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Journal Journal: 121214 (road rage)

This isn't any official system notice, only me musing about security.

So I'm editing this new wiki page. I don't really care for wikis. What I want is plain text editor, emacs, vi, or even something without all of the functionality, load, save, a rudimentary clipboard and with the option for row column box text selection. The target is to generate primarily plain text HTML pages using hyperlinks to fulfill footnote endnote type reference conventions. Nothing big. We're talking the beginning of the web around '90 or so. Should be easy. Every wiki wants to stuff some extra garbage container syntax around the already fubar'd HTML implementation. Not bad, though, I can handle it if really necessary. What I really need is plain served hosted net space with a web based file manager--my access through public use systems at a public library (part of the job description) doesnt give me all the bells and whistles of ssh capability.

So I settle with a wiki, okay, fine, just find one that works and doesn't start hypersupervising. Since when do sysops bother hypersupervising? Any real sysop has a real life or doesn't have time to monkey around with some user's posts in the message section. The point of running a BBS is not to play deity in the message boards; never was. If the sysop needs to play deity in the message board then they're not running much of a BBS to begin with. Okay, so now I've got a wiki, and it has a few of these bells and whistles. Like avatar. Look, some neat pic which I am allowed to configure. Okay. Upload one. Do you mind if I reference that? Is it okay for me to stick my avatar on a page since I took the time to upload the file? Well, try the docs and the getting started and there just isn't anything about it. How about image? You know, this wiki thing has all of these colon separated classes (emacs was bad enough as a programming shell, lisp, ughhhh *shiver*, and now we take this wiki container syntax garbage and chock it full of what looks like lisp? does ANYBODY think about security anymore?), so maybe there's a class for the avatar. Well, if so, I can't find it. Okay, maybe I'll just try to reference it like any other image on the web. Good luck finding the address for that pic I uploaded. I know what name I gave it... but where is it? After much poking around I manage to hack out an address to a php script on the server that will cough up the image that I uploaded (and is likely sitting right there on the top level of my own user home directory, whatever that happens to be). Okay, well, at least the pic is on the page. How about I wrap some of the title text on the left of it. Great idea.

Okay, too much room along the pic and some of the meat of the page is along the pic. HTML sucks ass. br, br, br, br. Oh wait, that won't work, this is that wiki that is more broken than others. HTML is a whitespace eater (since when is "sed" your preferred pager?). Most other wikis mostly pass the whitespace to the HTML parser and it gets eaten just as you expect. The wiki I settled on doesn't quite do that. Sometimes it eats the whitespace like HTML, sometimes it acts in a sane manner and leaves the CR/LF where you thought it was. So maybe I'll just knock a couple extra enters in. Not above the text, though, because that's the top of the page, and that's the whitespace that this wiki eats, too, just like HTML would have. Okay, well, let's look to see if we can just knock some extra lines after the title text. Nope. The wiki sacts sane about leaving the end of line format CR/LF, but extras are eaten like HTML normally would. It's like a contest to see if I'm more surprised by the idiocy of HTML or more surprised by the idiocy of the implemented wiki container overlay. Okay... well, sometimes the wiki will observe <br> the way I expect. Not this one. This one has provided the _FEATURE_ that the user (should feel priveleged and excited) to use these blocks deliberatly designated by a wiki interpreted bracket encase html tag. Well, that's great, but in the consideration of this avatar picture that I took such pains to even put on the page, that HTML block completely acts bipolar against the image, as in the image block and the HTML block are simply never going to be considered to be on the same row without resorting to a different method of placing the picture there.

Okay, so if the whole thing is going to work so hard to completely fubar any attempt at reasonable page layout design (remember Aldus Pagemaker? 20 years ago that program was much better than any WYSIWYG or syntax editor the industry serves up today), then why are we not editing text files and retrieving them by ftp and piping them to a kernel alert notifier?

Absolute crap... but, it beats standing outside in the rain, and the music is good.

Oh, right, the point.

So after fighting with it I have about eight lines on the page. And I have some editing to do, correct a type-o, and then insert a space between two lines (extra CR/LF). Now, tell me, after I place a cursor and insert a CR/LF, is there some reason why the cursor jumps two lines and four columns away to the character type-o that I fixed?

Again, again, and again... delete the extra line, line the page up (with cursoring keys) like I would, place the cursor on the line to be inserted, hit enter, and wait a fraction of a moment and... WHOA! there's the cursor two lines and four columns away on the character type-o which I fixed. Move the cursor back. delete the inserted line. Cursor around a bit and then place the cursor, insert the CR/LF, wait a half a moment, and BOOM, there's the cursor two lines and four columns away on the character type-o which I had fixed. Again, again, and again.

