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Comment Re:good (Score 1) 783

I grew up in a fundamentalist christian household. And inflicting the communicable memetic disease of faith on children and brainwashing them to believe in the evil of religion is absolutely child abuse. It imposes a severe mental, emotional and ethical harm to children's minds before they are capable of fighting off the infection. In most cases this harm is permanent, and the child never recovers and becomes healthy again.

One could just as easily substitute "secular humanism", "agnosticism", or for that matter "potty training" for the word "religion", and be on equally shaky philosophical footing with your comment.

Comment Re:good (Score 5, Insightful) 783

I disagree. You may teach your children as you like, but to never teach them about evolution is abuse.

I'm a biology teacher at a Christian school. I do teach evolution - with far more rigour than I ever taught it in public school - because I think that it's important for anyone who wants to hold a dissenting view on something considered to be this foundational to be really, really well informed about what they're disagreeing with. That said, I also work with students who have actually been abused by their parents - real abuse... emotional, physical, sexual, etc. Dogmatically stating "never teaching a child about evolution is abuse" just seems silly and insulting to anyone who has actually encountered abuse. Let's not throw the term "abuse" around so lightly.

Comment Re:2013 Year of the Linux Desktop (Score 1) 150

That's funny... On my work laptop, I use Linux specifically for Xournal, because I prefer it (in it's Linux binary form) so heavily to OneNote... Then, for all the other stuff I have to run at work, I boot back into Windows. But, Xournal doesn't have handwriting recognition, search, notebook organization, etc... just really, really awesome for producing miniscule pdfs of my handwritten notes.

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 1) 1199

Well, he does have a point - if someone enjoys something, but it shortens their life span, is it "bad for them"? I suppose one does need to consider the "benefits" side of the cost-benefit analysis. That being said, it would be much easier to argue that someone smoking is certainly bad for ME - I get no particular benefit, and yet there are potential health hazards for me, there's the nuisance of the bad smells wafting into my home from the neighbours, and my health insurance premiums (or, in my case, my taxes) go up to cover the costs of their habit. But that can be a pretty slippery slope... I suppose my love of poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy, for you non-Canadians) would also be considered "bad for you" due to the health problems it may well cause me one day...

Comment Re:Make it illegal (Score 5, Insightful) 1199

Well, that's a rather poor example. The people who "don't believe in abortion", by which I assume you mean "don't believe that abortion should ever occur", predominately believe that because they equate it to murdering a helpless child. Whether that's right or wrong, surely you wouldn't say the same thing about murder - "don't try to keep me from murdering if I want to, just because you've got a hang-up about it". Again, not arguing the case one way or the other here, but when you think about it from from their point of view (abortion == murder), at least their strong stance is understandable.

Comment Re:Torrents != Piracy (Score 1) 130

This is true, but unfortunately, as a heuristic, "textbook + torrent == infringement" is probably going to be a pretty good one. I'd guess the vast majority of textbook torrents are "piratical". At this point, Mr. Jackson represents an edge-case - a very welcome one, but an edge case nonetheless. Still, it would sure be nice if there was a quicker way to get past the algorithm to an actual human who could take a look at particular cases like this one. Then perhaps we'd start overcoming that BitTorrent stigma.

Comment Re:wtf is this article doing here? (Score 0) 105

How about this: The author of VIM, Bram Moolenar, spent a year in Kibaale between 1994-1995, and still actively solicits donations to the Kibaale Children's Centre which provides needy children in the district with education, food, and medical care. Check it out with a: :help kibaale from within VIM. Does that cover it? :)

Comment Re:3 or 4 depending (Score 1) 280

Right now on my desk, I've got an iPad (iOS), a Thinkpad Tablet (Android), a MacBook (OS X) and a Thinkpad (dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux, depending on what I'm trying to get done). And, surprisingly to me, at least, I get real work done on all the devices, pretty much every day.

Oh, and my servers all run Debian Squeeze... but I haven't ssh'ed into any of them today. :)

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