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Comment Re:something similar (Score 1) 246

I recently built a little box for this exact purpose, so that everybody in our house can keep their computers off when they don't use them. I'm about to set it up for web based torrent management, and streaming media to the Xbox1.

In case anybody is interested these are the parts I used:

  • Gigabyte GA-GC230D, Intel Atom 1.6GHz, Mini-ITX, I945GC, DDR2, LAN, PCI, SATA
  • Western Digital Scorpio 500GB 2,5"
  • Advance 3903B case, 60 W external power supply (no optical drive, loud system fans)
  • AData Memory 2GB 800Mhz (clocks down nicely)
  • Netgear Switch GS605 with 5 ports

With a KVM switch I'll even be able to use it for most other purposes like surfing the web and writing homework. Then I'll only need the power hungry monster for games.

Comment Re:Lies, damned lies, and money. (Score 1) 296

Vocational education is fine provided their options are always open. By industrial workforce production I mean the assumption that every kid is supposed to learn a certain thing at a certain predefined time in their life. If they already had a particular piece of knowledge, they can not advance faster, and if they had trouble cramming this piece in at that particular time, they cannot be helped without either diagnosing them as special or holding the entire class back.

By the way, how obvious is it not that every person is unique?

Comment Re:vrml (Score 3, Insightful) 191

There are already proprietary applications for viewing 3D objects in browsers. These are useful for certain lines of work, such as displaying CAD models. I don't think the industrial companies that use these technologies will be the first to adopt open standards, but it might be a useful tool for smaller design houses.

As you wrote, online game designers will probably be all over this, and their ability to generate revenue should not be underestimated.

Comment Re:No,he is very clever :) (Score 1) 705

Yes, but on some human level you want to be able to assume that even Chinese dictators see their own nuclear weapons as a threat. I don't think even they want to live in that kind of world (and if they do, that means that we need to interact fairly with the people of these countries to change the situation).

I'm actually amazed that Obama would say such a thing. I thought he would be on your side, stereotypical American :) But I guess he and some clever nihilistic person with a strong incentive realizes that their lives will be better without nuclear weapons. I'm sure they think there's more money in peace.

Comment Re:screenshots (Score 2, Informative) 360

Many browsers have keyword searches, and most of them handle these much more robustly than Firefox with their ridiculous "bookmark keywords" (argh). Check Konquerors search manager to see how it should be done :) However Ubiquity is much more than keyword search. An ubiquity script can take input from several variables, and in several steps.

Comment Another serious question (Score 1) 408

Sometimes children actually engage in sexual activity. I don't remember my age exactly but I definitely know that I was less than four the first time I ate a girl. Since she told me to do it, who was the molester? Me or her? In fact, maybe both of us should go to jail -- we damaged our society and increased the chance for others to be molested -- and hey, it's so downright obscene anyway that there just must be a punishment involved, right?

Oh, and FYI, I thought it tasted weird so after a while I told her that I didn't want to do it any more. She said fine, and declared that she wouldn't suck me off. I got a bit mad but instead we went inside and played something else.

I'm not trolling, this is absolutely true. And I know that it's not a very rare experience either.

Comment Re:Does the law have the right direction? (Score 1) 408

It is impossible to sexualize children, in the same way that it is impossible to sexualize lemurs or adult humans. We are sexual beings, and as far as I know there is no way with our current technology to sexualize us any further.

Whatever alarmist reasons these lawmakers saw to attack freedom was bogus.

As Jimmy would say, COME ON. Do you really want to put my old Christian elementary school teacher in jail for showing us a cartoon of naked kids rubbing thighs and loudly thinking "YES, YES"? (The point of the cartoon was that you might think "NO, NO" and in that case you must make that clear and get out of there.)

Comment Re:False alarm (Score 1) 401

Right, and what now, you're going to install CCTVs in peoples homes? That is where children spend most of their time, and they are most likely to be molested by people that they have some sort of relationship with.

The only way to deal with this problem is to make sure pedophiles get help. And since they are the ones that know first if they have a problem, we need a way for them to be able to contact someone that can help them without risking legal repercussion (provided they haven't already molested someone). And even if they have already molested someone we need to focus on making the situation better, not lock people up and pretend that it's payback.

Rules and law often inhibit progression of society.


Submission + - Sweden Promotes Space Tourism by 2012 (

think_nix writes: The is reporting for around 200,000 $USD tickets for eager space tourists looking for that outer space adventure will be purchasable from the Swedens Ice Hotel in Kiruna. The flights are planned to be run by Virgin Galactic, also allowing flights to be taken from New Mexico U.S.A. The Article further states that already around 300 Tickets have been purchased.

Submission + - Canadian Science Minister Ignorant of Science (

Anonymous Coward writes: "The Canadian minister of state for science and technology, Gary Goodyear, who recently confused science and religion when asked if he believed in evolution, has again confirmed his ignorance of science. When further asked to clarify if he believed in evolution, Mr. Goodyear replied, "Of course I [believe in evolution] .. We are evolving every year, every decade." Mr. Goodyear then went on to list such examples as adaptation to "... intensity of the sun, whether it's to ... walking on cement versus anything else, whether it's running shoes or high heels, of course we are evolving to our environment", indicating that he has no grasp on the basic concept of evolution by natural selection. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Submission + - New bacteria discovered in upper stratosphere (

An anonymous reader writes: The Indian Space Research Organisation has announced that its scientists, in collaboration with National Balloon Facility in Hyderabad of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad as well as the National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Pune have discovered three new bacteria in upper stratosphere. It is debatable if the bacteria are extraterrestrial in origin. This paper in International Journal of Astrobiology [pdf] speculates how microorganisms reach the stratosphere.

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