Does ANYBODY know a darn thing about programming security any longer? That's a cursor fault in a text editor, damnit!

User Journal

Journal Journal: 121025 (rats)

121025. System Notice.

Revenerable Foo' Moe-Dee

The mission scout for the stronghold has observed that loading userspace with focus points for the sun mouse and crapflooding the mouse queue has potential to be used in the field of developing advanced functionality circuit diagrams. Patent pending.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 121024 (boot)

121024. System Notice.

Senor Pedro Marco Agapito Jose Juan Martinez
Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

Silverspur's Stronghold works so well that even I, mapfortu, am not able to make a post without the paperwork going through Revenerable Foo' Moe-D's desk and should even I, mapfortu, attempt to post to slashdot without making the header proper then the resulting page faults will force me to lose the journal entry and begin again until even I, mapfortu, fill out the paperwork properly _be_fore Revenerable Foo' Moe-D will even allow me to make said journal entry post to slashdot and report the system notice.

Well, there are layers and layers and layers of red tape and just political junk and paperwork shuffling and desk work and protocol and signatures to be followed everywhere. It just never ends.

A small description of the proper method to achieve a state of fast interaction with your computer.

Format and zero fill the hard drive, full, slow, several times. Take the entire system apart. Locate any and all available hardware PIN or jumpers for default settings--use them. Boot the system with bare minimum additional peripherals necessary to install the operating system (choose) manually. Make use of any and all software driver media and locate any and all available default settings (unless complete display inoperability results--tolerate low resolutions to 1024x768 or less). Install the operating system with bare minimum hardware system components. DO NOT IMAGE (losers). Observe all reboots with full poweroff, take the system apart, find and locate any and all hardware default jumpers and PINS--use them, and allow the install procedure to continue. Eventually the system should boot to a stable and plain operating system. Power off the system.

Take the entire system apart. Locate any and all available hardware PIN or jumpers for default settings--use them. Make use of any and all software driver media and locate any and all available default settings (unless complete display inoperability results--tolerate low resolutions to 1024x768 or less). Boot the system. Make note of events by which the operating system notes that the system has been taken apart and peripherals reset. If such events have occurred then allow the system to boot and power down. Take the entire system apart. Locate any and all available hardware PIN or jumpers for default settings--use them. Boot the system. Make note of events by which the operating system notes that the system has been taken apart and peripherals reset. Such events, really, should not occur again--the OS should have taken note that the user has elected to prefer the default state. For security purposes perhaps the OS may alert the user and that, really, should be a security message. Security messages are acceptable. If such events have occurred then repeat the process three or four times, minimum, to check for further events, perhaps even bugs, in successive boot sequences. When the sequence has been determined stable, buggy, or profiled then power down the system.

Take the entire system apart. Locate any and all available hardware PIN or jumpers for default settings--use them. Make use of any and all software driver media and locate any and all available default settings (unless complete display inoperability results--tolerate low resolutions to 1024x768 or less). Reassemble the system and add one additional peripheral device. Boot the system. Repeat the process. Check for events during which the OS notices that the hardware has been reset (using hardware PINS/jumpers or supplied user software media). Profile the events for security, notice, bugs. Determine the system to be stable.

Take the entire system apart. Locate any and all available hardware PIN or jumpers for default settings--use them. Make use of any and all software driver media and locate any and all available default settings (unless complete display inoperability results--tolerate low resolutions to 1024x768 or less). Reassemble the system and add one additional peripheral device. Boot the system. Repeat the process.

Iterate to assemble the entire system. Investigate available sequences to add the list of available peripheral devices. Use a different OS.

Silverspur's Stronghold remains the most secure data center in the world.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120920 (queue)

120920. System notice.

Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

[There are 11 users in relay.]
[Type /help for relay commands, /quit to quit]
%mapfortu entered
>in ie. if text is entered into the url bar, then new tab, the text is cleared. considering the l
mapfortu: in ie. if text is entered into the url bar, then new tab, the text is cleared. considering the layers of priveleges and buffers indicated by that necessary queue cleaning, is that exploitable?
>okay, like format and validate, is that buffer entirely cleared or initialized? if init'd, all at
mapfortu: okay, like format and validate, is that buffer entirely cleared or initialized? if init'd, all at once or could it be large enough to be in blocks?
>I like this possibility: the buffer, like the mouse buffer, is set up to accept near anything at hyperspeed with various elevator ceilings. could you pump it on cycle timings and interrupt the ke
mapfortu: I like this possibility: the buffer, like the mouse buffer, is set up to accept near anything at hyperspeed with various elevator ceilings. could you pump it on cycle timings and interrupt the kernel?
mapfortu: it is connected to the irq of the kb
mapfortu: seven steps to know anybody
>if it were lynx, so what? but it's ie, so there's enormous momentum behind the buffers on that ax
mapfortu: if it were lynx, so what? but it's ie, so there's enormous momentum behind the buffers on that axis

