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Comment Re:After all the "Adjustments" (Score 1) 385

Throwing out Argo temps for ship engine intake temp


I see a lot of hand waving about the temperature adjustments but I seldom see any serious scientifically rigorous challenge that addresses the reasons and methods that scientists give for making the adjustments. If you want to challenge the scientific mainstream you need to use science. Anything else is inadequate.

Comment Re:The Gods (Score 1) 385

Science always seeks improvement and is never static unless it's dead. If you think the changes that have been made are scientifically unjustified then lets see your scientifically valid evidence challenging the updates.

Regarding the State of the Climate report this post is about, it was finished before the GISS update so there is no connection between the two.

Comment Re:Ironic (Score 1) 195

It's more like 255 TW but just because it's a big number doesn't mean much. The total energy from an average of 250 W/m^2 is 127,500 TW, 3 orders of magnitude larger.

What does the energy consumption of humans have to do with anything? It has practically nothing to do with global warming other than being responsible for supplying most of the CO2 that is causing most of the warming.

Comment Re:Bad Astronomy (Score 1) 195

True and Zharkova's double dynamo hypothesis doesn't have anything to say on climate change or a mini ice age, just that there may be lowered solar activity for a while. How such low solar activity affects climate has been examined before and what they found was it would only slow global warming down a bit but not stop it. RealClimate had a post on it in 2011.

Comment Re:Interesting study (Score 1) 195

I kind of misspoke when I wrote that. The 0.2% is the difference between maximum solar forcing and minimum solar forcing in a Maunder Minimum scenario given the Sun's variability so the potential change is more like half of that.

I found several sources that seem to disagree with you:

Comment Re:Ironic (Score 4, Interesting) 195

What climate scientists are saying is not that the Sun has no effect but that there is not enough variability in the Sun to account for the changes we've seen. The incoming energy from the Sun's radiation is of course critical to the Earth's climate. The variability of the Sun from a Maunder Minimum condition to the maximum output we've see is on the order of 0.2% which is less than the forcing of the added CO2 in the atmosphere.

And based on what astronomy knows about G-type main sequence stars there's no reason to expect a drastic increase in the variability of the Sun.

Comment Interesting study (Score 3, Insightful) 195

After thinking about it for a few days I find Dr. Zharkova's double dynamo hypothesis interesting. Time and more study will tell if it holds up or not.

What I find amusing is all the breathless hype over a mini ice age. If if Dr. Zharkova's study is right and we do enter a Maunder Minimum-like period on the Sun we're talking about a reduction in insolation of at most about 0.2%, much less than the added forcing from the increase in CO2. At best it holds off some warming for a few years and that all goes away once the Sun returns to a more normal pattern.

Comment Re:There is always a catch. Get ready. (Score 1) 265

As a whitewater rafter who lives in Salem, Oregon I feel fairly well prepared. I have a couple of big water jugs that I keep full. I have a river toilet with enough supplies to last me for several weeks. I have propane stoves and lanterns, water purification equipment and other camping equipment to tide me by. My home was built in 1994 and so has some earthquake resilience built in and is high enough in elevation to avoid flooding if dams break. I probably should stock up some more non-perishable food but I can probably raid the grocery store 2 blocks from my house if it happens.

Check out the PETT wag bag toilet systems. The sewage is in zip lock bags that you can just pile up until you can dispose of them.

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