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Comment Re:Its not you its me (Score 1) 134

Interesting, I wouldn't think that the network would care if it hurt the feelings of fans or producers; but I think your correct. Two shows come to mind off the top of my head: Threshold(ok, I just love Gina Gugino) and Surface. Oh, and also Eerie, Indiana I believe as well. Although I don't know if Eerie was too cerebral, I just think that kids have no taste :)

Comment Re:If ever I heard an argument (Score 3, Funny) 157

I think that circumcision had been around a few years longer then this product. So you want people to be in pain longer and possible die instead of using some tissue that is going to be discarded anyway? I never understood why people are so against circumcision. If I could meet the doctor who did mine, I would shake his hand and say "Good Job, chicks love my cock"

Comment Re:No science, just pain. (Score 1) 42

...It is extremely cruel to animals......Why they don't test this stupid cyborg fu___ing devices on humans?

When did humans stop being animals themselves? People like you make me laugh, you have no idea the number of products we(and yes "we' includes "you" ) use that are animal derived or animal tested. You think that the products you buy that say not tested on animals actually are not tested on animals? Only some of them. The others are tested by companies who specialize in animals testing so the company that makes your product doesn't have to test it themselves. It's just one of the legalese loopholes that companies utilize. To quote a comedian I heard years ago. If shocking a monkey is going to save a human life, I've got two things to say. "Red is positive. Black is negative." I'm outta here, off to eat a rare steak, while wearing my baby seal fur slippers...

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