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Comment Re:Excellent! lets bottle it and sell to you (Score 5, Informative) 86

Give me a dose that will be equivalent to in-ocean concentrations shortly after release and I will happily do so.

Literally, naturally-occurring Mercury and Mercury from Chinese coal plants is far more of a concern with local sea food than what they're releasing. Unless you're drinking pure heavy water it's not a concern at all (even then the treatment is literally vodka so you piss it out.)

The real danger with stuff like this is radioactive Cesium, Iodine and Strontium isotopes because they collect in your tissues and cause cancer. Those have all been removed.

Comment Fear mongering. (Score 5, Insightful) 86

This is TREATED waste water. As in, this is just water. It has none of the really bad radioactive particles in it that sit in your bones or thyroid. The Tritium (radioactive Hydrogen) will be not detectable above background levels shortly after release. It also does not collect in animal tissues.

Areas around Japan have more to worry about normal industrial pollution and Mercury in their seafood than whatever is in this water.

Comment Re:A naive question (Score 5, Informative) 364

It's actually super complicated. For whatever reason men are actually better at chess overall. By a 200pt margin.

So while it makes sense on the surface to just make chess gender neutral, the actual effect would be catastrophic for women. They would not even break the top-100 of players.


Men's scores:
Women's scores:

Comment Re:It's all optional (don't forget that) (Score 1) 115

Like it or not, LTT has reach and sway that go beyond YouTube and their viewers. They could completely crush a small business just by creating a stupid jokey video, and word of mouth spreads. I know people who have never watched a Project Farm video or even be particularly handy suddenly out of nowhere have very strong opinions about which oscillating saw is the best.

Comment Re:Sure why not (Score 1) 142

"Why not" is they already tried a monorail (which is orders of magnitude better than passenger cars in a tunnel) and it failed.

Las Vegas is not like a typical city where there's living areas and town centers. Each casino is built like an arcology that's designed to cater to your every need in order to part you from everything your have. Ways out are labyrinthine and discouraged.

Comment Re:Too much lock in (Score 1) 32

They'll never catch on because they're such an inelegant form factor. No one wants to wear big, chonky glasses with cameras permanently fixed onto them.

You can't use them as a GoPro because most kinetic activities need safety glasses or goggles. Not overpriced hipster glasses.

Finally, there is just nothing that inconvenient about the standard phone/camera concept. These glasses are an expensive bauble that don't solve any problem.

Comment Just like arsenic-base life or FTL neutrinos (Score -1, Troll) 75

This is 100% BS. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If these were legit scientists they would have worked furiously to proof themselves wrong and make sure all their work and evidence was air-tight before going public. They didn't do that.

At best just incompetent researchers, at worst just another venture capital scam. They deserve to be laughed out of the field.

Either that, or they really did just pull the scientific achievement of the century out of their ass. Doubt it though.

Comment Re:The program exists (Score 4, Insightful) 244

Unfortunately it is about aliens. There was even a "whistleblower" earlier this year that said the gov is literally coving up alien spacecraft and even recovered bodies.

I wish this was some sort of distraction from bigger conspiracy, but I think congress and certain gov officials are just genuinely morons.

Comment No excuses. (Score 3, Insightful) 96

If you're selling stolen goods, you're selling stolen goods. If you don't perform your due diligence as a retailer then you don't belong alongside legitimate businesses. Doesn't matter if you're Amazon or a Mom & Pop store. Simply being in possession of stolen property is a crime in most developed nations.

Comment This is not unusal (Score 4, Insightful) 192

US nuclear submarines use Xbox controllers for various system. They're cheap, robust, easy to replace, and intuitive for most people to use.

What most likely happened is a hull breach killed everybody instantly. The sub has emergency ballast dump even if all controls and power went dead.

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