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Comment Re:I hate flash. (Score 1) 274

Unless there's an advantage for me to learn GIMP (and no, price is not one of them, I don't give a damn what it costs), I'm sterring well clear.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a scenario:

Say you're at a client site and need to make some last-minute adjustments. As you were unaware of the need to change anything, you didn't bring any a laptop with you. You could d/l GIMP to one of their PCs right there onsite, make the mods needed, and wrap up the job without having to shuttle back and forth between your office....

Comment Re:TSA = Federal Government (Score 1) 457

This shit does not make us safer. It makes us more complacent, more willing to give up our freedoms just to hear the government say "there are no monsters in your closet".

That's the problem here, though... they're not saying "There are no more monsters in your closet." They're saying "A monster could jump out at any moment, and only *we* can keep you safe!"

.... and then they go out for a night of drinking, leaving you alone with your fears.

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