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Comment Re:Turning food into electricity... (Score 1) 152

"or another form of power is a sin."

The moment you started talking about sin your post became Flamebait. The mods are doing their job well.

It would also help if you posted citations supporting your claims.

Why should anyone trust what you happen to believe are facts? On that basis, Overrated becomes acceptable.

Comment Re:Water, or some other fluid? (Score 1) 180

In another article they said it is likely thousands to millions of years old. I think this is being left out of some articles as it sounds absurdly broad for an estimate. However, not bad considering the Crater is estimated at 3-4 billion years old. I'm sure we'll hear more. They'll be pouring over ever ounce of data they can collect on this spot.

This really is incredible. It's traveled less than 200 meters and found things worth studying. Once it gets to Glenleg things are going to get really interesting...

Comment Re:Wow (Score 2) 223

I still look at Barcelona as one of the bigger technology fails of the past 10 years. AMD was gaining market share like crazy, Intel was struggling to stay performace-competitive, then Core and Core2 came out. If only Barcelona had been what was promised. I still say that AMD is amazing considering their considerably lower R&D budget. As for AMD GPU's. I've had very unusual experiences with them. In some ways, they can be extraordinarily powerful. I'm a 3D artist and as an example if you are tumbling around a dense model in a 3D viewport AMD GPU's just chew it up compared to Nvidia's offerings. However, the moment you start moving vertices around, performance drops substantially compared with Nvidia cards. I'd like to know more about what you find problematic with AMD GPU's. My understanding was that AMD has better OpenGL drivers, or more compliant drivers while Nvidia has all these custom extensions outside of specifications which cause developers headaches. Are your issues specific to an API? e.g. DX11 Vs. OpenGL. I love learning more about this stuff.

Comment Re:We would be selecting for selfishness (Score 4, Insightful) 840

It's not that it would but that it could. We just don't know. If we want to come closer to knowing then we have to be very careful about the broad statements we make. Certainty when hypothesizing about the results of genetic engineering is absurd.

There are many things to be concerned about. What you have expressed is one of those concerns. There are also worries that we don't know enough yet about genetic selection to start tinkering on humans. For instance, what if shutting off one trait ends up turning on another in a way we don't yet understand? The foxes that were bred for a good disposition is an example. As these foxes were bred for their personality traits, their physical traits seemed to change as well. Their snouts became longer and they looked more dog-like. I found that fascinating because at least superficially it seemed that coaxing specific traits to become more dominant can result in other unexpected changes elsewhere.

I don't think genetic engineering on humans should be excluded as a possibility for the future, however we need to take a slow and cautious route getting there.

Comment Re:Building the microsoft vision (Score 1) 192

You really think that is a compelling argument? You seriously believe what you are saying?

1. Game controllers will work great with it. I even have a bluetooth contoller hooked up to my android tablet and it works beautifully.

2. Many of the Windows 8 tablets are convertibles and come with a keyboard dock for office type work and a pressure sensitive stylus for creative endeavors.

3. For applications like photoshop, Maya, Zbrush, etc. a stylus will work beautifully. Try out a Wacom tablet for a bit. It's a great way to work.

4. I'm actually less interested in Surface than I am in the Asus Transformer Book. It will have discrete graphics, a full qwerty keyboard dock, a Wacom pressure sensitive stylus, 16x9 ratio, and various size offerings between 11 and 14 inches. I'm an artist and a 14 inch screen I can draw directly on with pressure sensitivity is a huge plus.

I'll even give you some legitimate arguments for the future you can use against this, however I feel the advantages far outweigh the limited and resolvable issues.

1. Most x86 Slates are top heavy when connected to the keyboard dock. Even many ARM-based Android convertibles are.

2. Battery life will be poor when pushing the system with games and DCC apps.

3. Heat could become a problem when cramming so much high powered stuff in such a little space. However, that remains to be seen.

4. 2 or 4gb of memory is pretty slim for a Windows tablet. Windows 8 is very efficient with memory usage but the problem lies in memory hungry programs like the ones listed above. An 8 gb model really is neccessary for a professional device.

Comment Re:Building the microsoft vision (Score 1) 192

The pro version should cost much more than 200. They will include Intel processors, fully fledged windows 8 and be capable of running desktop software. including modern games. A good reference for the pro Surface tablets is the Samsung Series 7 Slate. It starts around 1000 dollars. I don't expect the Surface equivalents to be below 600 to 800.

Comment Re:As good a time as any (Score 5, Interesting) 140

Being a 3D artist this does interest me. I use Modo, Maya, Zbrush, and Mudbox frequently and subd standard is very useful. Does your intended implementation share subdivision order Pixar's spec? Does UV smoothing result in identical UV borders? Currently this is a pretty big problem with multi-app workflows. For instance, a multiresolution mesh that has been smoothed in Zbrush results in different smoothing than a mesh that is smoothed with Pixar Psub subdivision surfaces in Modo. Even more confusing is that this difference also appears when comparing Mudbox to Modo. They both use the Catmull Clark subdivision standard however do not share identical UV smoothing. This can be overcome with linear UV's but that in itself causes problems for 2d texture painting. They do however seem to share point order from tests that I've done. Open-source subdivision technology originating from Pixar sounds like a wonderful thing that could alleviate some of the problems I mentioned. After all it's coming from the source of subdivision technology. Catmull Clark subdivision was created by Ed Catmull of Pixar and Jim Clark, co-founder of Silicon Graphics. Many of the custom implementations of subdivison surfaces I have seen cause a lot of problems on exchange. Modo's custom implementation of subd's prior to incorporation of Pixar Psub was pretty slick actually. It was fast, allowed for N-gons and supported some very dirty edge creasing. So it had big drawbacks when exchanging with other apps like Maya before they added Psub's. I guess my point in mentioning all this is that I hope what you are working on is capable of accommodating these kinds of needs, otherwise I and many other artists may not be able to use it due to workflow additions. Although it's very cool and I'd love to hear more about what you are doing.

Comment Re:I only recent dove into C9 (Score 1) 75

I've been very happy with CM9 on my Touchpad. You chose a good time to flash it. Early in the year I was paying close attention to their progress. It was very exciting when custom kernels and user performance improvements were frequently being released but that stuff has slowed quite a bit. I just updated my CM9 install after about 3 or 4 months and the latest releases are pretty awesome. I also have installed cm9 on my Droid 3 but that project seems to have died.

Comment Re:Xperia Play (Score 2) 147

And they put outdated hardware in it. What was nice about it was the slide out controller. Everything else was substandard. I couldn't help but feel the motivation was to not cannibalize anticipated sales of their upcoming Vita. As a result they have a variety of devices all trying not to compete with one another at the sacrifice of functionality and/or performance.

Comment Re:That's a shame (Score 1) 147

So does the next phone and/or tablet I buy which will have more computing power, more memory, and provide greater access to the "potential" of the device. They should have just made an android-based phone with a really slick controller case. They could have even had an exclusive store like the amazon marketplace to sell their exclusive "Vita" games while still providing access to the Play store and all it's existing content.

Sorry but it was doomed for failure the moment they announced it...

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