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Submission + - 21st International Olympiad of Informatics Opened!

Kostadin Vodenicharov writes: The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is considered one of the most prestigious programming contests in the world. Currently the 21st IOI is being held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (which was the country that also hosted the 1st IOI) from 8th to 15th August. High school students from all over the world have gathered to put their programming skills to the test. Everyone else who wishes to participate can do it in the online contest which will run in parallel with the real one and will present the same tasks to be solved. The competition itself is going to take place on Monday 10th August and Wednesday 12th August from 9:00 to 14:00 EEST (UTC+3). For more information visit the IOI 2009 website.

Comment Re:Sense of humor? (Score 4, Insightful) 260

What if someone else posts a picture in which you are present? Odds are that you have been to a family or social gathering at which someone has a camera, and has later uploaded the photographs. Avoid Facebook all you like, but if friends and family use it you are likely to end up on there whether you like it or not.

Comment Re:Premium price, not premium PC (Score 1) 475

Apple dominates the premium priced market, not the premium PC market.

Indeed. I suspect most of the premium PC market is taken up by self-build gaming PCs, which of course don't show up under any PC manufacturer's sales figures. A sub-$1000 PC covers everything that most home and office users want; people who need something more tend to know exactly what they want, and don't mind fitting it together themselves.

Comment Re:wait a minute (Score 5, Informative) 192

Not really a problem. Every n releases you push a complete patch - a bit like key frames in MPEG. People who keep their stuff reasonably up-to-date benefit from the smaller patches, those who don't just have to go back to the 'key frame' equivalent. And on the client - the latest version on the host is effectively the sum of all the diffs up to that point. OK so there is not enough information there to revert to an arbitrary earlier version, but usually we don't revert to older versions of executables. If we absolutely have to revert, maybe to undo a bad update, we can always just download a complete version of the required version.

Comment Re:What if Kennedy hadn't committed to the landing (Score 2, Informative) 389

What if Kennedy had set a lesser goal, such as orbiting the moon?

The Russians quite probably could have achieved with with Soyuz-based technology. We "know" this, sorta, because recently someone proposed putting a Soyuz capsule around the moon for a rich billionaire with $100m to spare.

The Soviets did have the Luna programme - including Luna 10, the first artificial satellite of the moon. Interestingly, they focussed on robot exploration of the moon and remote collection of samples - probably closer in principle to the methods that will be used for future exploration of other planets in our solar system than manned flights.

Comment We would have gone bankrupt (Score 4, Insightful) 389

The rate of spending was unsustainable; we simply could not afford it, no matter how useful the research outputs might have been. On a more prosaic level, once the Cold War posturing had been successfully implemented, the political benefits would be virtually zero - even if the science would be extremely valuable.

Comment Re:Hold on a sec... (Score 1) 378

Postscript 'Type 3 programmatic' fonts contain executable Postscript code, which is Turing-complete. A correctly formed example could soak up CPU and memory if measures are not implemented to prevent this - I'm sure you will have seen the Postscript files which dynamically generate pretty pictures doing intensive calculations on a printer CPU. Of course, defects in the interpreter itself could be exploited, but as you say this applies to any functionality exposed to the outside world.

Comment Re:Really that bad of a thing? (Score 1) 501

And on the Linux-situation, if Linux is better, it might have been able to prevent anything else but the user home-directory being destroyed.

This is the wrong way around. The home user directory is the only important directory. It doesn't matter if the system files get trashed. It does matter if the user's irreplacable photos, videos and other documents are lost forever.

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