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Comment Re:The perfect is the enemy of the good. (Score 0) 331

It's not even impossible to get their version of perfection, it just actually requires a little work.

Whenever someone complains about fragmentation or device-specific size issues, all I hear is

Waaaaah, they're making me write adaptable code! I have to know real math and understand the OS instead of having some mail-order cookie-cutter-app development training and GUI-only development! Waaah!

Android completely provides polling for features and screen sizes, rather easily in fact. If it's too much work to poll and scale according to the results, then you have no business being an app developer.

Comment Re:Snore fest (Score 1) 296

Your complaint is so generic, I feel like I'm reading about someone complaining that they have to move a mouse to click on something. How abstract and ubiquitous of a concept can you find to bitch about? As was said, it's not a flight simulator. Your job is to fly to the right place, lend your guns to the right team, and make better decisions than the other team. You are a pawn that trains to become a better piece. Like in Chess, you can't win if you're playing as a pawn all alone.

Would it be amazing if you could fly first-person in a cockpit? Hell yes. Has CCP toyed with the idea? You bet. Will it ruin the general gameplay of EVE to implement it? Most likely. In case you were unaware, though, you can manually fly your ship in EVE by double-clicking in space in the direction you want it to fly. You can adjust the speed by clicking the readout, and stop your ship at any time with CTRL+Space. That's pretty real-time to me.

Comment Re:These big battles are a rarity (Score 4, Interesting) 296

As an 8-year player of EVE, I have heard this a whole lot. What you are really saying is, "I'm not good enough to play this game, waaaaaah". If you don't like it, don't play it. Much like I don't play Final Fantasy games, you're welcome not to play EVE. Some of us love it the way it is, and can appreciate where the good moments are without bitching about having to loadout ships or move assets to a system for a sov takeover.

The more you play the game, the more you get used to the interface. The good players(the real die-hards) love the UI, and know and use every inch of it. We need all of those displays for information, because otherwise we miss something important and die(not fun). You think it's bad when your Battlecruiser goes down? Imagine how we feel when our supers pop. Hell, I know people who run 4-6 clients at once, some running ships that cost over a billion isk on all of the screens. I believe the guy on the Alliance Tournament this weekend would call them 'richfags'.

The more you play, the less time you spend looking for controls and instead actually spend that time trading, building stuff, fighting, making iskies, whatever. You start to memorize components for your ships so you know exactly what equipment you want for what task. You get used to fleet formations and how to travel as a group without becoming the next Leroy Jenkins.

Don't like PVP? Go PVE, Faction Warfare, or be a Miner/Trader or something 'safe'. You can make assloads of currency with a quickness if you pay attention and know what you're doing. Shooting rocks too boring? Join a decent corp/alliance, and get in on these enormous battles. You can find some REALLY cool mods on the field after popping a few old-hat players in their special tourney ships.

It's a difficult game for sure, but the fact that you want everything just handed to you immediately with no work or waiting, having only played the game for a few months, says more about you than about the game.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 296

It's not a hard cap, it changes to match actual server load. The more they 'reinforce' the node(aka put it on the good machines) the better the numbers get. Can't wait for some serious cluster upgrades on the CCP end.

Comment Re:This story sounds familiar (Score 5, Informative) 296

I don't think you understand. Each 'solar system' in EVE runs on a single core - the system is not multi-processor friendly within a single solar system.

They moved the 6DVT(where the fight happened) system to the same blade server as Jita(the huge trade hub which regularly hosts around 1000-1500 people, most inside a station) but on a separate core.

400% of normal traffic to a single processor. That's impressive. Also, it's running python, so there's that as well.

Comment Re:Elsewhere (Score 2) 364

Sorry, that's bullshit. The super-rich need to be taxed MORE than the rest, because they are essentially hoarding currency. If they don't want to spend it, it should cost them a ton to just sit on it. That is what is breaking our economy, and nobody NEEDS "that second billion" while paying taxes on only about $250k.

Comment Re:Elsewhere (Score 1) 364

You call it a hissy fit, I call it ruining a month of business planning and proposals I was considering to start my new business.

PS: If the government wants more money from me, they need to stop wasting it on bullshit like Iraq and Afghanistan, and start putting it to use here at home for things that matter. War is not good, and only profits the evil top-tier earners who already have plenty of money. How about put that trillion into social security or medicare, eh Govmint?

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