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Comment Re:But where does all that money go? (Score 4, Interesting) 469

even US antitrust experts say that intel deserves that fine.

the law says they can be fined for 10% of their turnover which was 37+ billion euros.

so intel can consider themselves lucky for not having to pay 3.7B euros or about 5B USD(!!!).

but depending on intels reaction the whole case could be brought up again (since more and more "witnesses" or "intel business partners" are speaking up now) possibly ending in the 5B fine.

best move for intel will be to swallow the fine and keep a low profile in the future. or it will turn out even more expensive.

Comment Re:small change... (Score 1) 237

Awesome! After that many posts the first one that seems to have understood for what MS was fined.

Their wrongdoing was to give a single retailer an unfair advantage over all other retailers who could have made similar cheap bundle offerings.

Not because they like milking the MS cow. It's the law in the germany. MS surely has enough lawyers, so they should've known better.

The risk seemed low. They had been caught. MS swallowed the fine.

End of story.


The State of UK Broadband — Not So Fast 279

Barence writes "The deplorable speed of British broadband connections has been revealed in the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics, which show that 42.3% of broadband connections are slower than 2Mb/sec. More worryingly, the ONS statistics are based on the connection's headline speed, not actual throughput, which means that many more British broadband connections are effectively below the 2Mb/sec barrier. Better still, a separate report issued yesterday by Ofcom revealed that the majority of broadband users had no idea about the speed of their connection anyway."

Comment Re:Classes, Races & Professions (Score 1) 504

Achievement Unlocked: You killed 100 Trolls!

Achievement Unlocked: You died 100 times!

Achievement Unlocked: You killed 100 Players in RvR!

Achievement Unlocked: You realized RvR is as much fun as grinding Boars in WoW!

Achievement Unlocked: You realized there are no quests except kill X of mob Y and collect Z random items!

Achievement Unlocked: You looted the 100th Green Watering can without noticing you never looted any useful gear!

Achievement Unlocked: You can now tell a players level by recognizing the weapon and armor from the Renown Merchant!

Achievement Unlocked: You came to the conclusion that WAR is boring after your 1st weekend!

Emulation (Games)

Submission + - EVE Online to Linux

An anonymous reader writes: Linuxlookup.com is reporting CCP Games, one of the world's largest independent game developers, today announced a partnership with TransGaming Inc., a leading developer of software portability products for the electronic entertainment industry. The strategic relationship will enable CCP to deliver its popular massively multiplayer online game (MMOG), EVE Online, with Linux and Macintosh platforms later this year.

Study Says No Future for Video iTunes 189

eldavojohn writes "Reuters is running a story on a study that claims "Online video sites that sell shows and movies such as Apple Inc.'s iTunes will likely peak this year as more programming is made available on free outlets supported by advertising." Many channels have wised up to offering their content hosted from their own sites for free — with commercials — to cut out iTunes as the middle man. End result? Predictions that services like iTunes-Video have no future."
The Internet

Web 2.0 Distracts from Good Design 176

stevedcc writes "The BBC is running a story about web 2.0 and usability, including comments from Jakob Nielsen stating "Hype about Web 2.0 is making web firms neglect the basics of good design". From the article: "He warned that the rush to make webpages more dynamic often meant users were badly served. Sites peppered with personalization tools were in danger of resembling the 'glossy but useless' sites at the height of the dotcom boom."

Thousands of White House E-mails Deleted 799

kidcharles writes "The Washington Post reports that in the midst of an investigation by the U.S. Congress into the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys by the Department of Justice, numerous White House e-mails have been lost. Among them are communications from presidential adviser Karl Rove. Parallels are being drawn with the infamous '18 minutes' missing from the Nixon Watergate tapes. Also at issue is the use of Republican National Committee e-mail domains (such as gwb43.com and georgewbush.com) rather than the official White House domain. This is a violation of the Presidential Records Act."

IBM Doubles CPU Cooling With Simple Change 208

Ars Technica is reporting that IBM has discovered a new cooling breakthrough that, unlike several other recent announcements, should be relatively easy and cost-effective to implement. "IBM's find addresses how thermal paste is typically spread between the face of a chip and the heat spreader that sits directly over the core. Overclockers already know how crucial it is to apply thermal paste the right way: too much, and it causes heat buildup. Too little, and it causes heat buildup. It has to be "just right," which is why IBM looked to find the best way to get the gooey stuff where it needs to be and in the right amount, and to make it significantly more efficient in the process."
Media (Apple)

Will The iPhone Kill The iPod? 338

Edward Sinovian writes "According to Cnet.co.uk, the days of MP3 players, digital cameras and satellite navigation systems are numbered with cell phones about to take center stage. "PDAs have already been crushed by smart phones and the same thing looks to be happening with standalone MP3 players, particularly the smaller flash ones — a theory supported by Apple's recent entry into the world of music phones. If you then take into consideration the convergence of camera, GPS, TV and laptop-like functionality into mobile phones, it raises the question of how long it's going to take before all you need is a mobile phone." With that in mind, do you think that the iPhone will kill the iPod?"

Best OSS Systems Mgmt App You Never Heard Of 109

FLOSSisnot4Teeth writes "You probably are familiar with Nagios and Webmin as two of the most widely deployed open source systems management applications. However, this month's SourceForge.net Project of the Month is probably a newcomer to open source systems and network administrators. Zenoss Core is a systems monitoring platform, released under GPL and over the last year it's become one of the most popular SF.net projects. Unlike most of these new "commercially backed" open source projects, Zenoss Core is the only version, their corporate sponsor doesn't offer a "pro version". Also their developers have been committing code back to other projects like RRDTool and Twisted. I have been playing around with Zenoss for about six months and have been totally impressed. Would be curious to see what other Slashdot readers think." SourceForge.net and Slashdot are both owned by OSTG.

New Tolkien Book Released 'The Children of Hurin' 260

Zoolander writes "Christopher Tolkien has completed the last book of J.R.R. Tolkien from notes left from his father." The ultimate question is how much of a quality difference will there be; for instance the difference between Dune and Dune: House Atriedes is a pretty big gap. But in my experience, Christopher Tolkien has always taken a good, cautious approach when it comes to his father's work so here's to hoping.

NASA Engineers Work on New Spacesuits 105

NotCoward writes "In labs at Johnson Space Center, away from the buzz about NASA's new spaceship and its new missions to the moon and Mars, a group of engineers are plodding away at another piece of the puzzle: spacesuits. Astronaut apparel has evolved over the decades from Mercury's aluminum foil-looking outfits to the bulky, 275-pound whites now used on jaunts outside the space station. While it's too early in the process to know how the new space suits will look, the space agency is hoping to make new suits both high-tech and low-maintenance."

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