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Comment Re:I don't agree at all (Score 1) 377

This is the UK. It isn't illegal to jaywalk. it is legal to cross anything but a Motorway (freeway) or otherwise signposted to the contrary. It is the road users sole responsibility to ensure you drive or cycle n a manner to avoid hitting a pedestrian. Because of this law, people tend to drive a little more observantly. Phone zombies are a nuisance but you can normally pre-ept them.

"If this person dashed out in front of the biker, by herself and suddenly, the ruling would have been different."
I find that highly unlikely. The burden is on the road user, not the pedestrian.

Comment Re:Beer and soda I understand (Score 4, Informative) 320

it's used as part of the packaging. Modified Atmosphere Packaging is a process where CO2 is pushed into the package removing all "air" before sealing. It stops nasty organisms growing in there.
it's common to see Nitrogen and CO2 as the gas. I don't know much more than the above, but I would imagine there is a wiki article to explain further. Oh, and i'm likely wrong about all of the above but the community will put me right

Comment Re:what about elevator / lift phones? (Score 1) 101

this doesn't affect last leg, it's the core network. The inter-exchange network. Have three PSTN cables to the lift if you want, that hasn't changed.
I appreciate you thinking up a scenario I hadn't considered (considering the hard time you seem to be getting). At work we are going voip, and having a massive PSTN tear out. I'd better check some regs on power continuity.

Comment Re: proper based on what criteria? (Score 1) 283

Where do you live? The expensive fuel just cuts into your "nice to have budget". The roads are still crammed to the hilt, slow and frustrating. It's just that it's really expensive to sit there in traffic. Also the public transport is mostly crap outside of the capital (and even then...) I tried commuting. I really did. But 1 huor is shit traffic is still preferable to 2 hours on a bus that goes through every frigging estate in the city before offloading you miles from where you actually need to be.

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