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Comment Re:Oh Jesus (Score 1) 226

Are you perhaps not confusing cause and effect?

The Mac is so stable and easy to use that one does not have to know a lot about computers.

Frankly, there is a whole world out there of more interesting things to know. As a system administrator you have probably wasted so much time tending to Mac people's computer needs whilst they are off on vacation in the Caribbean that it has made you bitter. Darn clueless Mac fanboiZ.

I know a lot of rocket-science dudes and girls who have macs but don't know the first thing about 'computers'.

I used to be a unix system admin and felt about the windows users in the maths and art lab just as you do. Wish I had come to my senses years earlier.

Comment Re:Politial speech influenced 6 yrs old chid. (Score 1) 368

I was 5 years old and went to play with the black worker's kids while I was at a dormitory at a public boarding school. I was told in no uncertain terms that I should not be friends with them and was forbidden to go there. I'm ashamed that I was part of that. That went a long way to shape my view of the apartheid South Africa as oppressive and evil. Fortunately I got to learn of better in spite of media controls.

Comment Luddites are alive and well. (Score 1) 664

No wonder the US is doing so badly when it comes to qualified university graduates.

I say let them use computers, play games and even fail if they so wish. One thing I would agree on is that it does tend to distract other students and hampers interactivity.

I took notes at university not because I EVER looked at it again, but more that I would interact better with the material at the time. It made me think and understand it better.

What about note-taking on a handwriting-recognition type tablet computer?

I would not have minded to have a lighter backpack at university...

Comment What's wrong with Placebos? (Score 1) 507

So what if other people use homeopathic medicines, it's their choice. So what if it's a placebo? Placebos are actually more effective than certain chemical medications which has been funded.

Ok, so you need to believe it to work before the placebo effect takes place, and just because you don't believe does not mean others don't and they actually benefit from it.

What non-believers believe is irrelevant; truth is irrelevant. What is relevant is that this improves people's wellbeing. It gets the job done... ignorance *is* bliss.

Comment Get over it. (Score 2, Informative) 578

Sheesh... this is the same as having public and private encryption keys. The private one is for you, the public one is... you guessed it, public, and cannot be used to reproduce or fake the private one. They only store enough data to verify your fingerprint again. VERIFICATION and IDENTIFICATION are two very different things. No privacy issue.

Move along, nothing to see here...

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