The ie bar clearing text with a new tab was noticed long ago--indicating characteristics of the code heirarchy managing the new tab. Placing such a code heirarchy alongside something like notepad or LosethOS gives an idea of various available privelege routes and cycle timings in similarly sized and branched loops. Surely, with all of the scripting languages out there, somebody could crack the URL bar like AES.


For example. If you know that the block of kernel boxes you are looking for are in 1024 byte frames and occur n number of times per second then script pumping that URL bar with 1024 bytes n times per second on the new tab; perhaps, go AC on pump the tab, new tab, pump the new tab, switch back, pump the original, close the original, make hopskotch out of it--crack it like AES. There's a skew adjustment for stack position and perhaps a consideration for interruptible layers similar to the code chart for a program like notepad or LosethOS. No big deal. What happens if you catch the timing? Find out. Keep a bunch of network connections open and try to find the dump on the grounding wire when it belches. Don't drop carrier. Sometimes the code can't take it. On old old Ivory systems you could reliably root by dropping carrier (call back and bam, the system was waiting to answer)--that went away by the time any consumer had a modem.

Silverspur's Stronghold continues to remain the most reliable and secure data center on the planet. We feature a statically compiled libc and a custom set of svgalib framebuffers built on that static libc. There is no end to disk space available. We provide custom dialup software for security--on-site users have access to media (you can't afford it if you're reading the system notice via third party relay). All of our modems have all of the special filters used by INTERPOL (they claim to have a few new ones, maybe) and several of our own.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120811 (cp)

The copy and paste buffer will be today's topic of discussion for those of you who are not yet comfortable with the mortician behind the mirror and need to play computer games to convince yourselves that things work the way they should.

The copy and paste buffer is a beautiful thing. At one time it only needed to copy and paste plain text and the bytes which could possibly go through the copy and paste queue were more or less the same as the bytes which you could look at for memory mapped assembler code. Over the course of time text inherited colors and the ability to have small styles--looking at memory mapped assembler code didn't really need that and preferred to remain plain text. Over the passage of more time the copy and paste buffer now needs to be able to accept different bit pattern formats, different file types, perhaps even different objects which could be on read data paths; near hardwire pipeline connection to an actual physical peripheral.

If you play a game of Tetris inside of Pac-Man while you play Pac-Man the timing process is similar to Lemmings. If you expand Elevator Action to include Frogger type lanes then you have a modern day copy and paste buffer.

The moment you select material the copy and paste buffer needs to be ready to accept anything which is cued by that CTRL+C. That does not necessarily mean that the data will be transferred, especially if you are trying to exploit it, but that means that all of those switch pathways which could allow Elevator Action to make it through those Frogger lanes must be primed and ready in the event that the data is determined to be available by the underlying OS mechanisms handling the copy and paste buffer.

In the 1970s the goal of core wars was to establish a connection with the opponent and, knowing key timings and characteristics of the Elevator Action/Frogger process cycles running in that operating system, maneuver Froggerspy into memory areas which would not be cleared, accumulate enough of those memory areas within timing windows which would allow for their corners and edges to be cleared in a process which would land them in executable space, and then have enough open connections to hope to catch a garbage connection when the Elevator Action Frogger cycles collide, break down, execute the conglomerated executable code. Trial and error, trial and error, trial and error.

In 2012 we are able to do the same with input prompts and the copy and paste buffer. Anticipate that there is an Elevator Action Frogger network of pathways, and there enormous numbers of little corners and ridges to hide data, especially if you encourage the copy and paste buffer to open all of those corners and ridges. Copy and paste plain text? No problem. Create a string of text which sequentially maps out every font, file type, image type, and data format which you could possibly shove through the buffer and trial and error your way to a hole which you are able to find on a garbage network connection. Many garbage network connections, many copy and paste buffers, trial and error, and complete pwnage should be about two weeks away from anybody who spends command line and compiler time working on Elevator Action and Frogger loops--especially if they write device drivers.

