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Comment Re:Male companion (Score 2) 255

Why can't we have a long term positive male companion? Yes, it's nice to look at young women, but that isn't what Doctor Who is all about. Is it going to take a female doctor before we have can have a decent male companion that isn't a coward or dies every other episode?

I think Rory really developed nicely, actually. If you look at his first adventure away from home, he's kind of like, "Why the hell am I here in this crazy place?" But later on we have some nice "crowning moments of awesome" like Rory the Roman, his time with Flesh Jennifer and his involvement in the raid on Demon's Run. He probably was never entirely comfortable going on dangerous adventures, but he learned to deal.

Comment Re:And in other news (Score 1) 481

Hey, I've been re-watching X-Men and it is not that bad.

The 1990s X-Men animated? I loved that show. When they showed the first episode, then left us waiting for like six months before showing us anything more, I watched the first episode over, and over again. Then when the series finally landed I gobbled it up. Well, I kind of got tired of it after a couple years, and lost touch.

I rewatched the whole series recently. It was kind of painful, actually. Any time Gambit or Storm started talking, I immediately wanted them to shut up.

Comment Re:Just what Hollywood needs.... (Score 1) 481

I really enjoyed the Star Trek reboot. In my opinion, it was the the best of the Star Trek movies (but I was never a Trekkie) - yes, I know some people would hang me over that statement. I liked some of the original TV show and movies (as well as Enterprise) but as I said, my life didn't revolve around Star Trek. I just think the new movie was the best of the Star Trek films.

I love the old Star Trek films, but a lot of them are kind of crap. I mean, there's a lot I like in those films but a lot that I think just went really painfully wrong, too. I love how "Star Trek: The (Slow-)Motion Picture" tried to give us a little 2001 vibe and put the crew against something so vast as to be almost incomprehensible - but it was the recycled "Nomad" story, with too much wanking over the (admittedly beautiful) new model, and various problems due to production time running out or whatever... Trek 2 was pretty solid but "super-intelligent" Khan couldn't read through the simplest of secret codes, and they copped out on Spock's death before they even got to the credits. Trek 3 was like Trek 2's leftover baggage getting resolved, Trek 4 was like a big series of self-deprecating jokes, Trek 5 was.. I don't know, just kind of painful, I thought. And Trek 6 had its strengths but also a lot of stupid stuff - and the crew was getting pretty long in the tooth by this point. "Generations" was kind of dull and a bit unfocused, broken up into a bunch of sub-plots like a TV episode, featured the unnecessary return and then re-death of Kirk, and then the Enterprise getting brought down by a Klingon BoP of all things... (With the same BoP footage they'd been reusing since Trek 3!) - though it's got some pretty nice Galaxy-class eye candy (if you can look past the 4-footer dressing applied to the 6-footer) First Contact couldn't decide which of two movies it really wanted to be, and lowered itself to some action movie catch phrase moments... Insurrection - I'd have to see it again. And Nemesis, I think it's fair to say it wanted to be another "Wrath of Khan" rather badly. A lot of motivations didn't seem to make any sense, and... more telepathic rape. Yay. It is impressive how Ron Perlman can throw himself into all these roles without need for much make-up, though.

If the best one can say about Trek 2009 is that it's better than that sorry lot, then that's really unfortunate.

Comment Re:Just what Hollywood needs.... (Score 1) 481

I frankly wouldn't know one style of sword-fighting from another. But they did go out of their way in the dialogue to bring up fencing...

Sulu: "Let me go on this awesome suicide mission. I'm trained in hand-to-hand combat."
Kirk (later on): "What kind of hand-to-hand training did you have?"
Sulu: "Fencing."

Comment Re:Just what Hollywood needs.... (Score 1) 481

Then there was the whole thing about where Spock was waiting. Somewhere where Vulcan was visible in the sky?

Somewhere close enough to Vulcan that you can see it clearly with the naked eye, but far enough away that it doesn't get drawn in and destroyed when Vulcan turns into a black hole...

I think they made the whole "reboot" thing way too literal, and that IMO hurt the movie. The story doesn't really work the way it's told, "Nero goes back in time, changing history and that's why everything is different now" - it's just excess baggage that gets dragged around for the whole movie.

Comment Re:TMNT: Mostly Sucks (Score 1) 481

I think you need to take a step back.

First of all, you're getting angry over a cartoon about turtles that have become ninjas.

Secondly, you haven't even seen what he is proposing. So he changes their origin? big fucking deal. Get over it.

Well, if they're aliens instead of mutants doesn't that make it TANT? Or is it Teenage Mutant Alien Ninja Turtles (TMANT)?

I think the origin thing I could handle. The bigger issue is Bay himself. After what he did with Transformers I don't want to watch another of his movies.

And, let's be fair - a lot of people enjoyed Bay Transformers. Just, I didn't. By all rights I should have, Transformers (the franchise, I mean) is awesome. But after the first one I was unwilling to see either of the sequels in the theaters. If they show up on Netflix, maybe then I'll watch 'em - assuming I can find some time to watch it alone, so I don't have to subject my wife to it...

Comment Re:TMNT: Mostly Sucks (Score 1) 481

Ah, haven't seen that one. Nevertheless, it stands, if anything, as evidence that Bay's efforts will not--nay cannot--ruin TMNT. If the first, hugely-popular, utterly-commercialized cartoon series didn't ruin it, I think it's safe to say that nothing will.

Hah, good point. :)

Comment Re:TMNT: Mostly Sucks (Score 1) 481

You forgot

Step 4: Make sure you put plenty of military wank in it

Se...well I'd say transformers 3 but pretty much anything Bay does if he can squeeze in some muscle bound dudebros in camo he is sooo going for it. I have to agree with Movie Bob over at Zero Punctuation that Bay likes to dry hump the Pentagon WAY too damned much.

It's the price you pay for having F-22's in your picture.

Comment Honestly, I don't care. (Score 1) 1091

What I want from Linux is not a system that necessarily could compete with Windows or Mac, or attract large numbers of "average" users to use it.

What I enjoy about Linux is that it's a system that suits me. I like that it doesn't patronize me, or get all in my face about things I'm trying to do, the way Windows does. And every time I see a Linux app that behaves in a way that I associate with Windows (for instance, warning me when I change the extension of a file from ".jpg" or ".jpeg", or ".htm" to ".html") I get annoyed, and wish people writing Linux software wouldn't fixate themselves so much on creating software that suits the "average user".

I am a computer hobbyist, and that is awesome. Linux is an operating system in which a lot of the development effort has been centered around making it a great system for computer hobbyists. And that is, frankly, a bit problematic. There's no clear direction or leadership, and as such some really basic things have taken a really long time to materialize and/or stabilize. But I can work with that, and I choose to work with that, because most of the system is set up to support me in the way I choose to interact with the computer.

Comment Re:heh (Score 1) 1091

Acrobat != Adobe Reader

but who does that? (editing a PDF file)

Whoever created all of the PDFs out there. It was not the PDF fairy.

Not quite.

I create PDF files pretty regularly, as the GP poster said, via "print to PDF"-type features. I never edit PDF files. So not all the PDF files out there were created by a PDF editor.

(Of course, a more complete PDF editing system would mean being able to do things like create a table of contents - so yeah, it can be important to have real PDF software.)

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