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Submission + - Videos on ACTA (

sTeF writes: Laquadrature du Net releases 3 videos on ACTA: Every citizen can help defeat ACTA by spreading this video across the Internet, urging their fellow citizens to mobilize, and contacting their elected representatives. ACTA is a threat to Internet users' fundamental freedoms and to EU Internet companies' competitiveness and free competition. The European Parliament will soon decide whether to give its consent to ACTA, or to reject it once and for all.

Comment Re:Cue rant about the tool and its uses (Score 1) 276

Actually, the whole barcode thing is a red herring IMHO, it's an add-on to the main app.

It's an exagaration to state that Transdroid was designed with the purpose of downloading copyrighted material without the right-owners' consent in mind. It was designed to manage torrents on several torrent clients.

Extra functionality (as well as clients) was added down the road.

Why isn't anybody screaming about the RSS function that enables to subscribe to feeds to automatically download then?

Pulling Transdroid is abusive, IMHO.

Comment Cue rant about the tool and its uses (Score 1) 276

We all know bit torrent can be used for downloading Game of Thrones, pr0n, Microsoft COFEE or GNU/Linux distros... why would Google remove what is considered a "neutral" app all of a sudden?

The "it encourages to download copyrighted material through screenshots" argument does sound pretty week to me.

And anyway, what about the whole "it's pretty clear by now given the studies that downloading is not responsible for the downfall of civilisation as we know it and modern culture and is in fact quite beneficial for everyone involved considering the big picture" part?
A cue for someone else's rant?

By the way, you know which market still has Transdroid and plenty other nice FOSSÂapps?

Comment Re:20 MB in 160 GB ?! (Score 4, Insightful) 136

I thought the same thing at first, but in all fairness 20 MB of critical data can go a long way.

Hiding stuff doesn't have to mean hiding video. A .pdf file can be all you want to hide in some cases, and you might want to do so without attracting attention with cryptography.

Let's just say this could have its uses.

Especially since I don't know of another steganography FS that is being maintained ? (RubberhoseFS was a nice idea)

Comment Re:Yes, but (Score 1) 127

You seem to assume that 1/ I haven't thought about this, and 2/ that I don't find it disturbing. :)

I understand how domestication of various other species has helped ours reach the pinnacle of development where it is now, that doesn't mean we need to keep on doing it nor does it mean we should be doing it in such drastic and, dare I say, shocking ways.

Truth be told, Shar Peis are abominations of nature that wouldn't last a week in a natural environment, no matter how damn fuzzy fuzzy cute cute they are. (I may be exaggerating, but you see my point.)

Fun fact though, according to Wikipedia (last time I checked), dogs and wolves are no longer considered two separate species (canis familiaris and canis lupus) but one and the same.

Comment Re:Yes, but (Score 1) 127

Hmm, maybe the fact that the milk comes from a cow which is a clone that has been mutated to a express a human protein, rather than just milk coming from a “normal” cow or goat, which is then curded to make cheese (for which several methods exist).

And for that matter, if you think about it, adult weaned human beings drinking “normal” cow-milk is sort of disturbing too.

Comment Monkeysphere (Score 1) 144

Does anyone believe the Monkeysphere project which aims to bring a Web Of Trust model to this problem is a potential –though long-winded– solution ?

With all the talk on the subject lately, I'm surprised not to see Monkeysphere mentioned more often...

Comment Re:Wrong way, go back (Score 1) 283

I don't know who the law works in your country but in mine, when I buy a good, I own it.
I'm not leasing it, I'm not loaning or renting it, I'm buying it.

That the company offering a service to go with said good is using a imaginative way to finance its low sal price is not relevant.
And anyway, given the fact one pays around 6€ a month to pay back the phone subsidy, one still very much pays for the phone. It's just stretched out over a longer period of time, making most people believe they are getting it cheap.

And for anyone still interested, the OSX comment was a/ a jab at the fact that actually, lots of people are perfectly content with a computer that will not let you do what you want with it, eg: upcoming Apple Macs that will stop you from installing anything that doesn't come from the App Store, and b/ a reference as properly pointed out by Linker3000.

Comment Wrong way, go back (Score 4, Insightful) 283

Sorry, but we shouldn't have to fight teeth and nails to get proper access to devices we buy and own.

Being locked out of our own legally purchased devices is NOT normal.

Kind of like buying a computer and not being able to do what you want with it.

Wait, what is this OSX upgrade you tell me about? Sounds great, and only 29.99!


Submission + - Gentoo 11.0 Live DVD released (

axx writes: "The Gentoo project has released a new Live DVD, celebrating the project's 10 year anniversary.

It's nice to see Gentoo still active. Having been one of the most popular distros a few years back, it's good to see the community still pushing forward an interesting distro."

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
