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Comment Multi-Algorithm? (Score 1) 126

Google has had a number of algorithms to rank search results over the years. Some people liked some better than others. Why not have one default algorithm, but also have alternate algorithms (including one that takes into account +1 data) as part of their Advanced Search options? That way I can try Algorithm #2 or 3 if Algorithm #1 isn't giving the results I want.

Comment Tropical Astrology vs Sidereal Astrology (Score 1) 468

There has been a lot of talk about Astrology, lately. Some people seem to have become distraught over their "sign changing" (even though it really hasn't).

There is a difference between Tropical Astrology and Sidereal Astrology. Tropical Astrology ( ) has the 12 Zodiac signs we are all used to.

Sidereal Astrology ( ) does things differently. It has 13 Zodiac Signs and different dates for each sign. It's not really new, and it's certainly not any more real than the Tropical Astrology. Simply ignore it and nothing really changes.

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