty astonishing things in "D" that would make your jaw drop, even without looping constructs and recursion, it's pretty easy to come up with things which are impossible to implement in "D".

So I would say your page of programming languages would, at a minimum, need to be Turing complete programming languages.

Comment I think if this were to happen... (Score 1) 62

If someone wants to win a suit over a negative review, they should have to prove that the review is false. For instance, they would have to prove that the customer was not dissatisfied with the service, or that some other statement that the client made in their review was false in a defamatory way. I think that a statement such as "this company is the worst ever" should not be expected to be literally true, but be taken as a statement of dissatisfaction on the part of the customer.

I think if this were to happen, yelp would be out of business, since according to some anecdotes, they post fake negative reviews to (effectively) blackmail you into buying their advertising services, which includes (1) not placing competitors ads on the pages they create for your business, without your permission, and (2) allow you to chose reviews seen by default by users who do not click through to additional reviews (thus allowing you to effectively "hide" negative reviews that they themselves might have originated).

Personally, I find yelp occasionally helpful, but fixing the standards of evidence, such as "when did Bad Review Bob say he was here, and does he have a receipt, because I was booked solid during those hours on that day?" to make being able to rip down a fake bad review from a hater/competitor/yelp itself/etc. easier would sink their "pay for positive review placement" model.

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