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Comment Re:Not real "leaking" (Score 1) 67

My only point was that the article title implied that the campaigns, or members of the campaigns, where giving the information to third parties intentionally in nice CSV files. When people say "leak" in the context "campaign" that's what they think. This is a leak in the since that your sink has a leak, not that someone in the campaign is leaking information. The context makes a big difference. The use of the word is hyperbolic.

Comment Not real "leaking" (Score 5, Informative) 67

This isn't leaking in the traditional since that someone is giving databases of information to 3rd parties. The leaking going on here has to do with GET requests to their respective web sites containing identifying information in the URL. This is probably unintentional and may not even be occurring at all since a lot of the pages use SSL and the URLs are encrypted. Of course internal analytic software can (and probably does) retain the URLs, but that's hardly "leaking" information to 3rd parties. If I was using a pay-for analytics suite and found that the people I'm paying were looking at my private information (tracking data) I would be pretty pissed off and might even consider legal action.

TLDR: No "leaking" going on here. The headline does not match the content of the article.

Comment Re:Bad faith (Score 1) 582


Not sure if you know what that word means.

Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic

Apple is anything but concerned for formal rules or book learning. Quite to the contrary, they openly flaunt their abuse of the rules. Especially considering their handling of the recent UK court decision.

Comment Re:At last an offer. (Score 5, Insightful) 582

The big difference is that MotoGoog is suing for hardware patents and not some worthless software UI patents that should have never existed in the first place. Hardware takes tens of millions of man hours and just as many dollars to develop over the course of many years. Software UI takes 1 guy about 1 day and doesn't even rise to the level of something that should be patented. The only reason software UI gets patents is because of very, very stupid patent clerks (where's Einstein when we need him!?). Furthermore, Apple brought this on themselves for trying to block their competition through the courts. If it was any other company I would say shame on Google. But because it's Apple I say beat them until the candy comes out.

Apropos Apples misuse of FRAND hardware started before Google acquired Motorola. Apple offered to trade its (now proven) worthless UI patents for licensing of the FRAND hardware and was turned down by Motorola, who wanted licensing fees. Of course they refused to give a dime to Motorola and used the patented hardware anyway. IMO Apple should be charged at the going rate for these FRAND patent licences but with a puinitive muliplier of *5-*10 retoroactivly for beliveing that they are above the law. Above the very law they attempted to use to squash their comitition in court. In this case, Google is "Do[ing] No Evil". It's more like The Hulk beating the shit out of Loki. Totally justified and righteous.

Comment Re:Steam != Game (Score 1) 768

Oh damn, you didn't know! Try looking it up before you stick your foot in your mouth!

Source distantly originates from the GoldSrc engine, itself a heavily modified version of John D. Carmack's Quake engine, as is explained by Valve employee Erik Johnson on the Valve Developer Community:[37]

“ When we were getting very close to releasing Half-Life (less than a week or so), we found there were already some projects that we needed to start working on, but we couldn't risk checking in code to the shipping version of the game. At that point we forked off the code in VSS to be both /$Goldsrc and /$Src. Over the next few years, we used these terms internally as "Goldsource" and "Source". At least initially, the Goldsrc branch of code referred to the codebase that was currently released, and Src referred to the next set of more risky technology that we were working on. When it came down to show Half-Life 2 for the first time at E3, it was part of our internal communication to refer to the "Source" engine vs. the "Goldsource" engine, and the name stuck. ” Source was developed part-by-part from this fork onwards, slowly replacing GoldSrc in Valve's internal projects[38] and explaining in part the reasons behind its unusually modular nature. Valve's development of Source since has been a mixture of licensed middleware (Havok Physics, albeit heavily modified, and MP3 playback) and in-house-developed code.

John Carmack commented on his blog in 2004 that "there are still bits of early Quake code in Half-Life 2".[39]

Comment Re:Scared Microsoft Fans (Score 1) 768

As a PC user, I'd like to point out that Macs are nothing but PCs running a locked down FreeBSD fork. At least I get to chose what sort of hardware and software goes into my box. You will forever be slave to whatever motherboard and OS Apple sees fit for you. Oh, wait, they don't call it a motherboard do they. It has some other weird name. But no, we of the "open market" are the strange ones.

