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Comment Re:Hang on... (Score 3, Informative) 633

From what I read, is that the PETN explosive put inside the toner cartridge looks just like toner powder through an X-Ray machine. At least one of these packages was screened through normal processes and was not detected. Another article I read said that the authorities in England couldn't find anything wrong with the printer they were told was a bomb until instructed by authorities in Dubai on what to look for. It sounds like this was an incredibly well-made bomb, and I think it is in part to the fact that visually it raised no red flags.

Comment Not open source, but hackable = SAPI in Windows (Score 1) 221

Have you looked into the Speech API's baked into Vista and Windows 7? If you're familiar with .NET coding, version 4 of the framework provides easy to use hooks into the speech api. The only problem is it is designed to be used with fairly specific grammars/lexicons (programmer supplied) however it does come with a general speech recognizer - but you'll get some interesting results without training it first. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163663.aspx Downsides also include it only natively supports WAV files but that can be addressed with some rolling-your-own goodness.

Submission + - New Graphics Standard Takes On OpenCL And CUDA (thinq.co.uk)

Stoobalou writes: We already have at least two GPGPU standards jostling for attention from multi-core coders, but compiler developer PathScale has revealed that it reckons it can better both OpenCL and CUDA with a brand new open GPGPU standard.

Submission + - Varying voltage of chip cracks RSA (bbc.co.uk)

arnodf writes: Many websites use cryptographic systems to scramble key data, such as credit card numbers, when customers pay.

Scientists have found that by varying the voltage to key parts of a computer's processor, the ability to keep this data secret is compromised.

The researchers also discovered that a method that helps chips beat the attack could also make them more reliable.

Comment Re:Just use any Linux distro (Score 1) 268

I'm pretty sure Linux can do this but I am by no means a guru. If your router is a Linksys WRT54G, I highly recommend installing the 3rd party Tomato firmware. All the features you require are there. I personally find the Quality of Service packet prioritzation an absolute must in a household of bachelors all running BitTorrent and Xbox 360s...

Comment Re:You're kidding me. (Score 1) 289

Wow, this is a crap deal. How disappointing. Bad form, guys. I hope someone sees the market opportunity and steals your cake.

Agreed. I've heard licensing the map data represents a healthy chunk of the cost so I doubt you'd ever see a competitor sell just the app for less than $50. Still, you've hit the head on the nail that this is TomTom trying to compete with the iPhone instead of complement it.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 2, Interesting) 289

Voice navigation is not in Google Maps. Also, I think many (but perhaps not most) would argue that it has better algorithms for determining the route to take. It also doesn't rely on having an Internet connection, since you're downloading the entire map with TomTom, so it would work even out in the boonies.

Yes, all of this. Also, apparently the GPS chip inside the iPhone isn't "good enough" to do turn-by-turn navigation, so the cradle that TomTom sells has a chip inside it that is better suited. Now, this might be a big fat lie, since the app will work without the cradle albeit not as well if the marketing literature is to be believed.


10 Worst Evolutionary Designs 232

JamJam writes "Besides my beer gut, which I'm sure has some purpose, Wired is running a story on the 10 Worst Evolutionary Designs. Ranging from baby giraffes being dropped 5-foot during birth to Goliath bird-eating spiders that practically explode when they fall from trees."

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