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Comment Re:Great news for DST bashers! (Score 1) 177

Alaska is an extreme.

Also, that's bunk. Those bad side-effects are from changing time twice a year. Not from sticking to one setting or the other.

In Ohio, the latest it's ever light out is about 9:20pm. During DST, it is light out well before 6:30am most of the time. And when off DST, it makes no difference. It's still dark until nearly 8am even though it's also dark at about 5pm (during the worst/least-light part of the year), anyway. It would make no difference during that time period if it wasn't light until 9am. Most of us have to drive well before the sun's up anyway. The bonus would be driving home in the light.

Florida - perhaps the last place you would expect some semblance of common sense - is actually just about to pass a permanent-DST law.

Hopefully, other states - ALL - will follow.

Comment Re:Certainly More Problems Than Prior Releases (Score 1) 258

Yes, you can control the brightness via the control center. But there's no way to turn Auto-Brightness on/off. Every time I manually adjust (or accidentally touch the brightness slider), Auto-brightness is disabled. I have to go into the settings labyrinth to enable auto-brightness again. I'm not saying that it should not keep the brightness setting, I'm saying the Auto-Brightness option should be easier to access. There is no option to put Auto-Brightness on the control panel. I always have auto-brightness enabled, so no, you are not "the only one that appreciates not having to fiddle with the brightness every time I move between areas with different light levels."

Control center configuration is only barely useful. The things you can add/remove are very limited. Where's the option to have text displayed along with the icon? I dislike icon-only interfaces.

For notifications, no I don't have weeks of notifications piling up. Because I don't like that, so I like to dismiss them. The ONLY way to dismiss a current notification is to swipe left and tap "clear". Older notifications are grouped and can be cleared en-masse. Prior versions of iOS had the ability to dismiss current notifications without swiping left on each one. Bug? Perhaps not, but it's an arbitrary change that is frustrating.

Don't take my comments as being an Apple-basher. I've come to really like the iPhone and iOS. In general, I find that the apps in iOS look and perform better than they do in Android. It also seems to me that Apple does a better job of controlling the user experience. Apps deliver annoying ads and sometimes interstitial dialogues that the SAME APP in iOS does not. I wish Google would slap down the ugliness of the ad-driven experience in Android.

Comment Certainly More Problems Than Prior Releases (Score 5, Interesting) 258

I have an Android phone (my personal phone) and an iPhone 6 (work provided)

There are aspects of iOS that I think are superior to Android. But it does seem that Apple rush-botched iOS 11.

Notifications: There is no way to clear all recent notifications at once. This only becomes available after they have "aged" enough. I like to keep the notifications clean, so this really bothers me. I have to clear them one at a time. Why take away the "Clear" function from the top of the notification list?

Battery life is noticeably worse than it was with iOS 10. The first unpatched iOS 11 was just awful. Once-a-day charging was the norm, then I could not get past 5pm without having to charge the phone. Patches have since made this better, but iOS 11 still sucks battery faster than iOS 10.

The swipe-up panel is terrible. Definitely a case of changing for the sake of change.

Auto-brightness. Which genius decided to bury this setting under "General --> Accessibility --> Display Accomodations"? Why isn't it under "Display & Brightness" from the main settings page? And if you manually change brightness from the swipe-up panel, auto-brightness is disabled. Then begins the lengthy PITA that is finding the Auto-Brightness option and enabling it again

To list some that come to mind. But there's more ... At least it seems that Apple is responding and issuing iOS 11 patches fairly quickly. But, really, these things should not have been released into the wild initially.

Comment What is an average kernel build time? (Score 5, Interesting) 186

For those of us that have not actually built a kernel, is 36 seconds astonishingly fast? A little faster? A totally random number with no meaning whatsoever?

Maybe some of you that do build kernels every once in a while could share your times along with specs for your rig.

Comment Amazon Is Just Fulfillment (Score 4, Insightful) 233

Any manufacturer of sufficient size should be able to put up a web-based order portal where end consumers can buy their products. All they need is fulfillment. The maker of a product should easily be able to undercut any price offered by a retailer. In the past, they never did that because distribution was extremely difficult. This is no longer the case. Wholesale pricing. Distributor pricing. Retail pricing. Bugger all that! Make your product, accurately determine your costs and sell it directly to consumers for 10% more. Charge for shipping. Don't be fooled, shipping is never free. It may be included in the price so it's somewhat hidden, but it's never free.

Granted, Amazon does fulfillment extremely well. But all you (as a manufacturer) has to do is ship your stuff. Give reasonable delivery times (5 - 7 business days, for example) and people will buy it. Save lots of money or get the product tomorrow? People will almost always choose to save $$.

Cutting out the middle man has never been easier.

Comment Re:Did anyone not see this as a dumb idea? (Score 1) 228

My Mazda 6 (2015 model) will not start unless the keyless remote is inside the car. I don't know exactly how this works, but it does work. I have tried setting the key on shelf only a foot from the car. It knows the key is nearby, but instead of starting, it flashes a red key icon.

Further, if the car is running and I get out of the car with the key in my pocket, the car beeps and the doors will not lock. And, if I shut off the car, but leave the key inside the car, the car beeps at me as I walk away. You'd have to be fairly oblivious to these warnings and actively circumvent them to lock yourself in/out of the car.

Comment Re:Replace Drones With Guns (Score 1) 410

You could ask the same question of the drone law. If you can't fly it, then why should you be allowed to buy it? But, as you say, you could just buy it elsewhere and then bring it to within 30 miles.

The point is that guns are responsible for way more carnage than personal drones will ever cause. But there is no political willpower to make any attempts to control guns. But these new-fangles drones!? They must be registered and banned, damnit!

[ Same reason dry counties are such a joke: Mammoth liquor stores open just outside the county line and are constantly doing a booming business. ]

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