... for your bizarre devotion to a company ...

Yeah... might not want to talk about that too loudly Macboy. Why don't you take your power book back down to your local Starbucks and continue to pretend to write your little novel about how anti-corporate you are while you chat up your new hipster v-neck sweater with the barista.

Comment Re:Argument from fallacy: Win 8 IS an open platfor (Score 2) 768

The last time this happened Microsoft was accused of being a monopoly, of tying, and managed to secure 5 nice years of growth-stunting dominance with IE6.

Last time I checked, IE6 was the reason people stopped using IE. It's was never a monopoly, and it should have never been even accused of being one. I'm curious, without IEx how you would even go about getting another browser? Thank goodness it's on there or how would you ever even replace it!

With the highly glaring exception of WinRT applications, which must come from Microsoft's store.

Well, that's just false. You don't have to use the app store to install a WinRT program. So either you're ignorant or a liar. There is no third option.

You keep saying in other posts that WinRT will replace Win32. If you have some sort of citation that proves that Win32 will be phased out, I'd love to see it. But knowing it doesn't exist, please stop stating it as if it was a well known fact. Since Win32 isn't going anywhere I don't know how you get off contradicting me that Win8 isn't an open platform. It's not like game publishers are going to start using WinRT as a replacement for Win32. And even if they did, it's still an open platform.

The most important thing that this article just glosses over is the fact that Steam isn't a game API. It doesn't help run games in any way on Linux. The people responible for creating the game must make the game work in Linux. Steam is nothing but a DRMed front end launcher. I would much rather launch my games by running the game's executable and not have some TSR bloatware that acts as some sort of shortcut to the game executable.

Comment Steam != Game (Score 1, Troll) 768

Steam does not make games "run in Linux". Steam does not offer an API to construct games upon. Steam is just front end DRM for launching games that can be easily installed without steam. There's nothing magical about Steam that's going to make major publishers all of a sudden start supporting Linux. If dozens of actual game creators started supporting Linux, that might be a story. It seems to me that all Valve has is their tired "source" engine games, and source is nothing but a modified Quake 2 engine. Quake 2! Seriously? So I guess we can all play L4D7, TF Comicon edition and Half Life 2 on Linux, great. But if you want to play the latest ID engine, you had better ask ID what platform they're going to support, because Steam has nothing to do with it.

Comment Argument from fallacy: Win 8 IS an open platform. (Score 2) 768

it is not an open platform anymore

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm running windows 8 right now with with your piece of shit bloatware steam running constantly in the background. If that's not an open platform maybe I don't understand what an open platform is. Just because MS has a program exactly like your program, but not as intrusive, you have to go around name calling? I'm not a fan of the Win8 market program, and I'll most likely never use it, but that doesn't "close" the OS. The OS works just like every other windows OS. You can install still anything you like on it.

Comment Re:This is what Benjamin Frankin warned us about.. (Score 4, Insightful) 1160

Hint: Shooting someone is an offensive action.

If that someone else has shot first, or is even waving a gun threateningly at you, then it is a defensive action.

You can't seriously be that stupid. If someone breaks into your house and is threatening you with a gun, and you shoot him, that's a gun protecting you. And there's a million other examples of a gun protecting you.

Unless you happen to be able to hit the bullet the aggressor fires at you

Or what if you happen to shoot the asshole that's shooting at you stopping the bullets from coming out of his gun. You logic is so bad it makes me wonder how you even dress yourself in the morning.

Submission + - Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released. ( 1

Coolhand2120 writes: Met Office quietly releases numbers on global warming revealing no warming for the last 16 years. Phil Jones after claiming "Bottom line: the 'no upward trend' has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried", has now extended this threshold to 20. Why "worry" about good news? Why doesn't the Met office report news like this with optimism that the world may not end as predicted in a Venusian cyclic warming oven?

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