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Comment Re:So what? (Score 2) 161

And glass, gas, wire and electricity were all quite old when someone put them together into a working invention. The questions are - Did they make a novel product? Yes, despite the components being old, the whole was greater than the sum of the parts. And was it non-obvious? Arguable, but since every one seemed to have been struggling to get it to work, I'd go with yes.

Comment Re:You're looking in the wrong place (Score 1) 537

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; AND Clause 15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Operating under the assumption the foreign nationals have a high likeliehood of being insurrectionsists the US constitution does say exactly that. That is a pretty big assumption to back up though.

Comment Re:There's Your Problem Right There (Score 2) 1108

The same theories that hold how evolutions functions can be applied to deterministic breeding of animals. Given that it's not a monumental leap backwards to say the same thing - Could - have happened to humanity.

Not saying that it did, just that it is possible and regardless, in order to actually teach intelligent design as a scientific concept you need to highlight evolution is the tool that must by all available evidence have been used to accomplish that design.

Just saying "God made humanity exactly as you are" is easily disprovable even over the last millenia.

Comment Re:Put them to work (Score 1) 1054

What's rediculous is that the parent is claiming that a non-sexualised description of a 6 (I think?) year old showering is pornography. Really makes you doubt that parent's thought process. In fact I think the worst that happens in the entire book sex wise is a kiss. Hell, my highschool library stocked the clan of the cavebear books. That is some enlightening reading for a 13 year old.

Comment Re:Isn't that anti-science? (Score 1) 1055

Most of Earth's biomass thrives in a high Co2, high temperature environment. In short, plants love what we are doing with the atmosphere, down with poisonous 02 saturation!.

When you get down to it, environmentalists are human-centric in their reasoning of what is bad for the "environment" as a whole. With very good reason, it would suck if we couldn't breath. Also, basic concepts of evolution indicate that if we can do something, we should do it, morality does not apply to nature.

We are special you know, we are winning the war for survival, that gives us the right do do whatever we want. The only question is: are we ruining everything for ourselves?

Comment Re:So (Score 1) 1105

That's always been the line. To put it in very simplistic terms the "green movement" have always wanted the "capitalists" to funnel money away from whatever they've been spending it on in to green projects. They've become so successful at it that the capitalists themselves have woekn up and musceled in.

Comment Re:Different thing (Score 1) 776

The funny thing is, if you read between the lines of the biased articles reffering to him, it is just as likely that Muller is NOW a sceptic rather than previously being one. The article skirts completely around the fact that he never states that humans are the cause of the rise. Only that he is now certain that temperatures have risen by 1.6 degrees C in the last 60 years.

What I find interesting is that 1.6 degrees (earth temperatures are within about a 70 degree range, probably less) could easily be within the margin of error for measurement with a mercury thermometer. What if, 50 years ago the average person was reading thermometers slightly wrong and digital technology is beginning to correct that?

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