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Comment Re:i remember duke from childhood (Score 5, Funny) 222

So DNF is still among the remaining great "unsolved problems" of slashdot? Much like Hilbert and his famous list of math questions, this list echoes through the generations.


Releasing the code for slashdot (free slash!) DONE

Releasing Kevin Mitnick (free kevin!) DONE

Unresolved questions/problems

How to petrify Natalie Portman in an undressed state - UNSOLVED

Does it run Linux (default answer must be YES) - UNSOLVED

"Why were these stories rejected?" With a list of obscene article titles - UNSOLVED

The whereabouts of OOG THE CAVEMAN - UNSOLVED

The whereabouts of Jon Katz - UNSOLVED

The ultimate fate of the "slashdot cruiser" offered as a prize and never delivered - UNSOLVED

The assassination of "Signal 11" - NOT YET COMPLETED

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
