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Comment USPS Releases New Addressing Plan (Score 5, Funny) 443

Forget about those old blah street names and numbers! Now you can request a NEW EXCITING address that would really mean something to your friends and family!

Instead of:
1122 A St.
North Somewhere, NY 99999

You can now purchase:
Hey, I'm here and you can find me at the end of the road on the left side right past the dog that always barks at you and only has three legs unless his owner has him chained up in the back so in that case you'd have to look for the broken tricycle that I left by the front door. Oh and I'm somewhere on the top of the map in a really heavy population state!

Act Now!

Comment Re:Proof of justice department correcting itself (Score 1) 440

Yes, somehow I'm SURE that the first thing the new Democrat AG did as soon as he walked in his office on his first day was to dig right into this case.

Come on. There were plenty of people reviewing this, including (by at least one report) the FBI. The judge nearly held the prosecutors in contempt during the trial. There was odd stuff going on in the jury pool itself!

Stevens probably was guilty. We'll never know now though, will we?

Comment Spam is, sadly, a social issue. (Score 1) 330

I really believe that. If NO one ever fell for their sales pitch, spam would die.

The ROI for this stuff is the killer. I run a bunch of mail servers, and the amount we block is just insane.

On the good side - at least the actual bandwidth usage IS much smaller than the average day of real mail. Of course, when that changes, and spam becomes a bandwidth problem... it will get fixed, one way or another. Businesses can deal with annoying spam, but when they really end up paying hard cash for their bandwidth, things will change.

Comment Re:That's fine but... (Score 5, Interesting) 858

"Ostensibly, this is to control the quality of the user experience."

I know that some of the advertising and fanboi's make this statement, but the reality is that they are a company looking to profit from as much as they can within their market.

IMO, Apple is a solid company with a tendency to be over-protective, over-aggressive, and over-bearing. That is how they stay in business in the long term, because the technology and ideas really only last so long before someone comes along and improves it.

I'm an Apple user, but that's a choice I make knowing that in the end, there really isn't all that much different between Apple and MS, other than that MS is watched closer by those in power.

Comment Terminal Cancer Is Different (Score 5, Interesting) 921

This study was done on terminally ill cancer patients. My wife is an RN, and in our discussions about her job it has been very apparent to her that death by cancer, slowly, causes a very different reaction in most people she has seen than other terminal illnesses.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the study, but I would like to see it expanded to, for example, heart/lung failure and other forms of terminal disease, and see what the difference is.

One aspect that I have seen in cancer end-of-life treatment is the heavy reliance on pain-killers to cope (nothing WRONG with that, just an observance). This could also have a very serious effect on EOL decisions.

Comment About the actual book... (Score 1) 232

I am NOT an artist, photographer or other graphic professional, but I have had serious need to act like one in my job.

I didn't want to buy a giant commercial package, because I didn't need that kind of investment in occasional products. The Gimp to the rescue!

The book, for someone like me, was vital to actually learning and using the tools available, and really gave me a chance to understand what I was doing as I learned how to do things.

Comment Re:I remember the RPG (Score 1) 43

It's all perspective. I remember Champions becoming 'the game' for nearly everyone around me. Of course, at the time I was a serious RPG nerd. I worked as a games salesguy, I went home and gamed, or went to a friends house and ran huge game nights with him.

That's the geek perspective though.

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 2, Insightful) 653

Actually, yes.

I'm an American. I believe in the principles of my country. I also believe that everyone deserves a level of respect, until they show me a reason not to.

A police officer, a cashier, a gas station attendant, no matter what color, race, religion, etc. will get a 'sir' or 'ma'am' from me until they choose to not respect me, or do something that is disrespectful.

I'm really sorry if that bothers people, but I really recommend people try it out. It's amazing what kind of payback you get. Too many people out there never get these small recognitions of their humanity. I have never understood those who feel that they are too important or too special to respect others.


Submission + - Japanese "hate" for iPhone all a big mista (

MBCook writes: "AppleInsider has posed a great article explaining that Wired's story about Japanese iPhone hate (/. discussion) was completely false and has been edited at least twice. The comments in the article were recycled and taken out of context, with those interviewed blogging about the mistakes. The piece then goes on to analyze the iPhone's standing in Japan, as well as some of the major factors working for and against it. At last it points out that the Wall Street Journal tried the same myth of failure just after the phone's launch in Japan, recycled from the myth the year before, pushed by a research company with a possible anti-Apple agenda."

Comment Concerned about the potential of the courts (Score 1) 660

My biggest concern here is that the courts could have the ability to decide that a business model, in ANY business, is wrong.

This is really what is on trial here. Apple says one thing, Psystar says the opposite, hey that's what courts are for. But the fundamental point here is that this has the potential to lay waste to the basic Mac business model.

Whether you like or hate Mac, this has to be somewhat concerning for any company.

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