Then you should begin to become comfortable with knowing that there is a mortician behind the mirror (the automobile antenna is not entirely for your entertainment)--nearly: staff cutbacks, timesharing, outsourcing, subcontracting, you are not always that important because you will operate the remainder of your day as Just Another Auto-Mad-Mean (tm). The way to find computer exploits is the same way that the shitbags worship the Lt. Dan Forrest Gump pole. Practice every imaginable stupidity possible and wait patiently for the target to become upset with the stupidity. Blame the target.

Input prompt and copy and paste buffer: carefully and sequentially map out every possible stupidity you could throw into that buffer and wait for it to break, collect the christmas presents from the garbage connection. For example, at whatever network input prompt you like, if you know how to code at the level, put together that request packet using a custom field. Overload the field as much as your ethernet card will allow and throw that HTTP REQUEST packet down that wire!

You would be surprised at the number of exploits already hidden in your computer. If you could install Linux, then Debian, then LFS a few times, then move to GNU/HURD (progressive levels of Lt. Dan stupidity here *g*), then ASM OSs (Contiki, Losethos, etc.), then OpenBIOS a few times, then try to write an OpenBIOS for your system which would give to you a text editor with a button on boot-up, else go through normal sequence. Then try to find your text editor from an OS. Try to use your text editor to read/write to the pins which would talk to your network card before you plug your network cable in. Go Lt. Dan Forrest Gump stupid on your network card, play Elevator Action Frogger with the wires. You would be surprised what is already buried in those chips.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120722 (wik)

Some sketchpad material which is being formulated into an upcoming wiki.

The Egyptian sphinx is not an entirely standalone system. The nose of the sphinx is a record of how the system has progressed. The structure of the sphinx imitates the design of the system. If the allegorical representation of the functions of individuals within the system were to be presented in a more linear fashion then, after placing a number end-to-end (linear representation of time), the sphinx becomes the Great Wall of China. This is not to indicate that the Orient is at all subservient to the sphinx. The heirarchical subservience of nations is designed to rotate, change, and develop within the scripts which are represented by the sphinx and the great wall. The Berlin wall, and the surrounding political and social mechanisms, was a subroutine within the scripts to determine which hemispherical nations would assimilate the other.

SIMs. Stand-in-mummy system. If your area does not have an actual mummified baby around which to calibrate the scripts then the groups who practice the social overseer positions will simply pick or import an individual to be the mummy. With dozens of people in every scene the desired effects rarely rely on the physical disfiguration of the mummified individual.

The scripts accomplish a plan of "attack and gain" through a methodology of "attack and blame". Attack (mummification), and gain (from investments in the planned future). Attack (miniature social assaults scheduled within the scripts) and blame (scripted claims of innocence and directing further aggravation and interrogation towards the target).

Geographical systems. The Orient: the orient has the great wall of china depicting the system of scripts. I believe that the Orient keeps its mummified individuals in communities of cells and raises them to believe that the entire world is the same. At a particular age the mummified individual is given the opportunity to leave with a direct point to the lack of edible food growing in the wild. If the individual returns to the cell life then they are on schedule in the scripts to a death. If the individual chooses to attempt to walk the earth there are forty persons following the target to inspire the death of the individual. Egypto-Hebrew and Israeli. At one time seperate, these have mostly merged from the point of view of most of the population. Persian: Uncertain, but perhaps the remainder of the Persian empire yet has a personal branding system which prevents the use of a full mummified individual on predictable basis. Soviet: There are gulags in Siberia as old as the sphinx. European: Similar to Persian, at one time had their own personal branding updates for debt remediation--now have shuffled their debt onto the forty American mummified individuals. American: Assimilated as the christ for Europe and the Egypto-Hebrew portions. African: Egypt is in Africa and most of Africa appears to be managed in near gridlike precision of warlords.

The sphinx. The nose of the sphinx is divided into a grid. Postulate 20x20 or 20x30. Each grid square represents a particular script with a group (theorize circa hundred individuals per script management group) managing the script. The Greek pantheon is given 15-20. The Israeli pantheon is given 15-20 (and has bought many more). The Oriental pantheon likely has closer to 100 (as the Great Wall makes that entire region of the world quite separate). The Roman Catholic Archdioceses, worldwide, likely have closer to 100 (though, as finances work out, the Greek and Israeli pantheons retain controlling monetary resources). The Protestant pantheon is likely close to 100 (with various lines of dependency to the RC, Greek, and Israeli pantheons). The Egypto-Hebrew pantheon is likely around 20. The Rainbowtard (they have no particular family lineage, never have, never will) pantheon is likely less than 20 but with controlling dependencies within the scripts over near all other pantheons. How many is that? The Soviet pantheon is likely around 50-100. (Between 400 and 600 on the nose). The European pantheon may add up to 40 (Britain, Germany, France, Spain), with eastern europe taking pantheons from the west and the soviets. The descendants of Esau (and the descendants of Ishmael) likely retain close to 50 pantheon spaces.

