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Comment Re:Reminds me of broadband internet in the beginni (Score 1) 479

"The problem is the high voltage transmission infrastructure that no one wants to build. FTFA:
>Reaching a goal of 20 percent wind generation in 2024 would require construction of 10
>inter-regional high-voltage lines spanning a total of nearly 22,700 miles, at a cost of $93 billion.
Not only do we require trillions in new infrastructure..."

So you consider 0.093 trillion to be "trillions"? :P

The national highway system has cost taxpayers far, far more than that. It too has had to cross state lines. There's nothing new or excruciatingly painful with running transmission lines, this is mostly a political play.

Comment Re:The Private, Free Market (Score 1) 188

"It's funny how your type always..."

That statement really shows adolescent mindset... "your type"... "you vs them". You need to seriously look in the mirror.

"Oh, it most certainly is. In fact, that's the entire founding idea of our country."

The founding fathers created a system of checks & balances. That is one of the fundamental principals of the US Constitution. You seem to revel in the idea of King George, who wanted to usurp power entirely into the Executive if he could have had his way. Of corporations with free reign to do as they wish, harking back to the days of laissez faire that ultimately resulted in the great depression, and similar lines of thinking that lead to the greatest depression since then (the one we're currently in, if you haven't been paying attention). Study up on 20th century history before blasting those who have.

As for my education, I had an excellent one thank you. I fear for our country when you believe your non-education is somehow superior.

The rest of your monologue is so fatally flawed that it's almost not worth responding to. To even have the audacity to say that the US healthcare system is the best in the world shows alot of ignorance. Sure if you're filthy rich and can afford any price for health care, it's great. But for the average middle class citizen it's a far cry from the best in the world.

Comment Re:The Private, Free Market (Score 1) 188

Sorry but your examples are patently wrong, particularly about monopolies, and also with health care. Health insurance has been "free market" for ages in the US and it's in a terrible state of corruption. Can't blame the government there, just big business. You've been brainwashed by corporate marketing.

It's not simply a "free" vs "controlled" argument. Your black & white thinking reflects a shallow understanding of how the world works. Just as it exists now, a free market should have some controls to prevent human greed from spiraling out of control. Because any system, no matter how perfect on paper, is fundamentally flawed by human operation.

"Do you even think?"

Do you? The question (and answer) really means nothing in your case. It should really be "Do you think of the right things".

Anyway, had this discussion before and you're not one to let reason get in the way of a good solution. Go about blithely in your idealistic little world preaching how you have the perfect solution to everything.

Comment Re:The Private, Free Market (Score 1) 188

It's because the "free market" is blind to long-term goals, settling for short-term benefits even when it undermines the longterm. A "free market" has only one logical conclusion: monopoly. The US doesn't have a free market, it's a hybrid of sorts leaning towards free.

Before calling the kettle black, consider how your stance is equally ideologically blind.

Comment Ebay "Watch this item" - history repeats itself (Score 1) 362

Ebay broke the "Watch this item" feature on their auction pages a few weeks back. It appeared to affect Firefox and not IE. The Ebay developers' first response was the same as this situation - "It works for me". That's terrible customer relations and reflects even poorer developer experience. Did Ebay lay off a bunch of their seasoned developers and trade in for high schoolers?

Comment Re:It won't work. (Score 1) 881

Is it so sad? Execs at successful companies are not immune to errors in judgement (see AOL-TimeWarner merger, Microsoft's Ballmer's maniacal and self-destructive loathing of open source, etc...). Murdoch doesn't have a monopoly on understanding of the market, as much as he loves monopolies.

The fact that he was unable to properly monetize "free" content is further evidence that he has no clue of the online market.

Comment WfW ? Gimme a break (Score 1) 321

FTA - "Runner up for best version number: 3.11. As in 1993â(TM)s Windows for Workgroups 3,11, one of the best versions of any operating system ever released."

The author instantly lost credibility in my mind. While WfW 3.11 may have been a breakthrough for PC architectures, it's pathetic compared to any other GUI OS from that era. And the only reason it was so great on the PC is because the only other "OS", DOS, was such weak sauce.

But other than that, it was an entertaining article.

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