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Comment Safari? (Score 1, Insightful) 371

I'm surprized safari scored this bad. Anyway, Browsers are likely the most complex software to properly benchmark. Writing a tangible and useful conclusion from all those charts and numbers is nearly impossible.

I have coded a few large javascript/DOM-intensive applications and my overall feeling is that chrome rocks both on compliance and speed. It also seems much better on garbage collection than FF3, which stills badly suffers from unreleased memory. My experience with safari on those applications is good overall; faster than FF3 and a little slower than chrome.

Comment Mapping; function keys (Score 1) 702

You can map special keyboard key sto mark begining or end of a block, and a few others keys to save/load/delete the block.

INSERT => mark begnining of block
END => mark end of block (and yand the block)
F2 => save block into a buffer file
F3 => insert buffer file at current position
DELETE => remove block

Here is what I do in .exrc to map those keys:

map ^[OH mx
map ^[0F my:'x,'y y^M
map ^[OQ :'x,'y w! /tmp/bufferfile^M
map ^[OR :r /tmp/bufferfile^M
map ^[[3~ :'x,'y del^M

You need to type CRTL-V before hitting the function key to get its escape sequence properly set in the file. You also can use special names for function keys ( I believe?) instead of storing your terminal-dependant sequences. ^M is a single character (hex code 0x0d) which you can type using CTRL-V followed by the ENTER key.


Submission + - France says no to OpenXML

herve_masson writes: vnunet is amongst the first to report that AFNOR rejected OpenXML as a standard. See the french article here (google translation here). According to the article, the reason seems not related to (lack of) technical merits, but because they don't see having two standards for documents as a good thing.

Submission + - KDE 4.0 Beta 1 Released (

An anonymous reader writes: August 2, 2007 (The INTERNET). The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the first Beta release for KDE 4.0. This release marks the beginning of the integration process which will bring the powerful new technologies included in the now frozen KDE 4 libraries to the applications. Almost two months after the foundations of KDE 4 have been laid with the first alpha, KDE enters the stage of a full freeze of the library interface. From now on, the applications will focus on integrating the new technology refined during the last months, and the library developers will try to fix all bugs found during this process. No new applications will enter the official KDE modules and usability and accessibility work is of course an ongoing process. In the following weeks KDE developers will be able to add features to their applications until the next beta is released and the application features will be frozen as well.

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