In 1977, forty human babies were mummified in the United States.
In the 1980s, the sons of heaven (sons of Esau/Ishmael) arrive to "Open Pantry", and take as many as they like.
around '86 the shuttle Challenger is Abram with Isaac (the teacher's name is "Melchizedek". Noah's teacher's name is not given in popular scripture).
Black Monday '88 is Peniel.
Bush, Jr. and Clinton together make up the Babylonian captivity (nobody knows what's going on but they continue making noise on script and making money).

Individuals within the script system (anybody who signs for the money or adheres to binding obligations for the money or authority with money) are themselves profiled by four year sequences of forty overseers. Each four year sequence is delineated to include a particular scene which will progress the individual through what is commonly known as the "stations of the cross". Throughout their lives most individuals are held accountable to two cues per four hour scripted sequence and two scripted sequences daily. The number of cues per sequence directly demanded from an individual may be accelerated to up to thousands; a typical acclereated mode reaches six hundred cues in the four hour sequence.

The platter is the seven year sequence for walking out of the sphinx (or the great wall of china). The bar shitz-vah-goons. The bar shits for goons. The bar will indeed bend over and take it for anybody with that much money. The first four years of the platter are not the typical four year forty thieves (Ali Baba) sequence--the bar funds forty thieves to be on the target all the time, demanding six hundred (or more) cues every four hours, every day, every week, every month, each year. The result is a scripted death of the target hundreds of times over before the end of the four goons (forty thieves). The scholars of the law have never been able to find a way out of the sphinx and the four goons are their method for demanding service (the law is made the target's problem) without paying for it. Once the bar shitz-four-goons they are supposed to be satisfied and actually begin to work in favor of the target (by law, not by script--by script the bar will continue to ride on the target). One two, buckle the shoe (make for the door), three four lock the door (the bar paid for forty thieves).

If the target makes it through the four goons four years (nobody ever does, death is hundreds of times over and predictable to feed the "attack and gain" system) then the midwives step in with the "Dear John" letter. Surgeon General's warning, smoking may cause cancer in pregnant women. Sir John Jenner, Al's war, Ning (knee in can, falling in debt, etc.), S'mok (I am mocking you--s' indicates, in ancient Noah, "me", t' indicates, in ancient Noah, "you"), ing may ca (how you poop? Go take a poop?), Use can (go take a poop, go take a hike, go for a walk), cer in (Sincerely, signed, etc.), Pregnant Women (you've had too much fun on us!). If the target doesn't go for the pilgrimage then the pregnant women ensure incarceration on a path leading to terrible tragedy (similar to the oriental mummified babies). Five six pick up sticks (go for the walk).

If the target goes for the walk and returns (nobody ever makes it several hundred times over and the scripted death feeds the "attack and gain" system) then the midwives go quiet (they set John the Baptist up because they knew that he would only go sleep with the gypsies three weeks out of town for a month and then return--he never made it all the way to Cairo and back) and feed the target to the doctors.

The doctors know about the sphinx script system and that each and every scene is designed to continually funnel the low scoring individual (or the target) into gradual physical breakdown and damage. Carrot stick (jawbones), cantaloupe (head injury), watermelon (David's key, what's wrong with your hand?), and wishbone tuck (prostate checked wrong). The doctors schedule a fight with the individual to settle it once and for all. Win or lose the target returns to signing for the money and straight back down into the depths of the mummies' tomb. Seven eight lay them straight (get into the fight).

If the target passes through the fight without being killed then the mortician arrives. Nine ten the big fat hen. The mortician designed the mummies tomb system (the sphinx, the great wall of china), to keep the doctors and the scholars of the law busy on schedule getting killed. The mortician has a secret to hide (only the good die young, the remainder twist into dogs) and a quota of dogs to fill. The mortician will not confess to this, though, and will instead bedazzle the target with all of their shynesses and sexual fantasies. Back to work for the money to try and get any of it, back into the mummy's tomb.

When the Egypto-Hebrews kick off a platter sequence with a day of atonement party it is usually scheduled around modern "Saint Anthony of Padua". A large part of the mummy tomb sphinx target system is based upon guilt trips and blame "what's wrong with your hand". St. Anthony of Padua is also the day when the Israeli pantheon dispatches the Levite to the appropriate Christian churches to gather the cues which ensure the script dependencies.

