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Comment Re:maximized view in spanned monitors (Score 1) 1040

i really think this sort of 'cheap' multi-monitor solution is going to take off (certainly in my field of nle video editing). pity that we seem to be racing ahead of the facilities that would REALLY make this even more appealing to the general public..... btw. i bought a zotac nvidia gtx550ti multiview card.

Submission + - set maxmized window size on spanned monitor (2 scr

ushere writes: i have a new nvidia video card that allows me 3 monitors — however the first two are 'spanned' giving me a work area of 3840 x 1080 (which is perfect for my video editing), HOWEVER:

when clicking the maximize symbol in the upper right hand corner the application window will spread across both monitors.

is it possible, or is there any software, that will allow me to set the size of a maximized window?

i also get all windows messages opening in the center of the two screens, very annoying and sometimes hard to read....

thanks for your time,


Comment maximized view in spanned monitors (Score 1) 1040

i have a new nvidia video card that allows me 3 monitors - however the first two are 'spanned' giving me a work area of 3840 x 1080 (which is perfect for my video editing), HOWEVER:

when clicking the maximize symbol in the upper right hand corner the application window will spread across both monitors.

is it possible, or is there any software, that will allow me to set the size of a maximized window?

i also get all windows messages opening in the center of the two screens, very annoying and sometimes hard to read....

thanks for your time,


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