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Comment try reading the actual books (Score 1) 443

clearly you haven't read le guin's left hand of darkness, the dispossessed, the lathe of heaven, or any of the books in her hainish cycle.

also you clearly missed the point i was making: just because den of geek finds the interests of teenage girls more objectionable than the interests of teenage boys doesn't sci-fi catering to the former any less sci-fi.

Comment male chauvanism? (Score 4, Insightful) 443

most emetic of the artwork plastered over teenage girls' MySpace pages

sure... while teenage boys' fantasies get exalted into "real sci-fi"? (like, say the recent star trek movie?) mayhap den of geek should adjust his testosterone obsession by reading ursula le guin, c. j. cherryh, octavia butler, dorris lessing, joanna rush, emma bull, oh and heck, anne mccaffrey. i can't help but imagine that it would nicely leaven the quality of questions about sci-fi he poses.

Comment Raising the question of the role of sex in sports (Score 1) 1091

While the article does a good job of raising the question of the fuzziness of the boundary between male and female sexes, it leaves unopened the question of what role sex (or gender) should play in competitive sporting events.

For a totally hypothetical example, given their population genetic disposition to dimunitive size, should pygmies be granted their own event categories (i.e. pygmy and non-pygmy events)? Should sexual distinctions be eliminated, so that events are unisex, and we simply see asymmetric distributions of performance along gender lines by the type of event? (i.e. females generally under-performing males in strength-burst events, more parity in endurance events, and possibly more over-performance in events entailing a high degree of coordination? Of course transies kick everyone's asses at everything? ;)

I write as a jock and as a transsexual, so the questions are personal for me (although I tend towards non-spectator and less competitive jockosity).


A Monster LED Array For Irresponsible Fun 225

Tesladownunder writes "This huge LED is on steroids and then some. It is intended for use as a streetlight. It has a 7000 lumen output at 100W and will burn a hole in a CD case without focusing. And that's without the infrared that a halogen or discharge lamp has. Very efficient and low maintenance. Stronger than HID car headlights or a 500W halogen. Hit the site for lots of data and pics of it in action including burning and irresponsible bicycle luminosity. You'll want one to attach to your keyring, too."

Comment Marketing IS technology (Score 1) 101

namely, technology to encourage consumers to part with their cash, to develop brand loyalty (so that they part with their cash in the future), and to commit mindshare (so that the idea of parting with their cash to the makers of brand x is socially worthy).

if you were to create a technology to do these three thing, people would call it marketing.

Comment One color invisibility certainly could be of use. (Score 1) 197

"But a cloak that made an object invisible to light of only one color would not be of much use." If the color corresponded closely with the wavelength of laser weapons resistant/protective eye-wear could be developed of such materials. If one has need of a band-omit cover, say in the controlled protection of frequency-specific photosensitive material. Those are just off the top of my head, and I ain't an engineer.

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