When the Jericho mob (Israeli) pantheon kicks off a platter sequence the day of atonement party is scheduled around the extension of Hezekiah's life. The money king is living on the trust fund life support system. All sorts of individuals arrive at the appropriate Christian churches to gather the cues which ensure script dependencies.

The Rainbowtards operate much the same as the Roman Catholic "while they were at supper". Jesus was not present. He was in some other room, maybe out back, maybe on the way, and he was practicing a very particular ritual. The ritual enters him into a particular demeanor which, within the master-servant script system, the others are trained to react to appropriately when he does arrive. In modern days the rainbowtards do not actually have particular demeanors which cue the other individuals of society. Instead the near entirety of rainbowtard superiority is based on their complete lack of identity (never had a family, never will, always on script and on cue) and their ability to draw themselves up into completely intimidating, passive, flat postures. The remainder of the mummy scripts are all trained to be easily intimidated. The rainbowtards also control the majority of financial capital (at will, if necessary, to enforce their scripts) and their entire lives are spent bullying the remainder of society to fit the roles.

Representative members of all pantheons have access to the SIMs scripts which allow them to model the system on modern computer systems. Each week an individual's personal overseers use the system to score the scripts between what was expected to happen and what did happen.

If an individual personally becomes responsible for the failure of a sphinx level script then a chip is taken from the sphinx's nose, a new hi-res photograph is taken (by the people who, in the movie "The Mummy" are the dingbats lady and her dingbats brother working in the library), and a corresponding diamond crystal (electromagnetic spectrum frequency transmitter, audio and video) is given to the individual deemed responsible for the change. If an individual accumulates both a major and a minor then perhaps they will graduate from the sphinx college (20x20, 20x30) and inherit their own pantheon. In modern times the pantheons have been handed down in lineages of families (who maintain superiority through planned extraordinary orders of magnitude wealth supremacy) and near all individuals who have a "major and a minor" also have palatial estates, thousands of servants, and manage payrolls in the billions.

I have a major and a minor and, after my performance in the public arena containing the day of atonement kick-off party for the Jericho mob (held last night at the intersection of Torrey Pines and Girard), I have earned a double major (a second large chip). The second large chip will likely go into a safe deposit box (movie: Inside Man) with all of the other investments bought on the head of the platter target. I, having already walked through the entire seven year sequence and knowing everything the doctors, morticians, midwives (and the mortician will only tell you about this material in terms of technical anatomy, the mortician will not speak in terms of "in town model", "long toes and high knees", "kiss my butt while you're on your knees using the in-town model, eunuch", and "gumby account system"), and bar know, consider the remainder of the pantheons to be so much chaff--irritating but harmless.

The mummy's tomb is not designed to coordinate scripts around an individual who has already walked out of the mummy's tomb. An individual who leaves the mummy's tomb (nobody except me, to date) then walks to the pyramid and goes through the mortician's inferno. As we have no real morticians today (character roles inside the mummy's tomb), that leaves me to, more or less, be the world's supreme being.

It's not that I am better than you. It is indeed a supreme being type thing. I earned my pantheon the hard way. I walked through it.

A large part of the stalking tactics of the phonies (Jericho Mob, Egyto-Hebrew, rainbowtard) is to cause a terrible situation (scripted within the mummies' tomb system). Their final "ace in the hole" is to be able to buy a sniper assassination. Since '99 the bullets bought for me have missed. Since (who knows when, at least the last seven years), the guild of individuals who manage the bullets (not a single bullet goes without the dollar driving it inside the mummies' tomb) will not even take my name. Historically the shooter will miss and then their shooting percentage drops to marginal. The guild has ceased placing their sharpshooters on labyrinth circuits (similar to Hezekiah's fifteen year life extension) which results in their uselessness.

Yesterday the mobbies bought eight bullets for me. The guild yet gives to me the "rat-a-tat-tat" sound in the environment to let me know what today's score is. On the sphinx nose it is nigh impossible to change a script without upsetting somebody with enormous wealth. I have no fear.

Play chicken with the mummy. The mummy goes crash-test-dummy on your butt. Get in the back seat of this taxi, I will even leave the window down for air. In '99 the bullet went through my rear windows as I drove up the highway after work.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120719 (syll)


A little work to assist. Do not read scripture as the accounts of any singular individuals. Read scripture as the conglomerate best possible outcome of what would have happened if those people would have done what they were told to do. If a person does not desire to pursue full fast then their most hopeful aspiration is to analyze the roles of scripture (and individual names in the scripture are themselves playing a role, so plan to analyze the script recursively), decide what they did wrong, fit themselves into a particular role, and improve upon it.

