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Comment Re:Normally, I'd say let them do what they want (Score 1) 396

I guess Sony is hoping for option A, which became slightly less painful with the price of the PS3 Slim.
The only good news is that you can re-download all your games for free on another console, using your existing PSN account.
You can buy a fat 40GB PS3 for very little, if you know where to look.

I don't think Sony fears option B much, assuming those people will soon stop buying games once someone hacks the PS3 (using OtherOS).

Option C will assert Sony's status of being the sole un-hacked console.
After the impending hack has been released, the PS3 users will be split between light and dark sides and Sony will start using their PSP tactics on the PS3. (required firmwares in games, hardware revisions to plug holes, etc, etc)

Comment Re:Normally, I'd say let them do what they want (Score 1) 396

I'm not sure about Gran Tourismo, but both Wip3Out games (even Pain) will run without a network connection.
However, you will not be able to play on-line against other players.

Having 3 colleagues with their own PS3 and Wip3Out suddenly became a lot less fun.
Re-installing will be a problem, but you can make a full back-up of your PS3, including games.

Comment Re:Normally, I'd say let them do what they want (Score 1) 396

I think the best course of action would be "You can have the feature... for $150 extra" from moment zero - consoles with "Other OS" enabled not subsidized and sold at a good profit margin.

I did exactly that by buying a "fat" PS3 for €600 ($800+, for a single controller, no games bundle and a 60GB harddisk)
I was just looking forward to installing Fedora Core 11 on it, too.

Comment Re:A hypothetical question. (Score 1) 186

Deduplication often relies on copy-on-write to maintain seperate versions after deduplication.
Once a block is deduplicated between users A, B and C into file Z and user B changes his file, the filesystem will record the change and point user B to block Z instead.
Other security issues (permissions) should be handled by the filesystem table, not the physical file.

Comment Re:VLC (Score 2, Interesting) 205

Step 3: grab a cup of coffee, because the standard h264 codec with VLC can't manage 720p on a netbook. (have you even tried the listed video?)
Corecodec is a highly-optimized codec that can squeeze just that extra bit of power out of your CPU. There's even a wrapper for it on Linux.
Should you be (un)lucky enough to have a GMA500 GPU in your netbook, it can take care of the decoding for you by using mplayer-vaapi (custom build)

Comment Re:Windows Vista is a good product (Score 1) 720

The point of UAC in Vista was to show the users just how badly-written their software was.
Unfortunately, it also showed just how badly-written some of Microsoft's own software is.

I have enjoyed my install of XP64 since the release of FarCry64 and am now trying out Windows 7 x64 to see how well it will cope.

XP was based on (then immature) win2000 and XP64 and Vista on (now mature) win2003. With any luck, everything will work out of the box.

Comment Experts-Exchange (Score 1) 221

Experts Exchange has been doing this for years.
Users can post questions and (super-)users can post answers.
The Superusers earn points by answering hard questions and points get you a free premium membership.

I used to hang there for years, until they started asking money for premium services.
I still highly recommend it to small businesses. One membership can save piles of consulting fees.

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