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Comment Re:Taser (Score 1) 936

Tasers should be considered semi-lethal force

This makes sense. Tasers are definitely a step up in force from simple verbal or relatively gentle physical actions. However...

and only be used in situations that a gun would be used in.

If the situation justifies a gun, the officer should use a gun, not a Taser. The Taser should be used for situations that don't justify a gun, but the person is resistant to any other methods to get them to comply with the law.

Comment Re:Not so shocking as it seems (Score 2) 189

I voted absentee this year, and unless my state (New Hampshire) is the odd one out (always possible), you have the process wrong.
I filled out a ballot, which had no identifying marks on it at all. No signature, name, or anything like that.
Then, that was sealed inside an envelope with a statement I had to sign saying that I myself completed the ballot, and it was the only ballot I filled out.
That envelope was then put inside another envelope that could be dropped in the mail or handed in at the town office.
Once the envelopes were stripped out, there was no way to tell who had filled in the ballot.

Comment Re:It does not protect anyone's privacy... (Score 1) 375

Yeah, that is bull. The recipients don't care that it's set by a real human being, they care that it's set on a small enough fraction of UAs that the PR is worth more than the value of the data they forgo.

I think you're a bit off saying they don't care at all. The only reason they have to go with the DNT flag is for PR purposes. If their reason to break it is simply that it cuts into their income too much, they don't get any PR benefit. However, if they can break it and say that it was being abused, they can possibly get some benefit for trying at least.

Comment Re:It's a good thing, then... (Score 1) 345

And just because "they can come back and register with false information," is that any reason to let persons who have registered with their real information stay?

Actually, I would think that is a very good reason to let them stay. I'd rather have them there under their real name than a fake one. This is ignoring my opinion on the sex offender list in general.

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