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Comment Re:Only a TWIT would use Twitter (Score 1) 92

I think twitter or something like it would be a good way to receive infrequent announcements. I use RSS (via google reader) for news, but if I subscribed to a feed that was only updated every other month, it would get buried under the 100s of articles a week from other sources. E-mail would work, but would place a larger burden on the source of the update. Maybe the RSS readers need a better way to organize and prioritize sources.


Junctionless Transistor Could Simplify Chip Making 100

An anonymous reader writes "A novel transistor architecture has been developed by a team of researchers led by Jean-Pierre Colinge at Tyndall National Institute at Cork, Ireland. Not many technology developments can be truly described as 'a breakthrough' or "revolutionary' but this might just fit the bill. It does depend on the extremely small dimensions of silicon nanowires just a few dozens of atoms wide. EE Times picked up on an announcement of a paper on the topic being published by Nature Nanotechnology."

Submission + - Smartphone OS designed for one-handed use (

angry tapir writes: "Today's smartphones are too much of a handful, according to Israeli company Else: You either need to grab them with both hands and punch away at the keyboard with your thumbs, or you hold them with one hand and touch the screen with the other. However, Else's Intuition software platform makes it possible to access all the functions, contacts and data in a phone with just one hand."

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You're using a keyboard! How quaint!