The phonies are "goons". Sh_tbags. Sh_tbag-goons. Not dubloons. Sh_tbag-goons. Sh_tz-vah-goons. The Babylonian furnace is "Bar Sh_tz-vah-goons", may I take your order? We don't serve that here. You need more money, sh_tz-vah-goon. Sh_tbag-homofags. They are the sh_tz-vah-goons inside the band that plays on.

If every atrocity is a coverup for something then what is the mummy sphinx a coverup for? The mortician is hiding the process during which you polymorph into a dog. What is twisting up into a dog a coverup for? That may be recursive (twisting into a cat, twisting into a tweety bird, nobody knowse--sphinx--where the suffering ends, that's why they built the luxury in-town model). If twisting up into a dog is recursive then that's the end of it.

Noah did not curse all of Ham. Noah only cursed Canaan. Show us a Hamite who will make fast to prove it.

If twisting up into a dog is recursive then that's the end of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120718 (santion)

120718. System notice.

Silverspur Goldmane
Homey G. Biznatch
Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

GB submits the comparison between. These pages are considered supplementary. This person is lifetime persona non grata to the stronghold and considered to be Lindar's prime necromancy target in the world.

A review of customer subscription policy may be required.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120718 (notes)

120718. System notice.

Silverspur Goldmane
Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

The high court of the stronghold has released the following documents related to the persons of the court.

This is a photograph of a mummified two year old person of the court. Happy birthday. The gender has been airbrushed to appear as female. The colors of transparent green, blue, purple, and yellows have all been modified to appear chargrill brown and black. The scarring pattern on the chest has been enlarged and reapplied as a representation. The remaining identifying characteristics have been verified by the emissary scout Homeless. Fine work.

While employed at Abbott Laboratories the person was supervised from the human resources department by Kelvin Oxendine. Maximilln's addition.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120708 (sec)

120708. System Notice.

Pedro Marco Agapito Jose Juan Martinez
Eric Mahogany
Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

A comment from an AC in DNSchanger inspired further investigation into pdf files. It has long been known that the pdf format is heavily exploitable--operate at your own risk. The comment recognizing that the FBI pdf likely installs its own malware led to an investigation into the possible methods. The investigation into vulnerable vectors uncovered a common system vector: fonts.

Nobody wants to take down the name of a font and then go find it somewhere (similar to AV codecs) and hope it's the same one for which they are looking. Long ago fonts (and AV codecs) were, more or less, incorporated into automatic retrieval and installation (not very secure for untested, bleeding edge, trial basis and experimental mathematical compression algorithms). PDF files and Word documents were known, at one time, to commonly request font retrieval--that they no longer make such requests indicates that nearly everything has been automated.

Are your font (and AV codec) retrieval and installation mechanisms exploitable? Where are they available to be accessed? How does the system check and track the available database and list? A similar question could be applied to your dynamic linker (eg. ld). Where are possible exploits in the file format for fonts (using automatic AV codec retrieval requires more elaborate manipulation of data file formats to create a full exploit)?

Does the FBI file really install its own malware? Likely, and likely it includes its own embedded fonts. How many fonts are already on your system? Are you positive that those fonts which appear to be all boxes or empty are really even valid fonts and not ready made in place viruses?

Silverspur's Stronghold continues to be the most secure data center on the planet.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120510 (.)

120510. Tenth.

Slashdot has signatures at the bottom of posts. People set signatures for whatever they like. There is a format of humor for many signatures: Slashdot has various "isms" such as the 1,2,profit! system, the overlord system, the Soviet Russia system, and many others which are carried on by different posts in the public forums. Another format is the number of people in the world, this many are these people, another number for other people, and the final outcome creates a construct which is entertaining and inspires other people to report their attempts to imitate and improve upon the format.

The number of people in the world is significant if you consider that they could all indeed be manipulating a single individual for a controlled purpose. How many would it take? How many people could you differentiate on any regular schedule? How many people would be required to deliberately maintain a single individual in isolation?

How many groups would it take to staff a particular area? How many areas would it take to cover a region?

That is the significance of the number of persons in the world format for Slashdot humor. Yes, they are watching you. This is how many people it would take and this is how many of those groups are functioning around you.

ten different people in the world? Well, probably not, because likely you would figure it out.

A hundred different people in the world? Well, that depends upon how stupid you are.

So how many people would it take to maintain you individually in perpetual social isolation?

How many different people in the world do you have it simplified to?

