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Comment Re:n/t (Score 2) 278

I refer you to the IPCC AR5 Working Group 1 report to support my argument. If you want to debate the science of climate (rather than the political questions that arise from its implications) you need to do it in a scientific manner with an awareness of the science that's already been done. Bringing up the same old arguments that have been repeatedly refuted doesn't cut it.

Comment Re: The Heartland Institute (Score 1) 552

Citation? My understanding is that RSS and UAH are two independent analyses of the same data.

Dr. Roy Spencer on the divergence between UAH and RSS global temperature records.

Of course 10 or even 20 years is too short a period to form any meaningful conclusions on surface temperature trends. Natural variability is large enough to overcome the underlying warming trend in that short a period. There's a reason that the classical climatological period is defined as 30 years. Meanwhile the oceans continue to heat up without pause.

We'll see what future temperature trends bring but I doubt that an extremely low solar cycle will be enough to stop rising temperatures.

Comment Re:Dual fallacy (Score 2) 552

No matter any medium-sized volcano can release as much CO2 into the atmosphere as we do in a century of industrial production ...

I stopped reading when I got to that line. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. The largest volcanic eruption of the past 100 years, Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 released about 42 million tonnes of CO2. That's less than 0.2% compared to the 23 billion tonnes released by humans that year,

Comment Re:Lie by omissions (Score 1) 552

You need to get your terminology straight. The article you cite talks about Antarctic sea ice, not the Antarctic ice sheet which is solidly grounded on the continent and continues to lose mass. Antarctic sea ice is about the only ice in the world that is not dropping and the net lose of ice from all sources is pretty massive.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
