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Comment Re:2013 Year of the Linux Desktop (Score 1) 150

That's funny... On my work laptop, I use Linux specifically for Xournal, because I prefer it (in it's Linux binary form) so heavily to OneNote... Then, for all the other stuff I have to run at work, I boot back into Windows. But, Xournal doesn't have handwriting recognition, search, notebook organization, etc... just really, really awesome for producing miniscule pdfs of my handwritten notes.

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 1) 1199

Well, he does have a point - if someone enjoys something, but it shortens their life span, is it "bad for them"? I suppose one does need to consider the "benefits" side of the cost-benefit analysis. That being said, it would be much easier to argue that someone smoking is certainly bad for ME - I get no particular benefit, and yet there are potential health hazards for me, there's the nuisance of the bad smells wafting into my home from the neighbours, and my health insurance premiums (or, in my case, my taxes) go up to cover the costs of their habit. But that can be a pretty slippery slope... I suppose my love of poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy, for you non-Canadians) would also be considered "bad for you" due to the health problems it may well cause me one day...

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 5, Insightful) 1199

Well, that's a rather poor example. The people who "don't believe in abortion", by which I assume you mean "don't believe that abortion should ever occur", predominately believe that because they equate it to murdering a helpless child. Whether that's right or wrong, surely you wouldn't say the same thing about murder - "don't try to keep me from murdering if I want to, just because you've got a hang-up about it". Again, not arguing the case one way or the other here, but when you think about it from from their point of view (abortion == murder), at least their strong stance is understandable.

Comment Re:Torrents != Piracy (Score 1) 130

This is true, but unfortunately, as a heuristic, "textbook + torrent == infringement" is probably going to be a pretty good one. I'd guess the vast majority of textbook torrents are "piratical". At this point, Mr. Jackson represents an edge-case - a very welcome one, but an edge case nonetheless. Still, it would sure be nice if there was a quicker way to get past the algorithm to an actual human who could take a look at particular cases like this one. Then perhaps we'd start overcoming that BitTorrent stigma.

Comment Re:wtf is this article doing here? (Score 0) 105

How about this: The author of VIM, Bram Moolenar, spent a year in Kibaale between 1994-1995, and still actively solicits donations to the Kibaale Children's Centre which provides needy children in the district with education, food, and medical care. Check it out with a: :help kibaale from within VIM. Does that cover it? :)

Comment Re:3 or 4 depending (Score 1) 280

Right now on my desk, I've got an iPad (iOS), a Thinkpad Tablet (Android), a MacBook (OS X) and a Thinkpad (dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux, depending on what I'm trying to get done). And, surprisingly to me, at least, I get real work done on all the devices, pretty much every day.

Oh, and my servers all run Debian Squeeze... but I haven't ssh'ed into any of them today. :)

Comment Re:So when I squint or look at sculpture... (Score 1) 1258

Worst argument ever!

Having bad eyesight != Analytical thinking.
Appreciating art != Analytical thinking.

And yet, if you took the time to read the research, the authors are pretty much claiming that:

a) giving a questionnaire in a hard-to-read font (which I would say is a good proxy for bad eyesight) promotes analytical thinking
b) showing a picture of a great sculpture (The Thinker) promotes analytical thinking.

In fact, their whole experimental design is premised on those two points.

Comment Re:So when I squint or look at sculpture... (Score 1) 1258

Well, the irony here is that the GP is actually the first person I've read a comment from who actually seems to be trying to figure out what the authors of the paper were actually claiming, based on their methodology. They had people answer questionnaires written in hard-to-read fonts, and claimed that that was a good promoter of "analytic thinking". They showed people a picture of the "The Thinker", and presumed that that promotes analytic thinking. Then they had people (a few anyways - quite a small sample size) answer a questionnaire, and found that those who had to squint or look at the "The Thinker" answered differently. That's it.

Oh sorry, there was one other experiment. As best I can tell, they tried to write similar questions in two different ways - one set of questions using "analytical language" and the other set using "emotive language". Then they found that people answered the two sets of questions differently. Wow.

What "Corporate Drone" is pointing out is that the actual experiments conducted would lead a rational person to a rather-less-sensational-headlinish conclusion.

Comment Re:no (Score 5, Interesting) 148

Lied about import duty? One of the most interesting things about this whole process has been how upfront and transparent they've been. When they discover some new roadblock or detail that they weren't aware of (such as the status of the Pi wrt import duties, or the requirement for CE testing), they've been quick to post to their blog and tell the world about it.

As for "and market them badly"... really? How much do you suppose they've spent on marketing, exactly? Are you aware of how much publicity they're getting, worldwide, for free? Even my local newspaper, which is absolutely dreadful for tech news, has carried very positive (and nearly accurate!) stories on the Raspberry Pi. Seems to me that, if there's one thing they've done extremely well, it's creating a huge buzz around their concept, WITHOUT blowing a huge pile on marketing.

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