Consider that the jericho system is proposed for eight hundred people daily in a system rotating around, given that the area is designed to be the most densely packed rotating system possible. The point being that we maintain the entire population in a system of controlled rotating social isolation and the only free time you have is because you have been moved to an area where you have fifty people in the world. Maybe your world has twenty different people in the world.

But they are indeed all definitely out to get you. There is nobody else past them. How many would it take to remain just out of sight with absolutely nobody else in the world?

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120505 (knockdown)

120505. System Notice.

Senor Pedro Matrinez
Revenerable Foo' Moe-D

The high court of Silverspur's Stronghold is pleased to announce the release of Knockdown. Security systems within the established data center have long been maintained at the stellar edge of industry development. Many years of development have led to a release of the most efficient techniques to assist the in demand tech professional under the flood of daily industry security alerts, updates, and trends. Knockdown may be installed on factory OEM systems, common operating system distributions, custom designed user interfaces (built on x86 or m68k libc framework and subsequent derivations), and may be adapted for microdevice hardware operating systems. Knockdown functions with the greatest fluidity when installed on a system unhindered by inferior software packages and will interoperate cleanly with common industry firewalls, security profiles, and packet filtering hardare.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120503 (layout)

Demonstration of Scientific Analysis and Publication

The combination of a semi-interactive real-time messaging system with entirely unknown and unpredictable random respondants has been used as a cross reference to the behaviors predicted by analysis of scriptural writings recording the behaviors of similar individuals across the span of modern history. Complex and disciplined methods were employed to analyze the available data sets and determine corresponding mechanisms common between them. The methods were applied across both data sets and the results were organized according to the characteristics of the data. Significant systems were identified and elaborately explored to determine the nature of their operation and their capacity for exchanging communication. A wiki system was used for the purpose of demonstrating the development of the analysis scheme and for the presentation of the material.


- Data
-- Scriptural
-- On de mand
- Methods of analysis
-- Santization of the collecting, interpretation and reporting instrumentation (maintenance of laboratory equipment)
-- Numeric calibration
-- Syllabyllic calibration
-- Respo nsive operation
-- Statistical formatting of instrumental signal and noise

- Organi zation and categorization of the data (plotting the data set)
- Presenting the entirety of the data set in an alternative configuration (comparison of best fit curve methods)
- Application of the method of analysis
(the wiki history of changes illustrates how the analysis methods converted the data set into the summary and conclusions over the course of time)


Proper comparison of the scriptural data set with the real time data sets was not complete until the statistical method of analysis was applied. Extraordinary inconsistencies between the scriptural data set and the real-time on demand data sets were inexplicable even with the consideration of evolving (constantly changing) technology and language. Only when verse-response correlations of the data sets were fit into the abstract pattern of frequency of "t" and "i" did both data sets comply with the final summary analysis.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120426 (release)

120426. System notice.

Check the wiki to view the beta release of the second edition of material.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 120425 (update)

120425. System notice.

Why does your monitor have a configuration menu with touch accessible buttons? It works. Why the playbuttons? Old time techies will offer that, long ago, oftentimes hardware would not properly interact and settings (cycle timings) needed to be modified to produce a result visible to the eye on the display: that or screensaver. But why do monitors all have playbuttons? Some people make a show out of setting the brightness for the room or claiming some magical fine tuning with their eyes. Okay, whatever, they're just making excuses and sometimes you need to play along with your friends because they are your friends. Your friends are idiots--we all know this--and that is exactly why they are your friends because nobody else would tolerate your particular favorite idiocies. That is a fact of life and nobody has a problem with it because everybody has friends.

Now, well into 2012, when hardware has been standardized and you are not going to hack your old CRT monitor into some evil cable splice to your betamax which does not work but does provide a pass-through to the even more ancient hardware which is used to connect to whatever the heck you're connecting it to just to get a single feed from the oscilloscope which you scraped up out of Thunderdome when you were riding through on some eight-wheeled ATV unit after the nuclear holocaust. That just isn't going to happen anymore. It's 2012. The monitors work. The televisions work.

Why the playbuttons on the monitor (and the televisions)?

Because, at some magical buried needle in the haystack setting, there's a console for a rootkit. That rootkit runs at some ancient level buried in the hardware and communicates along the bus to which your monitor is attached. That rootkit has been there practically since day one of the monitor. Long ago it was software but, like all of computer development, it has evolved (but what about the televisions? and cassette players? and CD players? and DVD players?).

Please fix your monitors. We have blocked those cycle timings at the firewall because we anticipated this long before modems turned into network cards. This is for your informative safety. Silverspur's Stronghold continues to be the safest data center in operation in the world.

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The solution of this problem is trivial and is left as an exercise for the reader.
